If you are interested in applying for the program:


The 2025-26 FDIP application cycle will begin January 2025. Other job announcements and openings in the Peralta Community College District may be found at https://peraltaccd.peopleadmin.com/postings/search.

For more information, visit our website here and watch for future announcements.

Documents to prepare in the meantime:

  • Cover Letter: the application will have a prompt for the cover letter and each applicant will be scored based on their cover letter.
    • Step 1: Check the Peralta Community College District Class Schedule to see the courses we offer.
    • Step 2: Check the California Community College Minimum Qualifications Handbook to see what you’re able to teach based on your degree or industry experience (for Career/Technical Education disciplines).
      • Note: You can participate in the program even if you’ve only earned HALF of your credits to your graduate degree. If you will not have earned all of the credits by the time of the application, but intend on completing them by the beginning of the program (Fall term), then please include a letter from your dean to demonstrate your intention of completing those units.
      • Many applications do not reach the selection committee because the discipline is not included in the cover letter OR the candidate has not identified a discipline that matches their education.
  • Resumé or CV:
    • Community colleges are focused on teaching and service to the college and not research or publications. Your resumé or CV should reflect this emphasis. Please include any teaching or service work that demonstrates your ability to work with diverse populations of students
  • Essay Questions
    • Each applicant will need to submit short responses to essay questions found at the end of the application. 
  • Unofficial Transcripts:
    • These should have the name of the degree-granting institution and the title of the degree you have or will soon earn.
  • References:
    • Do not submit any reference letters with your application. We will ask you to contact your references following the first round of screening. Please choose references who you have worked with in the last five years in an academic or professional capacity.

Note: If any of the above items are missing from your application, your application will not be reviewed by the selection committee.

  • Other Documents: In the past, applicants have included other items, like syllabi, philosophies of teaching and learning, diversity statements, and other appendices. However, these materials are unnecessary for a successful application.

FAQ for Prospective Students

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How do I apply for the Faculty Diversity Internship Program?
Note: admittance to FDIP does not guarantee faculty placement. Placement is predicated on the availability of classes or funding, the interest and support of a mentor, and other factors depending on each college and department.
What is the process for acceptance into the Faculty Diversity Internship Program?
  • After the deadline, the Human Resources department reviews all application materials to ensure they are complete. Once this review is complete, the applicant pool becomes available. At this point, the FDIP Selection Committee will carefully review all applications and supporting documents. The Selection Committee does not have access to incomplete applications, along with applications that miss the deadline. 
  • Required documents for the Faculty Diversity Internship Program Application:
    • Resume or CV
    • Cover Letter — Please include the discipline you wish to join.
    • Graduate and undergraduate transcripts
    • Responses to supplemental questions. These questions may vary, however generally speaking these essays are a space for you to address your commitment to working in a diverse community, and further explain your interest in participating in the program.
How many semesters can someone work as an Intern?
  • An Intern can work up to four (4) semesters.
Are FDIP Members required to attend the workshops?
  • Yes. Members are required to participate in workshops and training sessions in order to develop a portfolio of materials that will prepare them to become faculty members. Workshops are typically held once a month through the Fall and Spring semesters.
Is membership in the Faculty Diversity Internship Program a paid position?

Not necessarily. Interns who are offered a paid, contracted instructional, librarian, or counseling position are paid. Few FDIP Members accepted into the program will receive internships during their cohort year. You do not receive any remuneration for workshop attendance, networking, or hands-on activities like teaching demonstrations.

Once I am accepted into the Faculty Diversity Internship Program, am I guaranteed an internship placement?
  • No. Acceptance into the Faculty Diversity Internship Program does not guarantee an internship. Placements are based on the needs of the disciplines at the colleges within the Peralta Community College District AND a demonstration of the Member’s readiness. Members who work to build a portfolio of materials that demonstrate their experiences and abilities are more likely to find a placement. Unfortunately, while the program intends to place all Members, final placements are determined by a variety of factors outside the program’s control, including the availability of classes, college enrollment, and funding opportunities.

For more information on applying for FDIP and the academic hiring process in general, please see our FAQs on applying for FDIP (and academic positions in general).