If you have any questions about the directory, contact aharbour@peralta.edu. New, searchable directory on the horizon.
Attention screen reader users: press Enter on any of the below Help titles to expand or collapse its content
Ashley | Aaron | aaaron@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Holly | Aaron | haaron@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Claudia | Abadia | cabadia@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Claudia | Abadia | cabadia@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Shadee | Abdi | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 | |
Megdi | Abebe | Librarian, Part-Time | Laney College | Language Art | |
Behzad | Abkenari | BABKENARI@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Behzad | Abkenari | babkenari@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Robert | Abrams | rabrams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Anthony | Abuan | aabuan@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst/English | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Anthony | Abuan | aabuan@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Dennis | Acma | DACMA@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Jamie | Acosta | jacosta@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Alejandro | Acosta | aacosta@peralta.edu | Stage & Production Supervisor | Laney College | Communications |
Judith | Adams | jadams@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EOPS | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Judith | Adams | jadams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Koresh | Adams | kadams@peralta.edu | Asst Coach, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Danielle | Adams | dadams@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Troye | Adams | troyeadams@peralta.edu | Custodian | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Immaculate | Adesida | iadesida@peralta.edu | Dir Of Human Resources | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Bukola | Adesokan | badesokan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Nila | Adina | nadina@peralta.edu | Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Nila | Adina | nadina@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Chiranjeevi | Adusumalli | cadusumalli@peralta.edu | Sr Appl Software Prog/Analyst | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Anne | Agard | aagard@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Anne | Agard | aagard@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Neelam | Agarwal | NAGARWAL@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Workability III | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Neelam | Agarwal | NAGARWAL@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Geoffrey | Aguiar | gaguiar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Laura | Aguilar | lauraaguilar@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Luis | Aguilar | laguilar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Angela | Aguilar | AAGUILAR@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Philip Amo | Agyapong | paagyapong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Jameelah | Ahmad | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety | |
Ida | Ahmadi | IAHMADI@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Munira | Ahmed | mahmed@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Clerk | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Adil | Ahmed | aahmed@peralta.edu | Assoc Vice Chanc for Finance | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Muwafaqu | Al-Asad | malasad@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Dalileh | Alaei | dalaei@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Sophia | Albertini | salbertini@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Matthew | Albinson | MALBINSON@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Gary | Albury | galbury@peralta.edu | Assoc Dean of Educational Succ | Laney College | Education Success |
Isias | Alcantar | ialcantar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Patricia | Alcantar | palcantar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Alexis | Alexander | aalexander@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Juanita | Alexander | jalexander@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Norman | Alfe | nalfe@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Jordan | Alford-Helems | jahelems@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Jordan | Alford-Helems | jahelems@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Student Services | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Faiza | Ali | fali@peralta.edu | Graphic Design Specialist | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Wafa | Ali | WALI@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Ciejae | Allen | cjallen@peralta.edu | EOPS Counselor | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Ciejae | Allen | cjallen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Benjamin | Allen | benjaminallen@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Benjamin | Allen | benjaminallen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Laurie | Allen-Requa | lallenrequa@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Laurie | Allen-Requa | lallenrequa@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Suzanne | Allison | sallison@peralta.edu | Librarian, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Aureen | Almario | aalmario@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Joseph | Almeida | jalmeida@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
John | Alphonso-Gibbs | jgibbs@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Susanne | Altenbach | saltenbach@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Hilary | Altman | haltman@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Hilary | Altman | haltman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Sara | Alturk | salturk@peralta.edu | Career Counselor | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Sara | Alturk | salturk@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Nestor | Alvarado | nalvarado@peralta.edu | Groundsworker-Gardener | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Cynthia | Alvarado | calvarado@peralta.edu | Coordinator - CalWORKs | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Frederick | Alvarado | FALVARADO@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Elena | Alvarado-Strasser | ealvaradostrasser@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Roberto | Alvarenga | ralvarenga@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Javier | Alvarez | jalvarez@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Michael | Alvillar | malvillar@peralta.edu | Sr Storesworker | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
Rosa | Alvis | ralvis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Cheryl | Amana-Burris | CABURRIS@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Monica | Ambalal | mambalal@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Monica | Ambalal | mambalal@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Marie | Amboy | mamboy@peralta.edu | Vice President of Admin Servic | Merritt College | Business Office |
Shaghayegh | Amiri | samiri@peralta.edu | Asst To The Chancellor | District Office | Chancellor's Office |
Tonya | Amos | tamos@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications |
Ayanna | Anderson | aanderson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Tauheeda | Anderson | tanderson@peralta.edu | Project Manager | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Sinead | Anderson | sganderson@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Antonia | Andrew | aandrew@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Ashlie | Andrew | ashlieandrew@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Cynthia | Andrews | candrews@peralta.edu | Child Care Specialist | Laney College | Child Care |
Karen | Andrews | KARENANDREWS@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Susan | Andrien | sandrien@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Nancy | Angel-Hurtado | nangelhurtado@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Miguel | Angeles | mangeles@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Milagro | Anthony | manthony@peralta.edu | Custodian | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
Teri | Antonio | tantonio@peralta.edu | Enterprise Business Analyst | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Rachel | Antrobus | rantrobus@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Carmen | Apodaca | capodaca@peralta.edu | DSPS Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Benancio | Aranda | baranda@peralta.edu | Asst Chief Stationary Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Lisa | Arellano | larellano@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Ana | Arellano | AARELLANO@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Christina | Arenas | carenas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Joanna | Arhon | jarhon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Michel | Arnold | michelarnold@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Michael | Arrigo | MARRIGO@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Victor | Asemota | vasemota@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Metsihate | Asfaw | masfaw@peralta.edu | Human Resources Generalist | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Stephen | Asztalos | sasztalos@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Christopher | Ategeka | categeka@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Andy | Atuegbu | aatuegbu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Chithanh | Au | chiau@peralta.edu | SR NETWORK & SYS ADMIN | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Evangeline | Augustin | eaugustin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Peder | Aune | paune@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Peder | Aune | paune@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Jeanie | Austin | jaustin@peralta.edu | Librarian/Substitute | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Franklin | Avery | favery@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Omer | Ayfer | oayfer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Ilham | Ayyoub | Director of Payroll Services | District Office | Payroll Department | |
Naima | Azgui | nazgui@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Bolortuya | Baasanjav | BBAASANJAV@peralta.edu | Program Specialist/Outreach | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Leslie | Bach | lbach@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Sarah | Backes-Diaz | sbackesdiaz@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Sarah | Backes-Diaz | sbackesdiaz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Margarita | Baez | mbaez@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Ceola | Bailes | cabailes@peralta.edu | Cashier | Laney College | Food Service Department |
