Refund Dates

Please note the following refund dates sorted by term. Refunds are not the same as the Scheduled Disbursement Date noted in the Campus Solutions Self-Service portal. For students with a BankMobile Vibe account, refunds should appear in your account the same day. Students with another bank checking or savings account will not see their refunds deposited for 2-3 business days after the refund date.

For additional information regarding your financial aid disbursement and refund, please contact your home college's financial aid office.

Spring 2025

Pell Grant Direct Loan Cal Grant SSCG SEOG

1st Refund Date:
January 23 (50%)

Continuing Students
1st Refund Date:

January 23 (50%)

February 13

February 13 (100%) March 27 (100%)

2nd Refund Date:
March 27 (50%)

New Students
1st Refund Date:
February 20 (50%)

  New & Continuing Students
2nd Refund Date:
March 27 (50%)


Fall 2024

Pell Grant Direct Loan Cal Grant SSCG SEOG

1st Refund Date:
August 22 (50%)

Continuing Students
1st Refund Date:

August 22 (50%)

September 12

September 12 (100%) October 24 (100%)

2nd Refund Date:
October 24 (50%)

New Students
1st Refund Date:
September 19 (50%)

  New & Continuing Students
2nd Refund Date:
October 24 (50%)

* Please note these are estimated refund dates. Only students who have submitted paperwork in time, meet all financial aid requirements, and are enrolled will receive the refund on the major refund dates. If you have late enrollment, submit late paperwork, or do not meet all eligibility requirements, you will not receive a refund on this date. Refunds are regularly scheduled on a weekly basis after the first Refund Date.

How Much Will I Receive?

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How does financial aid pay for my fees?

The Office of Financial Aid works in conjunction with Student Financial Services to pay accepted financial aid awards to students. These payments are called “disbursements” and begin the week before classes start each semester.

To better support Pell Grant students purchase their books and supplies in a timely fashion, Financial Aid is disbursed to eligible students as early as the Friday before the first day of classes each semester, and  weekly thereafter.

All financial aid, will first be applied to institutional charges, which include: tuition and mandatory state and campus fees Any remaining financial aid after institutional charges are paid will then be refunded to the student. Please see “How to Access your Financial Aid Funds section of this page for more information.

Enrollment Status

How much funding you receive depends on the number of units you are enrolled in and what type of financial aid you have been provided.

The enrollment status of the student at the time that funds are prepared for disbursement will be used to determine the payment amount. For purposes of financial aid, enrollment status is defined as outlined in the table below.

  • Please keep in mind that most financial aid funds are disbursed in two payments for each term. For example, Pell Grants are disbursed 50% during the first week of the term and 50% at the midpoint. You can view your financial aid by semester on your Student Center by detailing each term.
  • Loans are not prorated. The full amount of loan funds for the semester will be disbursed as long as the student is enrolled in a minimum of six units.
  • If you are enrolled part-time (fewer than 12 units), you may receive a partial payment of Cal Grant, Federal Pell Grant. If your enrollment status increases so that you qualify for additional funds, you may receive a supplemental payment.
Enrollment Number of Units
Full-Time 12 or more
¾ Time 9 – 11.5
½ Time 6 – 8.5
< ½ Time 5 or less
Financial Aid Census Date and Pell Grant

Pell Grant recipients who change enrollment status (adding or dropping classes) will have their eligibility recalculated based on their enrollment status at the time of each Pell Grant disbursement. Pell Grants are recalculated throughout the term until the start date of the last class for which the student is enrolled. No further Pell Grant adjustments are made after that time, either increases or decreases. Students who drop before the Pell Grant Recalculation Date may be required to repay a portion of their disbursement. Students have the option to enroll in later starting classes within the same term to retain their eligibility and avoid an overpayment before the start date of their last late starting class or 2nd Pell Grant disbursement, whichever is later. It is critical that students always contact the college financial aid office before dropping any classes in the term to determine the financial impact.

