The Peralta Community College District Governing Board
The Peralta Community College Board of Trustees is a seven-member elected-board that meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month (with the exception of February, April and August) at 6 p.m. in person and virtually via Zoom Webinar until further notice. The meetings are open to the public and are Broadcast Live on KGPC, 96.9FM, and are also televised on Peralta Colleges Television (PCTV), Cable Channel 27 in Alameda and Berkeley, and Cable Channel 28 in Emeryville, Oakland and Piedmont, with a meeting repeat airing the following Wednesday at 11 p.m. Meetings are also viewable live on Peralta’s YouTube Channel.
2024-25 Board of Trustee Board Goals
I.A.2 Impact of COVID Enrollment and Success2_23_2021
I.A.3. Impact of COVID at Peralta CCD 2-11-2021 - corrected
I.A.4 BOT StudentServices 6_8_21
I.D.1 BOT Agenda_Student Trustees Sworn in
I.E.1 MasterPlan presentation 3_23_21
I.E.2 CBT Technology Master Planning Proposal 2_14_20
I.E.3 Planning with CBT 4_21_20
I.E.4 CBT-PCCD Technology Master Planning Services
I.E.5 CBT Technology Master Planning Services 4-7-20
I.E.6 Marketing Communication Plan20-21_Jan_21
II.A.1 Resolution20_21_29-Diversity_Equity_Inclusion_5_25_21
II.A.2 2020-21 Marketing & Communication Plan_1_5_21
II.B.1 BOT President's Rpt 1619 project- COA_9_29_20
II.B.2 COA Presidents_Report_2_9_21
II.B.3 Laney College Board 2_ 9_21
II.B.5 Laney BOT Report. phonebanking 6_22_21
II.B.6 Merritt College_equity BOT Report_7_13_21
II.B.7 Resolution20_21-25-Condemning-Xenophobia_3_23_21
II.B.8 Resolutions 20_21-28-LGBTQ-Pride-Month-Resolution_5_24_21
II.B.9 Resolution20_21_33-PCCD-Health-Safety-Resolution_6_24_21
II.C.1 SEA-minutes-Feb-17-2021
II.C.2 BCC Equity Plan 2019-2020
II.C.3 Laney Equity Plan Exec Sum 2019-22 (1)
II.C.4 Merritt_Equity-Report 2019-22
II.C.5 Merritt College Student Equity 7_23_19
II.C.6 CoA equity exec summary 2019_2022
II.D.1 Merritt Data Analysis_Equity Planning_1_31_21
II.D.2 COA Presidents_Report_call to action
II.E.1 Pres_Equity_Racial_JusticeTaskForce_Acad_Senate-11-18-20
II.E.2 CoA-call to Action_10_1_2020
III.A.1 ACCJC Training with Board_9_24_19
III.A.2 DRAFT_BOT Student Success & Accreditation Committee Charter 2021
III.A.3 Board Accepts ISERS_12_14_20
III.A.4 BOT_Retreat_Agenda_7_20_21
III.A.5 BOT_Self-Evaluation ACCJC_7_20_21
III.B.1 BOT Peralta 2021 Follow Up Report __9_14_21
III.C.1 BOT Agenda_College ISERs_10_ 20_20
III.C.2 BOT Agenda_College ISERs_10_27_20
III.C.4 Accreditation Update 3_15_2021
IV.A.2 Audit Parcel Tax A reports 3_9_21
IV.A.3 Audit Parcel Tax B reports 3_9_21
IV.A.4 Audit report financial Status 3_9_21
IV.A.5 Tentative Budget 6_22-21
IV.A.6 Tentative Budget with memo 6_22-21
IV.B.1 Board Priorities_4_5_2021
IV.B.2 PCCD 323 Report Overview BOT 6_8_21
IV.C.1 BOT Bond Update 11_10_20
IV.C.2 BOT Bond Update 12_8_20
IV.C.3 BOT Resolution 19_20-51 Meas_G_ NewFund_4_20_20