Rebecca | Bailey | rbailey@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Rebecca | Bailey | rbailey@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Jerry | Bailey | jbailey@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Diana | Bajrami | dbajrami@peralta.edu | College President | College of Alameda | President's Office |
Jamal | Baker | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
David | Baker | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office | |
Fareha | Bakre | fbakre@peralta.edu | Prin Budget Finance Analyst | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Damon | Ballard | DBALLARD@peralta.edu | Custodian | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Jill | Ballard | jballard@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Adam | Balogh | abalogh@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Adam | Balogh | abalogh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Bradley | Balukjian | bbalukjian@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Sun Young | Ban | syban@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Sun Young | Ban | syban@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Rajeev | Banerjee | rbanerjee@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Rajeev | Banerjee | rbanerjee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Fabian | Banga | fbanga@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Fabian | Banga | fbanga@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lili | Banihashemi | lbanihashemi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
April | Bankhead | abankhead@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
April | Bankhead | abankhead@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Douglas | Banks | dbanks@peralta.edu | Library Technician II | Laney College | Language Art |
Janelle | Barbier | jbarbier@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Mallory | Barkdull | mbarkdull@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Mallory | Barkdull | mbarkdull@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Cynthia | Barlow | cbarlow@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Kinetta | Barnett | kroberts@peralta.edu | Facilities Services Specialist | Laney College | Business Office |
Francisco | Barrera Zamora | FBZAMORA@peralta.edu | Groundsworker-Gardener | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Bruce | Barrie | bbarrie@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Scott | Barringer | tbarringer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Diana | Barrios | dbarrios@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Diana | Barrios | dbarrios@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jenna | Barry | jbarry@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Margaret | Bartelt | mbartelt@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Philip | Barthman | pbarthman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Skyler | Barton | sbarton@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Skyler | Barton | sbarton@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
David | Baruch | dbaruch@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Oscar | Bascara | obascara@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Mary Catherine | Bassett | mbassett@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Mary Catherine | Bassett | mbassett@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Maria | Bastias Gayoso | MBGAYOSO@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications |
Molly | Batchelder | mbatchelder@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Mark | Bauermeister | mbauermeister@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Joseph | Bay | jbay@peralta.edu | Multimedia Services Specialist | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Maribel | Bazan | mbazan@peralta.edu | Instruct Asst/Computer Info Sy | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Carlos | Bazua Morales | cbmorales@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Khalilah | Beal-Uribe | kbeal@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Khalilah | Beal-Uribe | kbealuribe@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Khalilah | Beal-Uribe | kbeal@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Khalilah | Beal-Uribe | kbealuribe@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Maria Lourdes | Beall | mlbeall@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
John | Beam | jbeam@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
John | Beam | jbeam@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Gary | Bean | gbean@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Douglas | Beavers | dbeavers@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Maricela | Becerra | mbecerra@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Maricela | Becerra | mbecerra@peralta.edu | Learning Disabilities Speciali | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Carla | Becerril | cbecerril@peralta.edu | Sr Clerical Assistant | District Office | Child Care |
Richard | Becker | rbecker@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Richard | Becker | rbecker@peralta.edu | Sr Athletic Trainer Equip Mang | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Shannon | Beckham | sbeckham@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Peter | Belanger | pbelanger@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Wendy | Belden | wbelden@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Bridget | Belick | bbelick@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Elise | Bell | ebell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Robert | Bell | robertbell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Lourdes | Benavente | Intr For The Hear Imp III | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs | |
Dominique | Benavides | dbenavides@peralta.edu | Dir of College Research & Plan | College of Alameda | President's Office |
Marcia | Benjamin | msbenjamin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Laurel | Benjamin | lbenjamin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Turshika | Bennett | tbennett@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Lowell | Bennett | lbennett@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Anthony | Bennette | abennette@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Summer | Benton Nickerson | snickerson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Xequina | Berber | Librarian/Hourly | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences | |
Jacqueline | Bergman | jbergman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Michael | Berlin | mberlin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Christopher | Bernard | cbernard@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Christopher | Bernard | cbernard@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Shanova | Berry | sberry@peralta.edu | Exec Asst/General Services (C) | District Office | General Services |
Melina | Bersamin | mbersamin@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Melina | Bersamin | mbersamin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jacob | Bertrand | jbertrand@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jeejun | Bertuso | jbertuso@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Juan | Berumen | jberumen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Rudy | Besikof | rbesikof@peralta.edu | College President | Laney College | President's Office |
Eliot | Bessette | ebessette@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Ron | Betts | rbetts@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Ron | Betts | rbetts@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Joan | Bewley | jbewley@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Joan | Bewley | jbewley@peralta.edu | Sr Library Technician | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Vaishali | Bhagwat | vbhagwat@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Ravi | Bhambhra | RBHAMBHRA@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Vaibhav | Bhandari | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Marcie | Bias | mbias@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Joseph | Bielanski | jbielanski@peralta.edu | Articulation Officer | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Joseph | Bielanski | jbielanski@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Bobby | Birks | bbirks@peralta.edu | Head Custodian | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
Otto | Bischof | obischof@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Judith | Bishop | jlbishop@peralta.edu | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Tracey | Black | tblack@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Edmund | Blackburn | eblackburn@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Leslie | Blackie | lblackie@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Leslie | Blackie | lblackie@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Bernard | Blackman | bblackman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Kimberly | Blackwell | kblackwell@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Kimberly | Blackwell | kblackwell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Lloyd | Bland | lbland@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Reginald | Blaylock | rblaylock@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Scott | Blitch | sblitch@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Christopher | Blood | cblood@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Karen | Bloom | kbloom@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Stewart | Blumsack | sblumsack@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Joshua | Boatright | jboatright@peralta.edu | Librarian | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Joshua | Boatright | jboatright@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Joan | Bobkoff | jrbobkoff@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Olivier | Bochettaz | obochettaz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Terry | Bodkin | tbodkin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Elizabeth | Boegel | EBOEGEL@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Michel | Bohbot | mbohbot@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Amy | Bohorquez | abohorquez@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Amy | Bohorquez | abohorquez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Brian | Boies | bboies@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Paul | Bolick | pbolick@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Paul | Bolick | pbolick@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Laura | Bollentino | lbollentino@peralta.edu | Articulation Officer | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Laura | Bollentino | lbollentino@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Robert | Boller | RBOLLER@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Micheal | Bollinger | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Applied Tech | |