Cal Grant Awarding and Disbursement

Cal Grants are generally disbursed in one payment per term. Students who are initially deemed eligible by the college for Cal Grant before FA census date will be disbursed based the student enrollment status as of FA census date. Students who are initially deemed eligible by the college for Cal Grant after FA Census date will be disbursed based on the recipient current enrollment status at time of disbursement. Students who are initially deemed eligible for Cal Grant by the college after the term has ended will be disbursed based on the number of units completed for the term.

Adjustments can be made to initial Cal Grant disbursements based on increases to student enrollment load.

The first Cal Grant disbursement will occur the week of FA census date for every term. After the first disbursement, Cal Grants are disbursed weekly throughout the term as students become eligible for the funds.


Federal and State governments offer financial aid funding to those students who qualify. Disbursements of federal and state financial aid, (e.g. Title IV* funds and/or Cal Grants), are applied to a student’s account for allowable institutional charges. Allowable charges are tuition and fees. Various types of state aid, (e.g. Cal Grant B Access), allow a student the right to opt out of having future state funds applied towards paying the student’s institutional charges and to have those funds be delivered directly to the student. To opt out, students must contact the District Financial Aid Office.

** Warning: Choosing to “Opt Out” may create a college debt/obligation for the student. If the student chooses to “Opt Out” of having aid pay institutional charges, any balance owed to the college must be paid in full.

Additional Information

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Return of Title IV Funds Policy

The Admission and Records Office notifies the Financial Aid Office of all financial aid student withdrawals from all coursework prior to the 60% date. The Financial Aid Supervisor will request a withdrawal query configured from the PeopleSoft system on a regular basis to complete Return of Title IV funds within the required timeline.

The Financial Aid Office will use the last day of attendance on the withdrawal reported, or as indicated and documented by the instructor, Admissions and Records, or the student, in determining the percentage of the pay period the student completed.

If the Financial Aid Office learns independently that a student has stopped attending classes, the instructors will be contacted and requested to submit the last day the student attended a class-related activity.

The Financial Aid Office will use the PeopleSoft delivered Return to Title IV functionality to determine the required repayment from the institution and the student.

Assessed refunds will be refunded to the financial aid programs from which they were paid in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Direct Loan

  2. Subsidized Direct Loan

  3. Direct PLUS Loans

  4. Pell Grant

  5. Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

Calculation and Notification Deadline:

R2T4 calculations must be completed within 30 days of the date the campus determined the student withdrew and the student must be notified of the results of the calculation. Calculations include any aid eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. For further information see SFA Handbook beginning on page 5- 100.

If the student owes a repayment based on the R2T4 calculations the notification must be mailed within the 30 days of the date the campus determined the student withdrew. The following items must be included in the notice:

The amount of the overpayment
The student’s eligibility for Title IV aid will end if the student fails to resolve

the overpayment in 45 days from the date of the notification (or the date

the campus was required to send the notification).
The options the student has to resolve the overpayment (see Student

Overpayment section below)

Failure to resolve the overpayment will result the campus reporting the overpayment to NSLDS and the debt will be referred to the Debt Resolution Services for collection

The contact information for the campus representative who can discuss options for resolution

Institutional Overpayment – the amount indicated in box O on R2T4 worksheet. This is an overpayment due from the campus and cannot not be referred to the Department of Education (DOE) for collections or reported to NSLDS as an overpayment.

Return Deadline:
Funds must be returned as soon as possible but no later than 45 days from the date the campus determined the student’s withdrawal.
Return Process:

1. 2.


The Financial Aid Office will reduce the student’s award by the amount of the institutional overpayment.

This will result in the award reduction on the student’s account and the student will be responsible repaying this balance to the campus.

If the overpayment is in the current academic year the reduced award must be reported to COD and the amount available for the campus to draw down will be reduced by this amount. If the award reduced is SEOG the amount spent will be reduced in the campus fund.

Student (Federal) Overpayment – the amount indicated in box U on R2T4 worksheet
The student will retain financial aid eligibility for 45 days from the earliest of:

The date the campus notified the student of the overpayment
The date the campus was required to have notified the student (within 30 days of the date the campus determined that the student withdrew)

The student does not have to repay a grant overpayment of $50 or less. If the amount of grant aid owed is $50 or less no further action is required.

