Crime Reporting Procedures 20 U.S.C. 1092(1)(A)
Peralta Community College District maintains a Department of Community Safety with personnel available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Persons are encouraged to report any criminal activity or any other emergency at any time day or night by calling Community Safety at 510-466-7236 or by coming in person to the Department of Community Safety located at 333 E 8th Street, Oakland CA 94606.
- From any off-campus phone, dial the Department of Community Safety at (510) 466-7236.
- From any on-campus telephone between 7 am and 11 pm, dial (510) 466-7236 during normal business, or event of emergency dial 911.
- If you know of any activity occurring on campus and want to report it, use the tip text in the campus shield application as well.