Elizabeth | Boner | eboner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Vincent | Bordelon | vbordelon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
John | Boston | JBOSTON@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Marquis | Bosuego | mbosuego@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Felice | Botts | fbotts@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Brittany | Botts | bbotts@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Daniele | Boucher | dboucher@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Fred | Bourgoin | fbourgoin@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Fred | Bourgoin | fbourgoin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Beverly | Bowes | Instructional Asst./Culinary A | Laney College | Food Service Department | |
Leah | Bowring | lbowring@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
John | Boychuk | JBOYCHUK@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Denise | Boyd Davis | dboyddavis@peralta.edu | Cook | Laney College | Child Care |
Phillip | Boyett | pboyett@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lear | Brace | lbrace@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Sai | Bracy | cbracy@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Iris | Bradford | ibradford@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Charles | Bradford | cbradford@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Stefanie | Bradshaw | sbradshaw@peralta.edu | Director of Workforce Systems | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Drew | Braithwaite | ABRAITHWAITE@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jennifer | Braman | jbraman@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Jennifer | Braman | jbraman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Tom | Branca | tbranca@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Yolanda | Brandon | ybrandon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Lynn | Bratchett | lbratchett@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Lynn | Bratchett | lbratchett@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Robert | Brem | rbrem@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Robert | Brem | rbrem@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Frederic | Bret-Mounet | fbret-mounet@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Kimberly | Bretz | kbretz@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Kimberly | Bretz | kbretz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Abigail | Brewer | abrewer@peralta.edu | SR NETWORK & SYS ADMIN | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Chanda | Brewer | chandabrewer@peralta.edu | Web Content Developer | Laney College | President's Office |
Kim | Bridges | kbridges@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Tosca | Bridges | TOSCABRIDGES@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Felicia | Bridges | fbridges@peralta.edu | Program Specialist Radio | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Laurie | Brion | lbrion@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Laurie | Brion | lbrion@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lakisha | Brooks | lbrooks@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Deborah | Brooks | dbrooks@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Robyn | Brooks | rbrooks@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Beverly | Brooks | bdbrooks@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Sean | Brooks | sbrooks@peralta.edu | Vice President of Admin Servic | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
Siri | Brown | sbrown@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Siri | Brown | sbrown@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Peter | Brown | pbrown@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Christopher | Brown | CBROWN1@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Alfred | Brown | abrown@peralta.edu | Food Service Supervisor | Laney College | Food Service Department |
Carole | Brown | crbrown@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Nancy | Brown | nbrown@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Gerald | Brown | gbrown@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Amelie | Brown | ameliebrown@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Laney College | Instructional-VP |
Olaseni | Brown | Accounts Payable Specialist I | District Office | Financial Services-Budget | |
Courtney | Brown | courtneybrown@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Courtney | Brown | courtneybrown@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Roy | Brown | rbbrown@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Asharee | Brown | ashareebrown@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Maria | Brown | mariabrown@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Joyce | Brown-Willis | jwillis@peralta.edu | Systems Analyst(Stdt/Fin Apps) | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Janice | Browne | jbrowne@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Business Svcs | Laney College | Business Office |
Shirley | Brownfox | sbrownfox@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Fred | BrownJr. | fbrown@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Valerie | Broxholm | sbroxholm@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Douglas | Bruce | dbruce@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Douglas | Bruce | dbruce@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
David | Brue | dbrue@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Riva | Bruenn | rbruenn@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lashawn | Brumfield | lbrumfield@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Jonathan | Brumfield | jbrumfield@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Marcean | Bryant | mbryant@peralta.edu | Senior A & R Specialist | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Cathy | Bryant | cbryant@peralta.edu | Child Care Specialist | District Office | Child Care |
Felicia | Bryant | fbryant@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Ann | Buchalter | abuchalter@peralta.edu | Librarian | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Ann | Buchalter | abuchalter@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Steven | Budd | sbudd@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Philip | Bui | pbui@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Stephanie | Bunn | sbunn@peralta.edu | Sr Duplicating Services Techni | Merritt College | Business Office |
Kenny | Buquen | kbuquen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Carrie | Burdick | cburdick@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Risk Management | District Office | Risk Management |
Drew | Burgess | dburgess@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Drew | Burgess | dburgess@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Jacqueline | Burgess | jburgess@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Neil | Burmenko | nburmenko@peralta.edu | Food Service Manager | Laney College | Food Service Department |
Antonia | Burrell | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Language Art | |
Dani-Patricia | Burroughs | Student Services Specialist | Laney College | Education Success | |
Alisa | Burton | aburton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Jason | Busby | jbusby@peralta.edu | Asst Chief Stationary Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Lanett | Bush | lbush@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Ramona | Butler | rbutler@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EOPS | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Luther | Butler | lbutler@peralta.edu | Stationary Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Nicole | Buyagawan | nbuyagawan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Dwayne | Byndloss | dbyndloss@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Alicia | Caballero | achristenson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Alicia | Caballero | achristenson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Dana | Cabello | dcabello@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Student Services | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Kim | Cael | kcael@peralta.edu | DSPS Adapted Comp Learng Tech | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Lisa | Cahn | lcahn@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Chase | Callahan | ccallahan@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Juan | Calvo | jcalvo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Tracy | Camp | tcamp@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Tracy | Camp | tcamp@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Jody | Campbell | jcampbell@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Jody | Campbell | jcampbell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Philip | Campbell | pcampbell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Asia | Capers | acapers@peralta.edu | Clerical Assistant II Typing | Merritt College | Child Care |
Marie | Caput | mcaput@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Athena | Carapanos | acarapanos@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Carley | Carbin | ccarbin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Valarie | Carey | vcarey@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Jean | Carey | jcarey@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | Laney College | Education Success |
Cady | Carmichael | cbow@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Cady | Carmichael | cbowcarmichael@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Cady | Carmichael | cbow@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Cady | Carmichael | cbowcarmichael@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Novella | Carpenter | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
La Tonya | Carpenter | lcarpenter@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
La Tonya | Carpenter | lcarpenter@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Derrick | Carr | dcarr@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Johanna | Carranza | jcarranza@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Michael | Carroll | mcarroll@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Christopher | Carter | ccarter@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Benjamin | Carter | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Heather | Casale | hcasale@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Heather | Casale | hcasale@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Kate | Casale | KCASALE@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Gerald | Casey | gcasey@peralta.edu | Network Suppt Svcs Specialist | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