Return Deadline:

The student must resolve the overpayment with the 45 day deadline.

Return Process:

The student has two options to resolve the overpayment:
1. Repay the amount owed to the Financial Aid Department within the 45 day deadline

The Financial Aid Office will than return funds to the Business office for

processing. The Financial Aid Office will than return funds to the department by reducing the amount in COD and in PeopleSoft. The Business Office/Finance department will deposit the repayment back to the appropriate account. No hold should be placed since the debt has been paid in full.

2. If the student does not resolve the overpayment by the above options, the financial aid office will submit the student overpayment to Debt Resolution Services and NSLDS immediately after the 45 day deadline has passed.

3. Once the Student Federal Overpayment is referred to Debt resolution services, the student must make satisfactory payment arrangements with Debt Resolution Services and make all payments within the timeframe included in the arrangement. Failure to meet any of the terms of the payment arrangement will result in loss of any future Title IV aid. The campus will not enter into payment arrangements overpayments due from the student

For further information about referring R2T4 over payments see SFA Handbook beginning page 5-108.

Return to Title IV Policy for Unofficial Withdraws

Since Peralta is an institution that is not required to take attendance, PCCD acknowledges that it does not have a documented process to determine students who unofficially withdraw.

Financial Aid Procedures

Moving forward, in order to meet Federal Compliance, Financial Aid has implemented the following procedure to identify students who have unofficially withdrawn from the institution in order to calculate Return of Title IV in a timely manner.

After all grades are posted by Admissions and Records (generally within two weeks from the end of the term) , the District Office will run a report from our PeopleSoft system to identify students with failing grades in all enrolled classes immediately after all grades are posted. Failing grades include “F”, “FW”, and “NP”.

A student with a grade of “F” may be required by the financial aid office to provide documentation from the grading instructor that the grade was earned by the student. The student must have attended class for the term and earned a failing grade by such measure as determined by instruction that qualifies a grade of “F”.

Students with no passing grades along with any “I”, “RD”, or “IP” will continued to be monitored until final grades are posted.

These students will be considered unofficial withdrawals and the Financial Aid offices will complete R2T4 calculations within 30 days from the last day of the term using the midpoint of the term (period of enrollment) as the withdrawal date. PCCD will complete calculations and send notification to the student within 21 days of the end of the enrollment period.

The Financial Aid Offices will include in its notification to students the option to provide documentation of their last date of attendance. The Financial Aid Offices will than recalculate R2T4 using the documented last day off attendance as the withdrawal date. The student may also provide documentation that at least one of their failing grades was earned, that they continued attendance through the entire term, to have R2T4 calculations reversed. The student will be given 21 days to provide this documentation to allow the Financial Aid Offices adequate time to change the R2T4 calculate and return funds within the 45 day deadline

Verification Process

Verification is the process of confirming the accuracy of student reported data on financial aid applications. The USDE selection criteria require that at least thirty percent of the financial aid population be verified. The school has the authority, and may be required, to verify additional students. Students may be selected for verification if there is a discrepancy or a condition, which is unusual and warrants investigation.

The Application and Verification Guide published by the USDE serves as a reference for verification requirements.

Peralta Community College District will verify all students who have been selected by the Department of Education for any of the verification categories V1-V6. However, students may be asked to provide additional information if further investigation is needed to resolve a discrepancy.

Upon receipt of the electronic ISIR, a ”To-Do” checklist item is automatically generated in our PeopleSoft system for any student who is selected for verification according to the federal selection criteria. These “To-Do” items informs the student of additional information, which is required to complete the financial aid application (verification form, student and parent tax transcripts, verification of citizenship, selective service status, etc.). Students are also notified that they have been selected for verification upon receipt of their electronic Student Aid Report (SAR.)

Students are notified that some financial aid funds, such as SEOG and FWS are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis and that until the missing items are submitted to the Financial Aid Office, additional processing of their file is not possible.

