PCS Constitution and Bylaws
View the Constitution and Bylaws as a PDF HERE
I. Classified Senate Funding
Activities of the Peralta Classified Senate that do not meet the criteria of the General Fund Budgets, or any Professional Development funds, shall be covered through specific fundraising activities.
II. Quorum
Section 1: Executive Committee Meetings
A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Senate Officers for regular Executive Committee meetings as specified in the PCS Constitution, Article III, Section 1.
Section 2: General Meetings of the PCS
A quorum for PCS general meetings shall consist of a simple majority of the total number of PCS senators as specified in the PCS Constitution, Article III, Section 1.
III. Term of Office
Section 1: Executive Committee Members
The term of office for Executive Committee members shall be two (2) years, from July 1 to June 30. Executive Officers may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 2: Senators
The term of office for PCS Senators shall be two (2) years. A PCS Senator shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms and will again become eligible for election after one year. From each Campus site’s Classified Senate, the standing President and Vice President shall fill the PCS senator positions, in addition to an appointed alternate. Elections will occur in accordance with Bylaws – Article V.
Section 3: Senators in Good Standing
Senators who uphold the mission and goals of the PCS, who actively participate are in good standing. Senators may no longer be in good standing for reasons including:
• Lack of professional conduct.
• Two (2) or more unexcused absences within an academic year.
• Inappropriate behavior such as belligerence, disrespectful language, hostility, or actions that are not in alignment with PCS mission and goals.
Section 4: Standing Committee Chairs
Except for the Executive Committee, Standing Committee chairs shall serve up to a one-year (1- year) term of office and may be reappointed.
Any motion relevant to an agenda item may be carried by a simple majority of the quorum. A procedural motion proposed at a general meeting requires a simple majority vote of the Peralta Classified Senate Constitution and Bylaws - Page 111. 2. 3. 4. quorum to carry. A substantive motion (a formal resolution) made at a general meeting shall be presented to the PCS in writing no less than five working days after the general meeting and shall require a simple majority at a subsequent meeting with quorum to carry.
Section 1: Time/Location
The time and place of regular monthly PCS meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of each month from 3pm to 4:30pm with the following exceptions: August, January, and optionally during the month of July for time-sensitive matters requiring immediate action. Unless an in-person meeting is requested, general meetings and committee work may be conducted in virtual meeting spaces such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc. The time and place of the Executive Committee meetings will be determined at the first PCS general meeting. The PCS Secretary shall publish a schedule of meetings by the third meeting of the fiscal year.
Section 2: Special Meetings
Special Executive Committee meetings may be called by the President or a simple majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee. For example, a special meeting may need to be held to fill a vacant officer position.
Section 3: Attendance
Any member of the community may attend general PCS meetings and may speak with the consent of the President or a majority of the quorum. However, only PCS Senators may vote on Senate motions.
Section 4: Agendas and Minutes
PCS agendas for general meetings will be made available to Senators at least seventy-two-hours (72 hours (about 3 days)) in advance of meetings and will be posted on the PCS Website. Minutes will be reviewed in a subsequent meeting for approval and posted within five (5) working days after the meeting (at which they were approved and adopted).
Section 5: General Meetings
General Meetings of the PCS Senate:
General PCS meetings are to be scheduled monthly year-round in sync with the District academic calendar with the exceptions of blackout months of August and January, holidays, campus or District closures, emergencies, or other unforeseen events that may prohibit a meeting from occurring.
General meetings of the PCS shall be scheduled at such times as to assure maximum attendance by senators.
Senators and the general membership shall be notified at least seventy-two-hours (72 hours (about 3 days)) prior to any general meeting. Notice of meetings with agenda items shall be posted on the PCS website.
General PCS meetings shall be called in any one of the following ways:
The President of the PCS may convene a general meeting with at least three (3) working days’ notice.
A simple majority of the Executive Committee may convene a general meeting with at least three (3) working days’ notice by:Petition to the President of the PCS.
Vote at a meeting of the Executive Committee.Peralta Classified Senate Constitution and Bylaws - Page 12(3) (4) Thirty percent (30%) of the PCS senators may convene a general meeting with at least five (5) working days’ notice by signed petition to the President of the PCS.