William | Castellon | wcastellon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Steven | Castro | scastro@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Veronica | Castro | veronicacastro@peralta.edu | Assessment Specialist | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Veronica | Castro | veronicacastro@peralta.edu | DSPS Counselor | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Vincent | Catacutan | vcatacutan@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Nancy | Cayton | ncayton@peralta.edu | Curriculum & Assess Specialist | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lilia | Celhay | lcelhay@peralta.edu | Dean Academic Pathw & Stdt Suc | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Vina | Cera | vcera@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Alejandra | Cerda | acerda@peralta.edu | Staff Srvcs Special/Pres offic | Merritt College | President's Office |
Alex | Cervantes | acervantes@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/DSPS | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Oscar | Cervantes Flores | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Vicenta | Cespedes | vcespedes@peralta.edu | Science Lab Tech/Biological Sc | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Erica | Cèspedes | Intern, Part-Time FDIP | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 | |
Michael | Chambers | mchambers@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Simon | Chan | ychan@peralta.edu | Department Network Coordinator | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Simon | Chan | ychan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Division Dean 2 |
Albert | Chan | acchan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Henry | Chan | hchan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Albert | Chan | atchan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Ryan | Chan | rchan@peralta.edu | Child Care Specialist | District Office | Child Care |
Steven | Chan | stevenchan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Steven | Chan | stevenchan@peralta.edu | Sr Appl Software Prog/Analyst | District Office | Institutional Dev and Research |
Marshniel | Chandra | mchandra@peralta.edu | Human Resources Generalist | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Diane | Chang | dtchang@peralta.edu | Dean of Academic & Student Aff | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Julia | Chang | jchang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Hannah | Chauvet | hchauvet@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Joya | Chavarin | jchavarin@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Joya | Chavarin | jchavarin@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Lilia | Chavez | lchavez@peralta.edu | Vice President Of Student Serv | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Jose | Chavez | jchavez@peralta.edu | Counselor/Coordinator | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Pauline | Chavez | pchavez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
David | Chavez | dchavez@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
David | Chavez | dchavez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Danna | Chavez Baquero | dannachavez@peralta.edu | Counselor (Categorical) | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Danna | Chavez Baquero | dannachavez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Elisabeth | Chemouni | echemouni@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Guang | Chen | gchen@peralta.edu | Bursar | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
Guang Ning | Chen | gnchen@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Qingxiu | Chen | qchen@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Yanli | Chen | Child Care Assistant II | District Office | Child Care | |
Michelle | Chen | hchen@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Tech | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Laura | Cheng | lycheng@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Esther | Cheng | echeng@peralta.edu | Aviation Maint Tech Supervisor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Phillip | Cheng | phillipcheng@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Tim | Chevalier | tchevalier@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Sherlyn | Chew | schew@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Shirley | Chew | sjchew@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Dustin | Cheyne | dcheyne@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Frank | Chez | fchez@peralta.edu | Sr Appl Software Prog/Analyst | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Xiaolin | Chi | xchi@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Xiaolin | Chi | xchi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Jason | Chiang | jchiang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Nancy | Chieng | ntrinh@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Dorothy | Childs | dchilds@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Elinor | Chin | echin@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Technicia | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Tracey | Chin | tchin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Division Dean 2 |
Kenneth | Chin | kchin@peralta.edu | Utility Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Maya | Chinchilla | mchinchilla@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Alice | Chinn | achinn@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/CHDEV Program | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Elham | Chishty | echishty@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Elham | Chishty | echishty@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Dana | Chohlis | dmchohlis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Amy | Choi | echoi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
David | Chong | dchong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Lilian | Chow | lchow@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Lilian | Chow | lchow@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Rabab | Chowdhury | rchowdhury@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Angela | Choy | achoy@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Toshia | Christal | tchristal@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Mark | Christensen | mchristensen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Patricia | Christopher | pchristopher@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Collin | Chu | cchu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Kyle | Chuah | cchuah@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Chungwai | Chum | cchum@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Chungwai | Chum | cchum@peralta.edu | Staff Srvcs Special/Pres offic | College of Alameda | President's Office |
Ann | Chun | achun@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Leonard | Chung | lchung@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Leonard | Chung | lchung@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Julie Tzu | Chung | jtchung@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Roger | Chung | rchung@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Roger | Chung | rchung@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Irene | Chung | ichung@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Veronica | Churchill | Librarian, Part-Time | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences | |
Pete | Churgel | pchurgel@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Mary | Ciddio | mciddio@peralta.edu | DSPS Counselor | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Alexandra | Cipher | acipher@peralta.edu | Alternate Media Technology Spe | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Rebecca | Cisneros | rcisneros@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Tony | Claar | rclaar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Caleb | Clark | CCLARK@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Caleb | Clark | cclark@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Nanu | Clark | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety | |
Roxie | Clark | rclark@peralta.edu | Toolroom Keeper I/Welding | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Jordan | Clark | jordanclark@peralta.edu | Intern (Instructor) | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Mary | Clarke-Miller | mclarkemiller@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Mary | Clarke-Miller | mclarkemiller@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Martin | Cleary | mcleary@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Sharon | Clegg | Staff Asst/Landscape Horticult | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Eileen | Clifford | eclifford@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Jeremy | Cloward | jcloward@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Shirley | Coaston | scoaston@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Laney College | Language Art |
Douglass | Cobb | dcobb@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Douglass | Cobb | dcobb@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Gilbert | Cody | gcody@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Julian | Coffin-Lennear | jcoffin-lennear@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Jocelyn | Cohen | jhcohen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Chelsea | Cohen | ccohen@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Chelsea | Cohen | ccohen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Rachel | Cohen | rcohen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Sharon | Coleman | scoleman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Clifton | Coleman | ccoleman@peralta.edu | Sr Research & Planning Analyst | Laney College | President's Office |
Barbara | Collins | bcollins@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Carolyn | Collom | ccollom@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Alfredo | Colon | acolon@peralta.edu | Utility Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Tobey | Colston | tcolston@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Allen | Conkle | aconkle@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Sean | Connolly | sconnolly@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Reginald | Constant | rconstant@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Instructional-VP |
Reginald | Constant | rconstant@peralta.edu | Librarian | Laney College | Language Art |
Laura | Contreras | lgomezcontreras@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Laura | Contreras | lgomezcontreras@peralta.edu | EOPS Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Lisa | Cook | lrcook@peralta.edu | Dean Academic Pathw & Stdt Suc | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Shelby | Cook | scook@peralta.edu | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Roniqua | Cook-Greene | rcgreene@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Laura | Cooper | lcooper@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Laura | Cooper | lcooper@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Joshua | Coplen | jcoplen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Carolyn | Cornelius | cacornelius@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Language Art |