Required documentation items are identified and receipt date is maintained in a file tracking system and the PeopleSoft Financial Aid system. All required documents are identified upon receipt in the Financial Aid Office. When all of the requested items have been received, processing Assistant will mark all required documents as “received” and route it to the Financial Aid Specialist for verification. Files are processed in chronological order.

Documentation submitted to the Financial Aid Office must be legible, appropriate, and have the student's ID number for identification purposes. If the student submits a document that is not legible, the document will be returned and appropriate documentation will be requested.

Eligibility Changes Resulting from Verification

If the verification process results in a change of a student’s financial aid eligibility, PCCD

repackages the student for financial aid based on their new eligibility status and notifies the student with a new award notification
As reviewed, additional student ISIR corrections may be submitted for transmission via our PeopleSoft software system. When the corrected ISIR is received, final review of the file takes place and an award is made if the student is eligible.

Students who fail to submit verification documents will not be awarded Financial Aid.

Because the Financial Aid Office is liable for disbursements made prior to verification, it is the policy of the Office not to award nor disburse funds until verification is complete. PCCD’s policy does not allow interim disbursements. Students must complete the verification process before aid is awarded or disbursed.

Financial Aid Office policies and procedures are designed to eliminate the possibility of an overpayment from any fund. If, however, an overpayment does occur, a service indictor is placed on the student’s records by the financial aid office and a letter is sent to the student. Academic transcripts and enrollment for future terms are withheld until the account has been cleared.


Certain circumstances excuse students from completing verification. Financial Aid staff must identify and document in the aid folder why the student is not required to complete verification. These circumstances may follow:

1. Incarceration
2. Recent immigrant
3. Spouse unavailable
4. Parents unavailable
5. Death of the student
6. Applicant verified by another school 7. Pacific Island resident
8. Not an aid recipient

Awarding Financial Aid

Awarding Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office has developed an institutional packaging philosophy to ensure consistent, equitable, and fair distribution of financial aid funds.

PCCD’s policy is to provide the financial aid needed to each applicant to ensure that a degree or program will be completed; to minimize the adverse effects of financial concerns on academic performance; to provide the most advantageous combination of aid funds for which the student qualifies (subject to the availability of funds); and to make maximum use of all financial aid funds available to the institution.

General packaging guidelines are as follows:

  •  Determine if there are any outside resources (i.e. scholarship, or State aid)

  •  Determine Pell Grant eligibility

  • Determine eligibility for other aid in this order SEOG, work-study.

  • As outside aid is received it will be included in the student award package

Once all records in the student financial aid record is marked complete, the Financial Aid Supervisor, Financial Aid Specialist or authorized Placement Assistant will award aid in the PeopleSoft system.

Financial aid is awarded in the form of a “package” or combination of different types of assistance. Preferential treatment is given to students who have the greatest financial aid eligibility (calculated EFC) and who have a completed their FAFSA application by the first priority date.

PCCD defines an academic year beginning with the fall semester, the second in spring and the third in the summer. Summer semester is considered a trailer for the purposes of Federal student aid. If a student has remaining Pell Grant funds after receiving aid for the traditional academic year, summer aid may be calculated and disbursed. For the calculation of BOGG Fee Waiver eligibility, summer is considered the header for an academic year.

Not all funds awarded to students will be expended because students may not enroll, may withdraw, or may decline a portion of their award.

Awarding Process

Financial aid applications are processed by federal Central Processing Services (CPS). The processor does not award or deny funds. They assist in calculating financial need. Awards are based on the following:

STEP 1: Completing Verification

If a student’s financial aid application is selected for review by the Financial Aid Office or by CPS, the Financial Aid Office must receive all supporting documentation from applicant (or spouse if married or parent if required). This involves cross-checking information from all documentation (including the application) related to earned income, untaxed income, expenses, assets, liabilities and households size. This process is called “verification”.