IV.C.4 BOT_MeasureG-BondSpendingPlan_AECOM_7_14_20
IV.C.6 BOT Bond Update R2_4_13_21
IV.C.7 Bot Agenda Bond Update_4_13_21
IV.D.2 Financial update_7_28_20
IV.D.3 Fiscal Year 2021 Revised Budget _1_7_21
IV.D.4 BOT SCFF Budget Study Session_1_19_21
IV.D.4a BOT Revised Budget Presentation_1_19_21
IV.D.5 Revised 20_21 Budget 1_19_21
IV.D.5a Cash Flow Thru December_1_29_21
IV.D.9 BOT Data Integrity Presentation 4-13-21
IV.E.1 BOT review of FCMAT tool_7_28_20
IV.E.2 McCallum Peralta Presentation 10_27_20
IV.E.4 EdgeRock Technology Contract#2 3_23_21
IV.E.5 EdgeRock Technology Contract#3 5_11_21
V.A.1 BOT resolution on Covid 5_12_20
V.A.2 Resolution 19_20#58 Student Success&Equity COVID-19 Pandemic_5_12_20
V.A.4 BOT Resol 19-20#42 Emergency_5_12_20
V.B.1 Chancellor's Covid BOT Report 8_8_20
V.B.2 Chancellor's Covid BOT Report 9_8_20
V.B.2a Draft COVID-19 ProtocolGuidelins.9_8_20
V.B.3 Chancellor’s Covid BOT Report 10_13_20
V.B.4 COVID-19 Protocol Guidelines Oct 2020
V.B.5 BOT Covid Grant Update_4_6_21
V.B.6 Covid 19 Grant Update rvsd 4_6_21
V.B.8 BOT report Cares Act update 4_13_21
V.C.1 MOU between PCCD and PFT RE Class Cap11_14_20
V.C.2 MOU on Spring Transition Stipend
V.C.3 Covid Testin ICC 1_19_21
V.C.4 HAVC System Testing for classroom capacity 7_13_21
V.C.6 ICC Deep Cleaning 5_12_20
V.D.1 CCCCO Memorandum on COVID for BOT_8_3_20
V.D.2 CCCCO Memorandum on COVID for BOT_8_31_20
V.E.3 PCCD Challenges Opportunities&AttributesDraft 3_21
V.E.4 DRAFT Search TIMELINE_3_9_2021
V.F.1 Eat_Play_Learn World Kitchen
V.F.3 BCC CARES Allocation and Spending Plan 4_8_21
V.F.4 CoA CARES Allocation and Spending Plan 4-8-21
V.F.5 Laney CARES Allocation and Spending Plan 4-8-21
V.F.6 Merritt CARES Allocation and Spending Plan 4-8-21 (1)
VI.A.2 PCCD 20-21 Board Goals Review
VI.B.3_BOT_Goals Update7_20_21
VI.C.1 BOT Ratification of Staff Hire Plans 5_25_21
VI.C.3 ChancellorsRpt Staff Hires ppt 5_25_21
VI.E.1 Chancellor Search 1_12_21
VI.E.2 Chancellor Search Presentation
VI.F.1BOT Goals 2021-22. 4th Draft 8_10_21
VI.J.1 Health Safety Resolution_6_22_21
Board of Trustee Members
Board Member | Information | ||
Bill Withrow |
Trustee – Area 1 Bill Withrow has a Bachelor of Science in business from the University of Colorado and an MBA in finance from Harvard University. He served for 24 years on active duty in the U.S. Navy, retiring with the rank of Captain, Supply Corps. He also worked as a financial professional for the past twenty years, retiring from Wells Fargo and Company. For the City of Alameda, he served as a Councilmember and Mayor. As Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Robert Lippert Foundation, he helped to provide college scholarships to students and charities in Alameda. Term began 11/02/2004. Current term ending 12/2028. |
Paulina Gonzalez-Brito |
Board Vice-President – Area 2 Paulina Gonzalez-Brito (They/Them/Elle) is the Chief Executive Officer of Rise Economy.