Any motion relevant to an agenda item may be carried by a simple majority of the quorum. A procedural motion proposed at a general meeting requires a simple majority vote of the quorum to carry. A substantive motion (a formal resolution) made at a general meeting shall be presented to the PCS in writing no less than five working days after the general meeting and shall require a simple majority at a subsequent meeting with quorum to carry.
Section 6: Emergency Meetings
Emergency meetings of the PCS may be called on twenty-four hours’ notice by:
- The President of the PCS, or;
- The approval of a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Committee, or;
- The approval of a simple majority vote of PCS Senators by signed petition to the PCS President.
V. Elections
Section 1: Electorate
Those eligible to vote in the election for PCS Officers shall be Senators eligible for membership in the PCS (Constitution: Article III, section 1).
Section 2: Schedule of Elections
The PCS election coincides with the results of the work site senate elections held in the spring semester of the academic year, which determines the three (3) PCS Senate representatives from each site. Elections for the PCS Executive Committee shall be conducted biannually in the odd years, during the month of June (in accordance with Bylaws – Article V), so that the PCS is prepared for PBIM activities in the fall.
PCS Election Timeline
(In alignment with current PCS Election Timeline, per the existing By-Laws)
December - March PCS announces campus Senate elections.
March - April Campus Senate Elections to commence. Campus Election results are announced. April 30th is the deadline for completion of campus senate elections per the PCS bylaws.
May (based on bi-annual schedule as prescribed by By- Laws) Within the 1st five (5) business days in May. Campus Senates submit the names of their three Senate representatives to serve as senators to the PCS. Appointments from each campus to the PCS are as follows: President, the Vice President, and Alternate (the alternate does not have to be a member of the campus senate officers). Nominations for PCS Executive Officers will open during the May General PCS meeting. Transitional period begins for Outgoing & Incoming Campus Senate Officers & Senators.
June (based on bi-annual schedule as prescribed by By- Laws). - Nominations close and Election of PCS Executive Officers commence during the June General PCS meeting. PCS Executive Officers are Announced. June Nominations close during Senate meeting. In-person elections are held. Transitional period begins for outgoing & incoming PCS executive officers.
July - Classified PBIM committee appointments are determined; discussion of PCS goals for the upcoming FY commences.
August - PCS General Meeting Blackout Month.
September - First PCS General Meeting.
Section 3: Nominations/Voting of Officers
Nominations of PCS Officers shall be submitted to the election committee in writing to begin bi-annually in the month of May that coincides with the results of campus Senate elections. Therefore, campus Senate elections should be completed by April 30. Senators may nominate themselves or by another PCS Senator.
Senators running for an Executive Officer position will submit a statement of intent in writing and present to the PCS prior to the election. Contested Officer positions shall be voted upon in-person by a secret paper ballot. The nominee who has the most votes shall win the respective officer position. In the case of a tie, a second vote will be conducted. Should a second tie occur, the Executive Committee will conduct a tie-breaking event (e.g., drawing straws, campaign speech, etc.).
In the case of an uncontested nominee, the nominee must receive a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the quorum votes. Should a nominee receive less than twenty-five percent (25%), then a subsequent vote will be conducted. Should the subsequent vote result in less than twenty-five percent (25%), then the officer position will remain vacant.
VI. Resignations, Vacancies, Appointments, & Removal
Section 1: Resignations
Resignations shall be submitted, in writing, to the PCS President and Vice President. Upon receipt of resignation, the PCS President will disseminate announcement to the Senate body.
Section 2: Vacancies and Appointments
A vacancy may occur through resignation, through leave of absence, or falling out of good standing.
A voluntary vacancy will be submitted in writing to the PCS President and Vice President. A vacancy resulting from a leave of absence shall be a temporary vacancy and may be filled by an interim appointment as described below:
The PCS executive committee may appoint a senator in consultation with the local senate’s executive body.
An officer may request a leave of absence from his/her office if such absence is occasioned by an approved leave of absence from the District. If the leave is for one semester or more, a replacement may be appointed for the duration of the absence.
Upon an officer’s unexcused absence (absence without prior notice to the President) from three Senate or Executive Committee meetings, in any one semester, the position will be declared vacant.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President assumes the office of President.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Parliamentarian, the following procedures will be undertaken:
Should only one person be interested in the vacancy, his/her name will be nominated to the position from among the Executive Committee members at their regular meeting and presented to the Senators for final approval;
Should there be more than one person from the Executive Committee who is interested in the vacancy, those names will be presented to the Senators for a special election;
Should no one be interested in serving in the vacant office, the President may declare the position as officially vacant.