STEP 2: Assigning Budgets

Financial aid students are assigned a Standard Nine-Month Student Budget which includes average tuition, basic cost of fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation and personal expenses. Additional expenses related to documented child care expenses, expenses related to disability, expenses related to the purchase or upgrade of a computer, or expenses related to Cooperative Education, or expenses related to academic program costs may be assessed and factored into a student’s basic nine-month budget.

 Note: Students enrolled in less than six units will have only Tuition, fees, books and transportation calculated for Cost of Attendance budget

STEP 3: Calculating Family Contribution

The Financial Aid Office verifies parent and student contribution as calculated by the Federal need analysis formula. This family contribution is the amount which the family may reasonably be expected to contribute toward meeting the student’s college expenses. The formula process is called “need analysis”. The theory of need analysis is based on the following assumptions:

  • Students have primary responsibility to pay for their education
  • Parents, and or spouse to the extent that they are able, fund for their child or

    spouse’s education.

  • Families should be evaluated in a consistent and equitable manner while

    recognizing that special circumstances can alter a family’s ability to contribute. All students (dependent and independent) are expected to contribute towards their education. The expected contribution (EFC) is determined by a Federal formula calculation which adds together all resources which include:

  • Earnings from employment;

  • All other assistance such as Temporary Aid to Families with Dependent Children

    (TANF or CalWorks),

  • Social Security and Veteran’s Benefits;

  • A percentage of assets such as savings and investments.

  • A formulated percentage of basic living and medical expenses.

Step 4: Establishing Financial Need

From the need analysis, PCCD Financial Aid Offices will be able to determine the relative financial strength or ability to pay for your postsecondary educational expenses. Financial need is determined by subtracting the amount of the expected contribution from the standard budget. The remainder equals financial eligibility or “financial need”.

Outside Resources

Students are encouraged to seek assistance from outside resources. It is required that all outside assistance be reported to the Financial Aid Office. Student aid including outside resources, may not exceed the student's cost of attendance. Therefore, if a student has been awarded funds by the aid office and receives an outside award, an adjustment to the original award letter may be necessary. If an adjustment is necessary, the outside aid will replace self-help aid if possible.

Financial Aid Campus-Based Programs

Federal Work Study

The Federal Work study Program (FWS) is employment financed primarily with federal funds. Students who apply for financial aid, demonstrate financial need, and indicate they will accept work will be considered for Federal Work Study. Students receive a monthly paycheck for hours worked (hourly rate set by the Board of Trustees). The total a student may earn depends on the amount of the student’s award as determined by the College Financial Aid Office, based on the funds available to the College, and the student’s unmet needs. Students must be enrolled at least 1⁄2 time to be eligible for Work Study funds. There may be off-campus jobs available with non-profit organizations. Depending on funding and individual awards, students may work up to 20 hours per week when school is in session. Students may be allowed to work more than 20 hours per week when between semesters or when school is not in session if funding is available.

Colleges are required to expend a minimum of 7% of their FWS allocation toward Community Service employment. Federal Work Study statistics are reported on annual FISAP.

Federal Work Study (FWS) Selection and Awarding

FWS is awarded on a first come, first served basis if enough financial need exists until all funds are exhausted. If a student is offered Federal Work Study as part of his/her financial aid package, the student must log onto their Campus Solutions account and acceptthe Federal Work Study award. If the student does not accept the award within a certain timeframe as defined by the institution, the award will be canceled and will be given to another student based on a first come, first served basis.

Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

FSEOG is a grant award made by the College to students with exceptional financial need. Because funds are limited, students who apply early and are eligible for Pell Grants, and who demonstrate the highest need with priority awarding going to those with a ZERO EFC, will receive first priority consideration for FSEOG. Unlike Pell Grants, there's no guarantee every eligible student will receive one. In addition, funds are limited. These grants don't need to be paid back. Students are considered for FSEOG when they submit documents to the Financial Aid Office with a valid ISIR by April 1st. FSEOG award amounts vary by the funding available at each College.

Credit Balance Financial Aid Refund Policy

PCCD specifies the circumstances in which tuition refunds can be made. The full refund policy is found in the College Catalog.