Horacio | Corona Lira | hcorona@peralta.edu | Director - I | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Hector | Corrales | hcorrales@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Cynthia | Correia | ccorreia@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Silvia | Cortez | scortez@peralta.edu | Adm & Rcds Sys Technol Analyst | District Office | Admissions and Records |
Leslie | Cortez | lcortez@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Drew | Costley | dcostley@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Bryan | Coughlan | bcoughlan@peralta.edu | Asst Coach, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Dean | Covalt | dcovalt@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Damon | Covington | dcovington@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Elizabeth | Cowan | ecowan@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Elizabeth | Cowan | ecowan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Sarah | Cox | scox@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Lisa | Cralle | lcralle@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Lisa | Cralle | lcralle@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Marcus | Creel | mcreel@peralta.edu | Graphic Design Specialist | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Lillian | Crist | lcrist@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Elizabeth | Crocker | bcrocker@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Karen | Croley | kcroley@peralta.edu | Project Manager | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Margaret | Crossman | mcrossman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Crystal | Crowley | ccrowley@peralta.edu | Intern (Instructor) | Laney College | Language Art |
Robert | Crowley | rcrowley@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Pamela | Crumpton | pcrumpton@peralta.edu | Program Specialist | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Jimmy | Crutison | jcrutison@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
George | Cruz | gcruz@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
George | Cruz | gcruz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Heather | Cuellar | hcuellar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Ryan | Cummings | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Susan | Cuong | scuong@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Daniel | Cusimano | dcusimano@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jacqueline | Custard | jcustard@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Jacqueline | Custard | jcustard@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Instructional-VP |
Michelle | Custino | mcustino@peralta.edu | DSPS Adapted Comp Learng Tech | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Nicanor | Custodio | ncustodio@peralta.edu | Sr. Buyer/Cap Projects-Bonds | District Office | Purchasing Division |
Genevieve | Dace | gdace@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Serwa | Dadzie | sdadzie@peralta.edu | District Interpreting Svcs Coo | District Office | Student Services |
Jorge | Dalmau | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Vocational Technology | |
Charity | Damarto | cdamarto@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Jessica | Dame Carroll | jdcarroll@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Sylver | Daniel | sdaniel@peralta.edu | Sr Clerical Assistant | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Stevie | Daniels | sdaniels@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Rebecca | Danton | rdanton@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Diana | Davaasuren | ddavaasuren@peralta.edu | Staff Svcs Spec/Fiscal | Laney College | Business Office |
Naren | Dave' | ndave@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Alan | David | ADAVID@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Karla Trina | David | kdavid@peralta.edu | Project Manager | District Office | International Educ. Program |
Ronald | Davidson | rdavidson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Arturo | Davila-Sanchez | adavila@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Laney College | Communications |
Arturo | Davila-Sanchez | adavila@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Cheryl (she/her) | Davis | cedavis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Wacheera | Davis | wacheeradavis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Kevin | Davis | kdavis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jenell | Davis | Instructor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Atlas | |
Yeprem | Davoodian | ydavoodian@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Melvin | Dawkins | mdawkins@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Carol | Day | carolday@peralta.edu | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Julie | de Guzman | jsaechao@peralta.edu | Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Julie | de Guzman | jsaechao@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Pedro | De La Rosa | prosa@peralta.edu | Custodian | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Violeta | de Leon | ddleon@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Admin (General) | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Martin | De Mucha Flores | mdemuchaflores@peralta.edu | Dean | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Jennifer | DeAngelis | jdeangelis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Evan | Degennaro | edegennaro@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Pieter | DeHaan | pdehaan@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Pieter | DeHaan | pdehaan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Ali | Dehghani | adehghani@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Dativa | Del Rosario | ddelrosario@peralta.edu | Vice President of Admin Servic | Laney College | Business Office |
Jarred | Dela Cruz | jdelacruz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Susana | DeLaTorre | sdelatorre@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Specialis | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Liduvina | Delfin-Icatar | ldelfinicatar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Rosendo | DelToroSolis | rdeltorosolis@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Rosendo | DelToroSolis | rdeltorosolis@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Leah | Demathieu | ldemathieu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Kevin | Demery | kdemery@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Cameron | Denney | Instructor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | STEM Division | |
Ronald | Der | rder@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Barbara | DesRochers | bdesrochers@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Barbara | DesRochers | bdesrochers@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Daniel | DeVere | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Laney College | Communications | |
Daniel | DeVere | Instructor | Laney College | Communications | |
Stefani | Devito | sdevito@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Stefani | Devito | sdevito@peralta.edu | Health Services Coordinator | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Robert | Dewitt | RDEWITT@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Linda | Dewrance | ldewrance@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Gerardo | Di Pietro | gdipietro@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Kristan | Di Ricco | Instructor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Atlas | |
John | Dialesandro | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
K L Nadeesha | Dias | kdias@peralta.edu | DSPS Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
K L Nadeesha | Dias | kdias@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
TaNeesha | Dickerson | tdickerson@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Benefits | District Office | Employee Relations |
Joshua | Dickinson | jddickinson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Annie | Dieckman | ddieckman@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Dayo | Diggs | ddiggs@peralta.edu | Dir of Facilities and Operatns | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Lisa | Digirolamo | ldigirolamo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Randy | Dillard | rdillard@peralta.edu | Custodian | Merritt College | Business Office |
Kimthuy | Dinh | kdinh@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Thomas | Dinwoodie | tdinwoodie@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Quaran | Dixon | qdixon@peralta.edu | Lead Custodian (B) | Laney College | Business Office |
Neshawn | Dixon | nhayes@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Vice Chanc, Ed Svcs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Vladeta | Djukich | vdjukich@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Vladeta | Djukich | vdjukich@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Tuan | Doan | tdoan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Tuan | Doan | tdoan@peralta.edu | Network Suppt Svcs Specialist | Laney College | Information Technology |
Leon | Dockery | ldockery@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Heather | Dodge | hdodge@peralta.edu | Librarian | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Heather | Dodge | hdodge@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Christopher | Doi | cdoi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lissette | Dominguez | ldominguez@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Lissette | Dominguez | ldominguez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Nghi | Dong | bcc-finaid@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Nghi | Dong | ndong@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Johnny | Dong | jdong@peralta.edu | Sr. Academic Support Serv Spec | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Patrick | Dong | pdong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Emma | Donnelly | edonnelly@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Donna | Dorsey | ddorsey@peralta.edu | Staff Asst,Vice President's Of | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Shawn | Doubiago | sdoubiago@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Gina | Dowen | gdowen@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Purchasing | District Office | Purchasing Division |
Shane | Downing | sdowning@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Jennifer | Doyle | jenniferdoyle@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Dominique | Dozier | ddozier@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Laney College | Instructional-VP |
Brock | Drazen | bdrazen@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Brock | Drazen | bdrazen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Jon | Drinnon | jdrinnon@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Jon | Drinnon | jdrinnon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Stephanie | Droker | SDROKER@peralta.edu | Deputy Chancellor & COO | District Office | Chancellor's Office |