Trustee Gonzalez-Brito identifies as Xicane, Purepecha, Mestize. They received their Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of California Los Angeles, and were a student at both Rio Hondo Community College and East LA Community College. Trustee Gonzalez-Brito has worked for over 10 years to protect and advance the rights of students with disabilities, and previously served as co-President of the Alliance for Parents and Teachers at Oakland School for the Arts, where they organized to include parents and students on the school's governing board, and to include student-centered diversity and equity goals in the school's charter. Term began 3/14/2023. Current term ending 12/2028 |
Louis Quindlen |
Board President – Area 3 Louis Quindlen has devoted his professional life to education. He was the Department Chair of the Laney College Machine Technology Program from 2003 to 2020, where he worked to build the program to one of the best in the state of California. In 2015 the California Industrial and Technology Education Association named Professor Quindlen as Community College Instructor of the Year. In 2019 he was the winner of the We Rise Award as Laney Faculty of the Year. Louis has worked in career education at the college level, regional level, and statewide level. He has also worked with local employers like the San Francisco Public utilities Commission and EBMUD to build apprenticeship and bring women and people of color into these high paying skilled trades jobs. Term began 12/13/2022. Current term ending 11/2026. |
Nicky González Yuen |
Trustee – Area 4 Nicky González Yuen has served on the Peralta Community College District’s Board of Trustees since November 2004 representing Berkeley, Oakland, and Albany. He has been an instructor at De Anza Community College since 1989 where he teaches courses covering U.S. politics, grassroots political organizing, environmental politics, and race, class, and gender. Trustee Yuen serves on his faculty union’s Executive Council and co-directs the union’s student internship program. He also co-directs the California Campus Camp, a statewide training program to empower community college students, faculty, and staff to build democracy and support their communities. Trustee Yuen earned both his doctorate and J.D. degree from UC Berkeley. Term began 11/02/2004. Current term ending 12/2028. |
Cindi Napoli-Abella Reiss |
Trustee – Area 5 Cindi Napoli-Abella Reiss has been an educator within the California Community College System for over twenty years. Napoli-Abella Reiss has been a vocal advocate for the arts, civic engagement, global education, and equity issues in higher education at the local and state level. She has spent much of her academic work researching African-American and Latino/a students’ success rates and has worked to increase success and persistence through pathway and learning communities at her own college through Global Education initiatives and Pipeline projects. Napoli-Abella Reiss has been very active in governance as vice-president of the West Valley Academic Senate and on many committees of the State Academic Senate (ASCCC) in the areas of Curriculum, Governance, Internal Policies, Legislation and Advocacy, and Education Policies. She is a Commissioner on the Accreditation Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC)., and has been a board member of Oakland Leaf, an educational non-profit organization for Oakland youth, since 2012. Napoli-Abella Reiss holds two B.A. degrees in Comparative Literature and in Art History from the University of California; a Master’s in Art History from San Francisco State University; a Doctorate in Art History from the University of California, Irvine; and a Certificate in Educational Leadership from Harvard University. Term began 12/07/2018. Current term ending 12/2026. (Photo: Paul Kuroda) |
Dyana Delfín Polk |
Trustee – Area 6 Dyana Marie Delfín Polk is a third-generation Mexican-American community college graduate, public education advocate, and political organizer. She received her Associate’s degree from Merced College, her Bachelor’s Degree in American History and Chicano Studies from UC Berkeley, and her Master’s degree in Public Policy from Mills College. As a community college student, she advocated for transferable courses to the UC system when they were at risk of being cut at her campus, which began her work as an education advocate. Most recently, Dyana served as a legislative aide in the Berkeley Mayor's office working on education and health policy. Currently, she is a consultant for various East Bay nonprofits, advising on nonprofit management and violence prevention strategies rooted in social and racial justice and as a policy advisor for Oakland Councilmember Kevin Jenkins. In addition, she is on the Board of Directors for the Multicultural Institute, a Berkeley-based nonprofit working with Latino immigrant families, day laborers and domestic workers increase access to opportunities through workforce development and education. Dyana represents the North Berkeley Hills, parts of Elmwood, Claremont, and parts of North Oakland and Montclair. She is a longtime resident of Berkeley’s Northside neighborhood and is active in local politics. Term began 12/08/2020. Current term ending 12/2024. Current term ending 12/2028. |
Sheweet Yohannes |
Trustee – Area 7 Sheweet Yohannes is an Assistant Dean, Adjunct Professor, and US Army Veteran. Born of immigrant parents starting a new life in the United States, Sheweet Yohannes wasn't afforded many opportunities to succeed in life. Starting her higher education journey at community college, Sheweet understands its role in communities where access to higher education is limited. Over the past 10 years, she has dedicated her life to education in the forms of teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) abroad, mentoring students, offering college test prep courses, and, longest of all, working in higher education in multiple capacities. Additionally, Sheweet’s community involvement includes serving on the Board of Directors for the non-profit, Building Opportunity for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS), which addresses the root causes of poverty and homelessness by providing offerings such as career training programs, supported independent living projects, and reentry case management services. Sheweet holds a BA in International Business, an MS in Business Analytics, and an MS in Human Resource Management. Term began 12/13/2022. Current term ending 11/2026. |
Sophia Parmigiani |
Student Trustee Sophia Parmigiani is a full-time student majoring in biology at Berkeley City College. She plans to transfer to a UC and pursue medical school, fueled by her passion for health and human rights with an emphasis on helping underserved communities. She’s eager to support students demonstrated by her involvement in the local community, some of which include being an ASBCC Senator for a term, President of the Women’s Leadership Club, and volunteer at the Newman Church Student Center. Feel free to reach out to her at the BCC campus where she currently works as a Student Ambassador. Additionally, she would love to address your concerns at office hours, hosted at the beginning and end of each month throughout the Peralta campuses. Ultimately, she embraces her position as Student Trustee wholeheartedly, viewing it as an honor to have the opportunity to advocate for the student body! Fun fact: She dreams of traveling around the world. |
Student Trustee
Attending/Viewing the Board of Trustees Meetings
Meetings of the Peralta Community College District Governing Board are Broadcast Live on KGPC, 96.9FM, and Peralta TV on Cable Channel 27 in Alameda and Berkeley, Cable Channel 28 – Oakland, Emeryville, and Piedmont; and Channel 99 on AT&T U-Verse. Listed agenda times are estimates. Live stream video of the meetings, agendas, minutes, and all open session reports and meeting materials are available for viewing on the following:
And here on the Board of Trustees site.