For students receiving financial aid who officially withdraw from the College and if the student has a credit balance, the necessary credit will be applied to the financial aid funds. The refund must first be applied to the Financial Aid programs in the following order:

  1. Pell - Repayment of a portion of the funds received will be required if a student stops attending classes before the 60% point of the term.

  2. SEOG Repayment of a portion of the funds received will be required if a student stops attending classes before the 60% point of the term.

Scholarships, State Grants, Institutional Grants, require no repayment. Work-study funds are paid for work performed, and no repayment is required.

Students are not allowed to receive official transcripts and enroll in future if they have an outstanding balance.

Professional Judgment Policy

The Higher Education Act of 1992 allows financial aid administrators to make professional judgment decisions when there are special or unusual family or student circumstances that may call for adjustments in determining a student’s eligibility for financial aid. Circumstances requiring professional judgment must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. These circumstances must be documented.

Professional judgment adjustments may increase or decrease a student’s EFC or cost of attendance. Specified adjustments may be made to data elements, but not to the formula. Adjustments made will apply to all institutional, state, and Title IV aid awarded.

Circumstances that may warrant a professional judgment decision include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • A change in income of the student’s family that would affect the family’s ability to pay for college expenses. Examples would be loss of employment, loss of untaxed benefits, separation or death. Documentation required: Income Reduction Certification.

  • Student requests consideration as an independent student. Documentation required: Request for Dependency Status Change, and supporting statement must be signed by an eligible third party as detailed on the request form.

  • Excessive medical or legal expenses. Documentation required: Verification of medical expenses paid by family from doctors, hospitals, etc. or copy of tax return verifying itemized deductions, showing medical expenses.

The required documentation listed for each of these circumstances explains what information is necessary for each situation. The documentation must be complete before approval will be considered. Documentation of professional judgment decisions will be maintained in the student’s folder.

Professional judgment situations are unique and addressed on a case-by-case basis. Circumstances other than those listed may be considered and will require documentation specific to that situation.

The home college Financial Aid Office has the final authority to make professional judgment decisions.


Dependency Override Policy

A student can request to be considered independent if the student does not meet the federal requirement by submitting the Dependency Override Request form. The form is available from the Financial Aid Office or by downloading it from the financial aid website. The required documentation is listed on the Dependency Override Request form. Students may also be required to submit additional documentation for the Financial Aid Specialist or Supervisor to make a determination whether to approve or deny the request.

Issues of professional judgment are reviewed by the home college Financial Aid Office for final determination.

Student Rights and Responsibility

FERPA - Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 applies to the education records of persons who are, or have been in attendance in postsecondary institutions. The Peralta Community Colleges will not release student information without the written consent of the student unless specifically allowed according to FERPA regulations. Please refer to your home campus catalog for the complete FERPA policy.

You have the right to:

• Know what financial aid programs are available;
• Know the deadline for submitting applications for the programs available;
• Be informed of financial aid policies and procedures;
• Know how your financial need was determined and what resources (such
as your income, assets, parental contribution and other financial aid) were considered in the calculation of need;
• Know how much of your financial aid eligibility has been met as deter- mined by the Financial Aid Office;
• Know what portion of your financial aid must be repaid, and what portion is gift or aid received from work;
• Know how the Financial Aid Office determines whether you are making satisfactory academic progress and the consequences are if your are not;
• Access student right-to-know information consisting of campus security statistic, graduation and completion rates, and institutional demographic statistics.

Request an explanation of the various programs in your financial aid package; • Know the terms of any loans you receive, your deferment, cancellation, and forbearance rights;

You have the responsibility to:

• Complete all application forms accurately and submit them on time;
• Provide correct information. Misrepresentation of information on
financial aid applications is a violation of federal law and may be a criminal offense;
• Return all documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by either the Financial Aid Office or the agency to which you submitted your application in a timely manner;
Read and understand all forms that you are asked to sign and keep copies of them;
• Accept responsibility for all agreements that you sign;
• Repay all loans including the interest on those loans;
• Perform the work that is agreed upon in accepting a F
ederal Work-Study award in a satisfactory manner;
• Be aware of refund and repayment procedures;
• If you are a recipient of a student loan, notify your lender, the Financial Aid
of changes to name, address, or school enrollment status
• If you have a loan, attend a loan Entrance Interview prior to receiving the first disbursement of your loan(s) and an Exit Interview prior to graduation or prior to leaving your college for any other reason;
• File all required student loan deferment or cancellation forms on time;
• Report any change in the information
used to determine your eligibility, including name, family size, or financial resources;
• Notify the Financial Aid Office immediately if you withdraw from school or reduce enrollment.