Tina | Du | tdu@peralta.edu | Accounts Payable Specialist I | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Pete | DuBois | pdubois@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Pete | DuBois | pdubois@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Minda | Dudley | mdudley@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Christopher | Dudzik | cdudzik@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Michael | Duensing | mduensing@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Kaitlin | Duffey | kduffey@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Shalamon | Duke | sduke@peralta.edu | Dean, Special Programs & Grant | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Rachel | Dulaney | rdulaney@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Edward | Dunbar | edunbar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Felicia | Duncan | fduncan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Neil | Dunlop | ndunlop@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Dung | Duong | dduong@peralta.edu | Child Care Assistant II | District Office | Child Care |
Vincent | Ealy | vealy@peralta.edu | Custodian | Merritt College | Business Office |
Quiana | Easter | QEASTER@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Quiana | Easter | qeaster@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Mason | Eastman | meastman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Grace | Ebron | gebron@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Cheryl | Eccles | ceccles@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Daniel | Edelstein | dedelstein@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Michel | Edibe-Bile | mebile@peralta.edu | Instr Asst/Comput Assist Instr | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Emunah | Edinburgh | eedinburgh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Christina | Edwards | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Laney College | Language Art | |
Christina | Edwards | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art | |
LaNesha | Edwards | LNEDWARDS@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Clerk | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Mark | Egan | megan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Nurit | Ehrenberg Hellion | nehellion@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Seth | Eisen | seisen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Kaushalya | Ekanayake | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Didem | Ekici | dekici@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Didem | Ekici | dekici@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Jenna | Ekwealor | jekwealor@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Maha | Elaidy | melaidy@peralta.edu | Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Maha | Elaidy | melaidy@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Tarek | ElJarrari | teljarrari@peralta.edu | Dean of Academic & Student Aff | Laney College | Language Art |
Ann | Elkan | aweedon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Rachel | Ellis | rellis@peralta.edu | Program Specialist/C.A.R.E. | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Amany | ElMasry | aemasry@peralta.edu | Curric & Systems Tech Analyst | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Robin | Epitacio | repitacio@peralta.edu | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Andrea | Epps | aepps@peralta.edu | Dir Of Employee Relations | District Office | Employee Relations |
Alta | Erdenebaatar | aerdenebaatar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Dylan | Eret | deret@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Dylan | Eret | deret@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Brielle | Erike | bplump@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Donna | Ervin | dervin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Antonio | Ervin | AERVIN@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Renato | Escudero | rescudero@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Dinah | Espineli | despineli@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Laura | Espino | lespino@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications |
Michelle | Espino | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 | |
Sylvia | Espinosa | sespinosa@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Gustavo | Espinoza | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I | |
Genavive | Esse | gesse@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Zalae | Etienne | ZETIENNE@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Karen | Evangelista | kevangelista@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Kevin | Evans | kevans@peralta.edu | Instructor/Asst. Coach, Part-T | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Jill | Evans | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech | |
Donna | Eyestone | deyestone@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Noel | Fagerhaugh | nfagerhaugh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Nathan | Failing | nfailing@peralta.edu | DSPS Coordinator | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Nathan | Failing | nfailing@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Carmen | Fairley | cfairley@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Grants & Spec Pgms | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Roderick | Fajarda | rfajarda@peralta.edu | Sr Appl Software Prog/Analyst | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Lynsie | Falco | lfalco@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Arash | Farahmand | afarahmand@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Malahat | Fardadi | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Fahimeh | Faridnia | FFARIDNIA@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Zahrah | Farmer | zfarmer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Marisha | Farnsworth | mfarnsworth@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Madalyn | Farquhar | MFARQUHAR@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Andrew | Farrens | afarrens@peralta.edu | Custodian | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Deborah | Farris | dfarris@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Yasmin | Fathi-Torbaghan | yftorbaghan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Natalia | Fedorova | nfedorova@peralta.edu | Project Manager | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Flor | Feldman | ffeldman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Ronald | Felzer | rfelzer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Miriam | Fernandez | mfernandez@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Megan | Ferrara | msferrara@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Richard | Ferreira | rferreira@peralta.edu | Exec Asst/Finance & Accounting | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Christa | Ferrero-Castaneda | cferrero@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Christa | Ferrero-Castaneda | cferrero@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
John | Fielding | jfielding@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Barbara | Fields | bsfields@peralta.edu | Librarian/Substitute | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Matthew | Fillingim | mfillingim@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Olga | Fish | ofish@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Olga | Fish | ofish@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Terrence | Fisher | tfisher@peralta.edu | Computer Network Technician | Laney College | Communications |
Lashaune | Fitch | lfitch@peralta.edu | Curriculum Specialist | Merritt College | Instructional-VP |
Andrew | Fittingoff | afittingoff@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Diana | Fitzgerald | dfitzgerald@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Admin (General) | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Jose | Flores | jlflores@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Isaias | Flores | iflores@peralta.edu | Groundsworker-Gardener | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Lissette | Flores | lflores@peralta.edu | Director - I | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Montel | Floyd | mfloyd@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Clerk | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Elizabeth | Flynn | eflynn@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Grant | Foerster | gfoerster@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Eric | Folmer | efolmer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Suzanne | Fong | sfong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Denise | Fontenot | dfontenot@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Nia | Ford | nford@peralta.edu | Program Specialist/Outreach | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Manford | Forkner | mforkner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Christana | Forlastro | cforlastro@peralta.edu | Sr Library Technician | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Laura | Forlin | lforlin@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Laura | Forlin | lforlin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Michele | Forman | mforman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Jason | Forster | jforster@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Michelle | Fossum | mfossum@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Michelle | Fossum | mfossum@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Chriss | Foster | cfoster@peralta.edu | Dean of Lib Art & Soc Science | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Shawn | Foster | sfoster@peralta.edu | Computer Network Technician | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Nadia | Fouladian Tabriz | nfouladian@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Jennifer | Fowler | jfowler@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Jennifer | Fowler | jfowler@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Angela | Fragulia | afragulia@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Emily | Frank | efrank@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Myron | Franklin | mfranklin@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Myron | Franklin | mfranklin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Dedric | Franklin | dlfranklin@peralta.edu | Custodian | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Nancy | Freed | nfreed@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst IV/DSPS | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Dean | Freeman | dfreeman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Koina | Freeman | kfreeman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Matthew | Freeman | mfreeman@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Matthew | Freeman | mfreeman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Johnathan | Freeman | JOHNATHANFREEMAN@peralta.edu | Web Content Developer | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Johnathan | Freeman | johnathanfreeman@peralta.edu | Web Content Developer | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Mark | Frey | mfrey@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Betty | Frias | bfrias@peralta.edu | Counselor(Tenured-Categorical) | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Betty | Frias | bfrias@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Alejandra | Frias Gonzalez | AFGONZALEZ@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Milton | Friedman | mfriedman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Paul | Friedman | paulfriedman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Peter | Frye | PFRYE@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Diana | Fuentes | Intr For The Hear Imp III | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs | |
