peralta benefits everyone


SISC Medical Open Enrollment


October 14 - November 21, 2022

All employees are required to re-enroll for coverage effective January 1, 2023
Only applicable to current Peralta employees


Open Enrollment Important Documents

Please use the link below to upload your forms/documents securely to the Benefits Office for processing no later than November 21, 2022.

Secure Upload Link:


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Medical Plans

SISC Kaiser Traditional HMO Plan

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SISC Kaiser Traditional HMO Enrollment Form

Please download the form and sign with a digital signature before submitting.

You can submit your form in person or via mail to the PCCD Benefits office at 333 East 8th St, Oakland, CA 94606.

For assistance with your benefits questions,
please contact the District Benefits Office at 510.466.7229
Mon – Fri, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, PST or email