Section 3: Removal/Recall from Office
A PCS Officer of the executive committee may be removed from his/her position by a majority vote of the Senate.
Any Senator of the PCS may be removed from office by a written petition of a majority vote cast within their local senate that meets quorum or if the senator falls out of good standing.
Revisions and Adoptions
Last Revised: May 2024
Adopted October 2024
It shall be the mission of the Peralta Classified Senate (PCS) to enhance the decision-making process by participating in the shared governance of the Peralta Community College District (PCCD).
The Peralta Classified Senate will bring a pragmatic, collaborative, frontline perspective, to bridge policy making and procedural implementation, and promote professional growth and development. In keeping with the PCCD mission statement, we will, through direct participation in district-wide governance, increase understanding, communication, transparency, and raise the quality of service, thus improving students’ educational experience in support of student success.
We, the classified staff of the PCCD, do hereby establish the Peralta Classified Senate to promote participation of classified colleagues at the campus and district level, and to enhance our professional growth and development in the pursuit of fostering student success.
The name of this organization shall be the Peralta Classified Senate, hereinafter referred to as the PCS.
Section 1: Purpose
It shall be the function of the PCS to participate in the PCCD governance system to actively collect, evaluate and disseminate information to the classified staff, and to represent the collective interests of the classified staff before any governing body.
The PCS is organized to:
- Provide a means through which the classified staff will coordinate with our Chancellor, Administration, and Faculty to ensure opportunities for input from classified staff regarding college and district business and classified representation on college and district committees, thus assisting in the shared governance process;
- Provide a body representing the needs, concerns, and experience of the classified staff, unrelated to union negotiation matters;
- Articulate the professionalism and expertise of the classified staff so that it is properly recognized, and valued
- Provide an opportunity for enhancing the democratic process of governance within the Peralta Community College District;
- Provide an opportunity to develop individual leadership among the classified staff, as well as increase the professional standards of its members;
- Promote and support activities that develop new competencies, increase skills, productivity, and professionalism of the classified staff; advocate and promote the interests of the classified staff in the development and formulation of policy and practice related, but not limited to:
- Selection and retention of administration
- In-service education and training
- Facilities and services
- Finance and budgetPeralta Classified Senate Constitution and Bylaws - Page 3• Inclusion and Collaboration among Faculty, Administrators, Students, and Classified Staff.
Section 2: Scope of Responsibility
- The PCS shall:
- Establish principles, make recommendations, and act on behalf of the district-wide classified staff;
- Collect, evaluate, and disseminate information of interest to the district-wide classified staff;
- Consider recommendations on policies and procedures put forth by administration and/or shared governance committees, and submit amendments or revisions that are based on evidence and professional perspectives;
- When applicable, make known the Classified Senate’s position on recommendations made to the Chancellor and/or Board of Trustees.
- The PCS Executive Committee will select an alternate to appear before the Board of Trustees to express the views of the Peralta Classified Senate on issues relating to policy, procedures, or governance if the president is unable to attend.
Section 1: Membership
- Eligibility: PCS membership shall be comprised of three senators from each of the four college senates and the District Administrative Center (DAC), hereby referred to as campus senates, for a total of fifteen senate members.
- Senators: The PCS is comprised of the aggregate of President, Vice President, and designated alternate from each of the five campus classified senates. PCS Senators are official voting members at general meetings. A PCS senator in good standing is defined in the Bylaws - Article III, Section 3. Senators are expected to regularly attend the general PCS meetings. To maintain District-wide representation, the PCS reserves the right to appoint replacement Senate alternates in collaboration with the respective campus senate officers, should a Senator fall out of good standing. Should a campus senate be determined by the PCS to be inactive or nonviable, a Senate Reformation Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee will be formed according to Article V, section 2.
A senate may be deemed inactive or nonviable for reasons including:
- Lack of PCS representation for two (2) or more consecutive PCS general meetings;
- Consistent lapses in participation in PCS activities;
- Non-reciprocating communication with PCS;
- The determination by PCS leadership that a campus senate is no longer active.
- Officers: A candidate for PCS Officer must be an eligible PCS senator in good standing. Officers are selected in accordance with Bylaws–article V, Sections 2 and 3.