Angel | Fuentes-Figueroa | afuentes@peralta.edu | Dean of Academic & Student Aff | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Janine | Fujioka | jfujioka@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Wilma | Fuller | wfuller@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Heather | Fullerton | hfullerton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Kathy | Fung | kfung@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Wayne | Fung | wfung@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Wayne | Fung | wfung@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Alexandra | Furukawa | afurukawa@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Bruce | Furuya | BFURUYA@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Meres-Sia | Gabriel | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications | |
Christopher | Gade | cgade@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Ron | Galen | rgalen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Araceli | Gallardo Zuniga | ASHAMARAO@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Ana | Galvis Martinez | agmartinez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Saul | Gamboa-Peinado | SGAMBOA@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Huoxian | Gao | HGAO@peralta.edu | Child Care Assistant II | District Office | Child Care |
Cora | Garcia | cgarcia@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Sean | Garcia | segarcia@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Brendan | Garcia | bgarcia@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Specialis | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Doris | Garcia | ddgarcia@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Alejandro | Garcia | agarcia@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Alejandro | Garcia | agarcia@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Angèlica | Garcia | angelicagarcia@peralta.edu | College President | Berkeley City College | President's Office |
Juliana | Garcia Uribe | jgarciauribe@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Student Services | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Ashley | Gardini | agardini@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Derrick | Gardner | dgardner@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Laney College | Communications |
Glenda | Gardner | ggardner@peralta.edu | Sr Library Technician | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Jose | Garduno Villagran | Coach, Part Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP | |
Jerico | Garino | jgarino@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Nickolas | Garner | Instructional Asst IV/DSPS | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS | |
Mary | Garner-Fong | jfong@peralta.edu | Sr. Academic Support Serv Spec | Merritt College | Instructional-VP |
Sharon | Garrett | sgarrett@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Vince | Garrett | vgarrett@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Vince | Garrett | vgarrett@peralta.edu | Student Services Specialist | Laney College | Education Success |
Kashaka | Garrett | kjgarrett@peralta.edu | Custodian | Merritt College | Business Office |
Eleni | Gastis | eegastis@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Eleni | Gastis | eegastis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Edwin | Gatheru | Library Technician II | Laney College | Language Art | |
Daniel | Gee | dgee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Becky | Gee | bgee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Hasmik | Geghamyan | hgeghamyan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Mather | George | mgeorge@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Liana | Gerardo | lgerardo@peralta.edu | Athletic Trainer-Equipment Mgr | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Liana | Gerardo | lgerardo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Precious | Gerardo | pgerardo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Raymond | Gerardo | rgerardo@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Eric | Gerlach | egerlach@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Sandra | Germinaro | sgerminaro@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jennifer | Gerry | jgerry@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Jennifer | Gerry | jgerry@peralta.edu | Project Manager | Laney College | Communications |
Michael | Ghebreab | mghebreab@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Margherita | Ghetti | mghetti@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Michael | Ghiselli | mghiselli@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Erica | Gibbons | Intern, Part-Time FDIP | College of Alameda | Student Services Division | |
Christina | Gifford | cgifford@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Kyana | Gilani | kgilani@peralta.edu | International Student Support | District Office | International Educ. Program |
Deborah | Gilbert | dgilbert@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Caitlin | Gilbert | cgilbert@peralta.edu | Principal Library Tech | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Augustine | Gill | AGILL@peralta.edu | Vice President of Admin Servic | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Samuel | Gillette | sgillette@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Samuel | Gillette | sgillette@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lucas | Ginsberg | lginsberg@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
James | Gioia | jgioia@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Gisele | Giorgi | ggiorgi@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Gisele | Giorgi | ggiorgi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Elena | Givental | egivental@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Kim | Glosson | kglosson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Kim | Glosson | kglosson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Scott | Godfrey | sgodfrey@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Scott | Godfrey | sgodfrey@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Matthew | Goldstein | mgoldstein@peralta.edu | Faculty Release/Negotiator | District Office | Chancellor's Office |
Matthew | Goldstein | mgoldstein@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Matthew | Goldstein | mgoldstein@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
David | Goldweber | dgoldweber@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Louis | Goltz | lgoltz@peralta.edu | Sr. Instl Lab Tech/Cosmetolog | Laney College | Language Art |
Alma | Gomez | agomez@peralta.edu | Sr Clerical Assistant | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Xavier | Gomez | xgomez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Marx | Gomez Liendo | MGLIENDO@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Fernando | Gonzales | fgonzales@peralta.edu | Utility Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Margaret | Gonzalez | mgonzalez@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Carlos | Gonzalez | cgonzalez@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Roberto | Gonzalez | rgonzalez@peralta.edu | Alternate Media Technology Spe | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Andre | Gonzalez | andregonzalez@peralta.edu | Groundsworker-Gardener | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Alejandro | Gonzalez | alejandrogonzalez@peralta.edu | Student Services Specialist | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Ann | Gonzalez | Ann.Gonzalez@peralta.edu | Manager of Special Projects | District Office | Workforce Development/Grants |
Jorge | Gonzalez | jgonzalez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Alex | Gonzalez | ALEXGONZALEZ@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Christian | Gonzalez Reyes | CGREYES@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications |
Isela | GonzalezSantana | isantana@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Isela | GonzalezSantana | isantana@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Rhonda | Goodbeer | rgoodbeer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Rachel | Goodwin | rgoodwin@peralta.edu | DSPS Instructor | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Rachel | Goodwin | rgoodwin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Latha | Gopinath | lgopinath@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Karen | Gordon Brown | kgordon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Andrew | Gottscho | agottscho@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jenny | Gough | jgough@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jenny | Gough | jgough@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Bear | Gough | dgough@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Matthew | Goularte | mgoularte@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
John | Gove | jgove@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
John | Gove | jgove@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Sagesse | Graham | sgraham@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Christophe | Grampp | cgrampp@peralta.edu | Faculty, Special Assignment | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Christophe | Grampp | cgrampp@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Richard | Grassetti | rgrassetti@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jacqueline | Graves | jgraves@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Jacqueline | Graves | jgraves@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Armond | Gray | agray@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Marilyn | Green | mgreen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Julie | Green | jgreen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Svetlana | Greenberg | sgreenberg@peralta.edu | Graphics And Media Specialist | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Svetlana | Greenberg | sgreenberg@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Terrance | Greene | tgreene@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Terrance | Greene | tgreene@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Allison | Greene | agreene@peralta.edu | Library Technician II | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Richard | Greenspan | rgreenspan@peralta.edu | Faculty Release/Negotiator | District Office | Chancellor's Office |