Financial Aid for Study Abroad

If you enroll in a Peralta Community College sponsored study abroad program, you may apply for financial aid through the Home College Financial Aid Office. You will be considered for all aid programs (Pell Grant, Cal Grant (California Residents), BOGW (California Residents), Foundation Scholarships and Loans) except Federal Work- Study.

Depending on the cost of your study abroad program, the financial aid you receive may or may not meet your full demonstrated financial need. To make up the gap between your aid and the cost of your program, you may want to apply for a private scholarship or an alternative loan. You are responsible for making any payments for the program by the appropriate deadlines.

Consortium Agreements for Financial Aid

Students may receive Title IV aid if they are taking coursework at two or more schools if the participating institutions enter into a consortium agreement. A consortium agreement specifies that courses from the host institution will transfer to the home institution and that the home institution will process and disburse student aid. The institution disbursing financial aid funds is responsible for keeping records and returning Title IV funds in the case of an over award.


When the Consortium Agreement is approved by PCCD, the credit hours will be included as hours attempted for the term. The hours will be used, along with the hours from PCCD for that term. It should be noted Peralta Colleges have a standing consortium between all four schools; consortium agreements with colleges outside Peralta must be approved by the College, and may be granted only if the student cannot find required coursework within Peralta. It will be the responsibility of the student to provide a grade transcript from the hosting college. If the transcript is not received from the host school, the course hours will be counted as not completed. The student will be sent a letter stating that the transcript has not been received, and that if it is not received those hours will still be counted, and future Consortium Agreements may not be approved.


Method of Disclosure

The Peralta Community Colleges Financial Aid Office(s) provides information through various channels, including the Financial Aid Section of each of the four Peralta Colleges websites, the Peralta District website, our PeopleSoft Student Service Campus Solutions portal, e-mails and catalogs (electronic and print). The PCCD FAOs e-mail a variety of important information to the student’s primary institutional e-mail address. The FAO will use this as the primary means of contacting the students. The FAO will utilize the main campus website to notify students of any targeted or general announcements. Students may find other consumer information topics throughout the website.

Disbursement Eligibility

You must meet all disbursement requirements in order for your aid to pay. Some of the general requirements to receive payment of funds include:

  • Submission of all required documents
  • Meeting all satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirements
  • Enrollment for term

Specific Disbursement Requirements:

Please note that certain student aid programs may have very specific disbursement requirements in addition to the general disbursement requirements. For example, Cal Grant recipients must be California residents whereas some scholarship programs require that students be enrolled full-time to receive any scholarship funds. These special requirements must be met in order for those funds to be disbursed.

How to Access your Financial Aid Funds

The Peralta Community College District delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information: For information on BankMobile checking account fees, click here.


AllPoint ATM Locations

  • Berkeley City College – 5th floor in the Student Lounge
  • College of Alameda – F Building right next to the Cyber Cafe
  • Laney College – Student center in the dining hall
  • Merritt College – R Building next to Admission and Records and Financial Aid entrance
Return of Financial Aid Funds

Students for whom BMTX, Inc. returns funds due to an undeliverable or stale-dated check or an ACH/EFT bounceback due to an invalid bank account will have an NRF hold placed on their record. Funds will be returned back to the corresponding financial aid program. Students will need to work with their college financial aid office and BMTX, Inc. to make sure their address, bank account, or other needed information is provided to remove the NRF hold and ensure their funds can be reissued. A written statement requesting the funds be reissued may also be required by the college financial aid office.