Section 2: Composition of the Executive Committee
The executive power of the PCS shall be vested in an Executive Committee which is composed as follows:
- The President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian.
- The past PCS president shall serve as a non-voting advisor to the Executive Committee for a period of up to six months that follows the previous election.
- A non-voting representative from each of the two collective bargaining units (SEIU Local 1021 and IUOE Local 39) to serve in advisory roles.
Section 3: Autonomy
The PCS shall be distinct from any other classified organization. Members elected to serve on the Executive Committee may not serve concurrent terms of office as President and Vice President of the District’s classified collective bargaining unit(s).
Section 4: Representation
The PCS shall seek full representation on all campus committees and councils deemed relevant forvits purposes by the Executive Committee. The appointments to those committees and councils must be ratified by the Executive Committee.
Section 5: Sub-Committees
The Executive Committee, representing the PCS, shall have the power to form sub-committees and/or ad hoc committees, and chaired by a PCS officer. Membership will consist of PCS Senators on a voluntary basis, or non-PCS Senators (with the majority approval of the executive committee). The chair or designee shall provide regular reports/updates of the committee's work during PCS General Meetings. Recommendations and/or resolutions shall go against the PCS for review before adoption for no less than 30 days or for the number of days between two consecutive General Meetings, whichever is less.
PCS Senators shall elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Treasurer as outlined in the Bylaws–Article V, sections 2 and 3. The PCS President shall conduct meetings out of which decisions and recommendations shall be made. With the consent of the Executive Committee, the PCS President is authorized to publicly express the Peralta Classified Senate’s position on issues and recommendations relating to governance. The PCS President, Vice President, or the President’s designee may appear before the Board of Trustees to express the views of the PCS on policies, procedures, and governance.
Section 1: Senators
The PCS Senators shall:
- Consistently attend regular PCS meetings.
- Shall cast their vote when resolutions are put before the PCS.
- Advise their respective constituencies regarding PCS issues and activities.
- Bring issues of their respective constituencies to the attention of the PCS.
- Perform other duties as required by their office.
Section 2: President
The President shall:
- Preside over meetings of the PCS and of the Executive Committee.
- Have the power to form a Sub-Committee(s) and or Ad-Hoc Committee(s) subject to the consent of the Executive Committee.
- Serve, appoint, or remove a designee as a PCS representative to PCCD governance committees.
- With PCS Executive Board approval, deliver a report at the Board of Trustees meetings or designate a representative, as appropriate.
- Establish an annual schedule of meetings for the PCS, standing committees, and the Executive Committee.
- Publish an agenda for all Executive Committee and PCS meetings.
- Maintain PCS records for the next elected President.
- Perform other duties as may be required by the office.
Section 3: Vice President
The Vice President shall:
- Act as President in the absence of the President.
- Become President of the PCS in the event of early termination of the officer.
- Assist the President in coordinating the reports and recommendations of all PCS committees for presentation to the Executive Committee.
- Serve as an alternate to PCCD governance committees.
- Perform other duties as required by the office.
Section 4: Secretary
The Secretary shall:
- Consistently attend all PCS meetings.
- Assume the duties of President in the absence of the President and Vice President in regard to facilitating meetings.
- Be responsible for correspondence from the Executive Committee, PCS, and the general membership.
- Distribute information to the PCS body, including notices of meetings and minutes.
- Distribute special reports as directed by the President or Executive Committee.
- Record all minutes of the PCS and Executive Committee meetings.
- Keep an attendance roster for all PCS meetings.
Section 5: Parliamentarian
The Parliamentarian shall:
- Consistently attend all meetings called by the President.
- Advise members on parliamentary procedures as requested or deemed essential.
Section 6: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
- Consistently attend all PCS meetings.
- Set up and maintain the budget for the Executive Committee with PCS approval.
- Collect proceeds from fundraising efforts, order the disbursement of funds as directed by
- Executive Officers, maintain financial records, and submit financial reports to the PCS during regular meetings.
- Perform other duties as may be required by the office.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly at a minimum for the purpose of planning. In addition, regularly scheduled meetings with the Chancellor and the PCS shall be established.
