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For dismissed students who were reinstated for the current academic semester and a) want to add any additional courses or b) are now registering for the next term. Meet with a counselor to discuss Continued Enrollment after Reinstatement from Dismissal.
The student will need to see a counselor in order to complete the petition (30-minute appointment recommended).
The student will need to schedule a mandatory appointment to meet with a counselor. Bring the completed petition to your appointment.


Elementary, Middle School, and High School Students
Submit the completed admissions application and the Elementary and Middle School Special Enrollment form to campus, go here.
To enroll, upload the completed form to Campus email. You must fill out a separate form for each semester you wish to attend.
To enroll, submit the Adult High School Special Enrollment form to campus, go here. You must fill out a separate form for each semester you wish to attend.
OUSD ONLY FORM: Submit your Dual Enrollment Form to an approved high school official who is managing college courses at your high school. 


To add or drop classes in person. Submit Add and Drop cards here.
This form is for students requesting to take excess units between 22-25 units in the Fall and Spring Semester, and 12 units in the Summer Semester. Please submit the completed form and a copy of your unofficial transcript to the applicable campus Office of Student Services.
Course Repetition
To challenge a prerequisite or co-requisite. Submit the completed petition with your supporting justification/documentation to Campus Email.
To appeal for Priority Registration. Submit the form to your academic counselor.


Petitions: Alternatives to Course Credits
To apply for AP, IB, or CLEP examination credit towards an Associate Degree General Education Requirement or CSU GE Breadth certification. Take the completed petition and supporting documentation to a Counselor for review. 
Submit completed petition and supporting documentation to the Division Department Dean for review.
Submit completed form to admissions.
To have out-of-state, private, and international coursework evaluated for incoming transfer credit. The request requires a Counseling appointment. Official transcripts from outside institutions must be on file prior to requesting the evaluation or must accompany the evaluation. Submit completed forms to admissions.


This exemption is available to certain nonresident students who meet a specific set of requirements as outlined in the instructions. Submit the completed form and supporting documents to the Admissions and Records Office
Residency Reclassification: The Residency Questionnaire will ensure proper determination of residency status for tuition purposes pursuant to Education Code Section 68041. Submit the completed form and supporting documents to the Admissions and Records Office.


Enrollment Fee Exemptions
Submit the completed form and supporting documentation to the Vice President of Student Services Office.
Submit the form to your college Bursar’s Office.
Submit the completed form and supporting documentation to the Vice President of Student Services Office.
Faculty–Contract and Part-time employees.
Petition to waive tuition fees for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses.


Degrees & Certificates Petitions
Petitions must be filed by appointment with a counselor. Official transcripts of any coursework completed outside Peralta District must be on file prior to requesting the evaluation or to accompany the petition.
Review the certificate requirements prior to making an appointment to meet with a counselor for an evaluation to petition for a certificate.
Use this form to request a duplicate degree or certificate. Submit the form to admissions.
Use this form to request a duplicate degree or certificate. Submit the form to admissions. Laney College 

 Merrit College 

 College of Alameda  

 Berkeley City College 


Academic Records
Academic renewal/alleviation allows a student to alleviate previously recorded substandard academic work that is not reflective of a student’s demonstrated ability. Complete the form and submit it to the Admissions and Records Office.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of education records. In order to release your student record, written consent is required. Directory information may be shared without consent to various agencies. If you do not want your information shared, a signed opt-out consent is required. This form provides authorization as well as an opt-out option.
Submit the form to the Admissions and Records Office.
Submit the completed form to Admissions and Records. Non-Peralta Transcripts to be Evaluated for Certification MUST be on file in admissions.
Please complete the Unofficial Transcript Request Form to request records prior to 2008. Submit the completed form to the campus Admissions and Records Office.
***Unofficial transcripts for records beginning 2008 or after can be accessed by logging into your Campus Solutions account.***
To request an incomplete grade, fill out the Incomplete Grade Contract, and obtain student signature of proof of agreement with contract. Once the terms of the contract have been completed, the instructor must submit a request for a Record Correction form to the Admissions and Records Office.
Upon approval, the instructor must submit the form promptly to the Admissions and Records Office on campus for processing. 
To request a grade change, submit the Request for Record Correction to your instructor for processing. Record corrections must be processed within 2 years after the calendar date of the semester in which the grade was assigned.
To update your “Preferred Name”, address, or email, log into Campus Solutions and make the needed changes. To update your legal name, gender, social security number, or date of birth, please complete the Personal Information Update Form and submit the appropriate documentation to the campus Admissions and Records Office.
California Community Colleges are experiencing a high volume of SPAM applications. In order to load your application into our system, you will need to validate that the information matches the address in your application. Please complete the CCCApply Application Validation form and submit the appropriate documentation to Admissions and Records for processing.  
To change your major, discuss the Request for Change of Major form with a counselor at your campus. The form will be submitted to campus Admissions and Records for processing.
Submit the completed form along with your supporting documentation to the campus Admissions and Records office for review and rendering of a decision.