The meeting can also be viewed Live on Peralta College’s YouTube link:
Public Comment:
Those participating in public comment for this meeting may do so in person at the District Office located at 333 East 8th St.
During the Public Comment Section of the meeting, the Board of Trustees will listen to communication from the public on matters that are not on the agenda and within the Board’s jurisdiction. Under provisions of the Brown Act, the Board and District staff are prohibited from discussing or taking action on oral requests that are not part of the agenda but may respond briefly. A maximum of 45 minutes (up to 3 minutes per individual) will be provided for speakers under this agenda section, at the Board President’s discretion. A speaker’s card must be completed to request to address the Board. Requests to speak which cannot be honored within the time limit, will be scheduled for subsequent meetings in the order received. Persons addressing items included on the agenda will be heard at the time the item is considered, and comments on tangential issues not directly related to the item may be ruled out of order. Cards must be received prior to the Board’s consideration of the item, and are honored in the order the cards are received. A speaker may yield time to another speaker up to a limit of 6 additional minutes, with no more than 5 speakers on the issue, where both have completed a speaker’s card, and the yielder must identify himself/herself to the Board. Speakers are asked to submit any materials to the Board Clerk and shall not approach the dais during meetings. Further direction is provided in Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 2345 Public Participation at Board Meetings.
The Peralta's Governing Regular Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11, at the District Office Board room, located at: 333 East 8th St., Oakland, CA 94606.
The closed session meeting will begin at 3 pm. The regular meeting session will begin at 6 pm.
You can find the agenda here.
You may register for the March 11th Board meeting here if you cannot attend in person.
During the Public Comment Section of the meeting, agenda item 3.12, the Board of Trustees will listen to communication from the public on matters that are not on the agenda and within the Board’s jurisdiction.
**Per AP 2345 re: Time Limitations**
“Communications by members of the public will be limited to 3 minutes each. Time may be yielded to another speaker up to a limit of six additional minutes, provided there are no more than five speakers for the agenda item or in the non-agenda category. At the discretion of the Board President of the Board, total time allowed for speakers for an agenda item or in the non-agenda category may be limited to 15 minutes. In order to limit total time, the Board President may limit individual speakers to 1 or 2 minutes. If more requests are received than can be honored within the meeting’s time limit, they will be scheduled for the subsequent meeting in the order received.”
- A total of 45 minutes is allowed for public comment
- Between 1-3 minutes will be allowed per speaker, depending on the number of speakers who have signed up for public comment.
- The list of public comments speakers may need to be cut off to remain within the maximum allowed time frame.
More Information
Sign up to receive Agendas & Minutes email updates
- For the District’s Mission Statement visit Strategic Plan
- To view agendas, minutes, and videos of Regular Board meetings, please visit BoardDocs.
- Trustee Boundaries and Area Descriptions (view a map below)
- View Board policies
Special meetings, emergency meetings, and retreats may be added to the above calendar and posted in accordance with Brown Act regulations.
All agendas are posted on the Board website under Agendas and on BoardDocs.
Please view Board meetings, agendas, minutes, and background materials here on our YouTube link: visit Peralta’s YouTube Channel