Section 1: Standing Committees
Except for the Executive Committee, the Standing Committee appointments shall be made by the President with the consent of the Executive Committee. Standing PCS Committees include:
- Executive Committee
- General PCS Committee
- Professional Development
Section 2: Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc committees may be established by the President of the PCS, upon the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. Such committees shall be formed for special purposes and shall be for a finite duration that is established at the initial meeting. The Sub-Committee will regularly report to the PCS on its progress. Examples of Ad Hoc committees include, but are not limited to:
- Constitution/Bylaws
- Senate Reformation
- Fund Raising
- Other …
Section 3: Committee Chair Responsibilities
Each Committee Chair shall:
- File with the President of the PCS a schedule of committee meetings.
- Report on its activities at regularly scheduled PCS meetings.
- Prepare recommendations relating to its functions for review and approval by the Executive Committee.
- Perform other duties as determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 4: Standing Committees’ Purpose and Duties
Executive Committee
The duties of the Executive Committee shall include, but are not limited to:
- Develop PCS meeting agendas.
- Present reports and recommend course of action for consideration on PCS agenda.
- Consider recommendations from other shared governance stakeholders for placement on the PCS agenda.
- Call special meetings of the PCS when necessary.
- Authorize and approve expenditures.
- Update the PCS Procedures and Best Practices Handbook which facilitates PCS operations.
- Provides executive oversight and consent on governance matters, recommendations, and PCS positions to the public.
General PCS Committee
The General PCS Committee shall:
- Meet regularly every third Thursday of the month at 3:00 PM, except for holidays and during the summer.
- Report on PBIM and PCS Sub-Committee work/progress.
- Serve as the collective voice of Classified campus senates and act in an advisory role.
- Support activities and actions of the PCS such as formulating recommendations and drafting resolutions.
Professional Development
The Professional Development Committee shall:
- Develop and uphold the Strategic PD Goals and Funding Plan for Classified professionals which includes best practices, such as an approval rubric for PD activities, coordinating workshops, webinars, and other PD offerings across the district.
- Serve as the conduit for campus Senate budget coding.
- Ensuring that the campus PD committees are operational and meeting the needs of Classified professionals.
- Responsible for funding allocations and reports.
Section 5: Ad Hoc Committees’ Purpose and Duties
The Constitution/Bylaws Committee shall:
- Review and amend the PCS Constitution and Bylaws based on recommendations from the PCS.
- Optionally choose to take on additional work beyond the scope of the PCS recommendations upon consensus and within the Mission of the PCS
- Present all revisions to the PCS in accordance with Article X, Section 2.
Senate Reformation
The Senate Reformation shall:
- Collaborate with campus Senate officers to identify and assess perceived issues.
- Develop and implement a resolution plan with an agreed upon timeline.
- Regularly meet with campus senate officers to assess progress and report to the PCS.
- Provide recommendation for closure or extension to the PCS.
Section 1: Parliamentary Procedures
Parliamentary procedure is based on the principles of allowing the majority to make decisions effectively and efficiently (majority rule), while ensuring fairness towards the minority and giving each member or delegate the right to voice an opinion in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. Voting determines the will of the committee.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall generally be used as a guide for consensus in decision making. This method will be used to formulate solutions or recommendations which do not compromise District policy and procedures.
If consensus is not applicable to the situation or cannot be reached, the PCS may elect to employ modified rules for voting that are in keeping with the PCS bylaws
Section 2: Governing Rules
The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised or an approved adaptation, shall govern the Executive Committee and PCS in all cases to which they are applicable wherein they are inconsistent with PCS bylaws and any special rules of order the PCS may adopt.
Recommendations to the Senate may be submitted in writing to the President or any Executive Committee representative by any classified staff member no later than 7 working days prior to the regular PCS meeting. Recommendations shall include rationale and supportive information which will enable the Executive Committee to give full and serious consideration to the recommendations. Classified employees may appear at any PCS meeting to voice their opinion on a recommendation. The Executive Committee reserves the right to request any further supportive information on a recommendation.
Nothing in this constitution shall be construed to prevent the PCS from forming a joint committee with any other Peralta Community College District organization(s).
Section 1: Adoption
All amendments to the PCS Constitution/Bylaws take effect upon the approval at a General PCS Committee meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the quorum of the PCS following a 30-day review period.
Section 2: Amendments/Revisions to the Constitution
A proposal for amendments/revisions to the PCS constitution may be initiated by any PCS senator. Major revisions to the constitution may warrant the creation of an Ad-Hoc Committee. Proposed amendments/revisions must be approved by the PCS by a vote of two-thirds quorum of the PCS electorate following a 30-day review period.