Richard | Greenspan | rgreenspan@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Richard | Greenspan | rgreenspan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Janine | Greer | jgreer@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Janine | Greer | jgreer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Ryan | Gregory | RGREGORY@peralta.edu | International Student Support | District Office | International Educ. Program |
Shiori | Greller | sgreller@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Aman | Grewal | agrewal@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Terry | Griffin | tgriffin@peralta.edu | Warehouse Worker-Driver (B) | District Office | Purchasing Division |
Juliet | Griffith | jgriffith@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Stephanie | Grigg | sgrigg@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Stephanie | Grigg | shess@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Dana | Grisby | dgrisby@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Dana | Grisby | dgrisby@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Janice | Grossman | jgrossman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Darrell | Gualco | dgualco@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Yi | Guan | yguan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Miaohong | Guan | mguan@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst I/DSPS | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Daniel | Guerrero | dguerrero@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Greta | Guerrero-Betteo | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications | |
Hayat | Guessoum | hguessoum@peralta.edu | Project Manager/IT Budget | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Souleymane | Gueye | sgueye@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Ron | Guirguis | Library Technician II | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP | |
Cloteal | Gumbs | cgumbs@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Charles | Gurke | cgurke@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Sarah | Guth | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Applied Tech | |
Maria | Guzman | mguzman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Miroslava | Guzman Perez | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications | |
Elyus | Gwin | egwin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Peter | Ha | pha@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Peter | Ha | pha@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Yang | Ha | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I | |
Jeffrey | Haagenson | jhaagenson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Assistant Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Jeffrey | Haagenson | jhaagenson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Rita | Haberlin | rhaberlin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Alice | Hale | alicehale@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Tyrone | Hall | thall@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Javelin | Hall | javelinhall@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Marlon | Hall | Vice President Of Student Serv | Laney College | Student Services-VP | |
Nathaniel | Hallinan | nhallinan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Theresa | Halula | thalula@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Zaina | Hamid | ZHAMID@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Kaliya | Hamlin | khamlin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Bahij | Hanhan | bhanhan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Doris | Hankins | dhankins@peralta.edu | Dir of Studt Activit Campus Li | Merritt College | Student Activity & Campus Life |
Monte | Hanrahan | mhanrahan@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Monte | Hanrahan | mhanrahan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Eric | Hansen | ehansen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Sarah | Hanson | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety | |
Aaron | Harbour | aharbour@peralta.edu | Web Content Developer | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Miriam | Hardak Inberg | mhinberg@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Hollie | Hardy | hhardy@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Scott | Harman | sharman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Cynthia | Haro | charo@peralta.edu | Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Cynthia | Haro | charo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Adam | Harper | aharper@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Cemone | Harper | ccowart@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Education Success |
Naa | Harper | NHARPER@peralta.edu | Acad Support Services Special | Laney College | Instructional-VP |
Erica | Harrell | eharrell@peralta.edu | District Child Care Prog Coord | District Office | Child Care |
Richard | Harris | RHARRIS1@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Richard | Harris | richardharris@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Breanne | Harris | bharris@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Angelica | Harris | angelicaharris@peralta.edu | Sr. Human Resources Analyst (C | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Deborah | Harris | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Dolores | Harshaw | dharshaw@peralta.edu | Assessment Specialist | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Thomas | Hart | tjhart@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Gary | Hasbrouck | gmhasbrouck@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Forough | Hashemi | fhashemi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Richard | Hashimoto | rhashimoto@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Richard | Hashimoto | rhashimoto@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Marjory | Haskell | mhaskell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Geraldine | Hasse | ghasse@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst I/DSPS | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Brendan | Havenar Daughton | bhdaughton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Kuniko | Hay | khay@peralta.edu | Vice President Of Instruction | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
David | Haynes | dhaynes@peralta.edu | Groundsworker-Gardener | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Jiayu | He | jhe@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Paula | Heichel | Librarian, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP | |
Jennifer | Helton | jhelton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Eric | Heltzel | eheltzel@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Iona | Henderson | ihenderson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Iona | Henderson | ihenderson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Andrea | Henderson | ahenderson@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Andrea | Henderson | ahenderson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Silvester | Henderson | shenderson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Giselle | Hendrie | ghendrie@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Jason | Hengels | jhengels@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Tasha | Henneman | thenneman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Tachetta | Henry | tachettahenry@peralta.edu | Executive Asst/Chancellor's Of | District Office | Chancellor's Office |
Chevonn | Herbert | cherbert@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Sonja | Herbert | sherbert@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Nickey | Heredia | nchao@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Kimberly | Hernandez | kimberlyhernandez@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Silvia | Hernandez | scruzlopez@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Brian | Hernandez | bhernandez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Noami | Hernandez | nhernandez@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Erika | Hernandez | erikahernandez@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Crystal | Hernandez Martinez | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation | |
Renee | Herold | rherold@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Molly | Herrenbruck | mherrenbruck@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Amy | Herrera | aherrera@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Berenise | Herrera | bherrera@peralta.edu | Exec Asst/President's Office | Merritt College | President's Office |
Juan | Herrera | jherrera@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Emmanuel | Herrera | eherrera@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Francisco | Herrera | fherrera@peralta.edu | Assoc VC for Planning & IR | District Office | Institutional Dev and Research |
DeEboni | Herron Noureddine | denoureddine@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Martin | Herzfeld | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Vocational Technology | |
Carl | Hickman | chickman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
John | Hiebert | jhiebert@peralta.edu | Buyer/Contract Specialist | District Office | Purchasing Division |
Tiffany | Higgins | thiggins@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Egbert | Higinio | ehiginio@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Nia | Hill | nhill@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Nia | Hill | nhill@peralta.edu | Scien Lab Tech/Landscape Horti | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Carolyn | Himes | chimes@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Pak | Ho | pho@peralta.edu | Staff Svcs Spec/Fiscal | Laney College | Business Office |
Tu | Hoang | tuhoang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Bc | Hoff | BHOFF@peralta.edu | Facilities Project Manager | District Office | General Services |
Justin | Hoffman | jhoffman@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Justin | Hoffman | jhoffman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Mark | Holcom | mholcom@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp II | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Mary | Holland | mholland@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Laney College | Language Art |
Jerry | Hollister | jhollister@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Jerry | Hollister | jhollister@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jason | Holloway | jholloway@peralta.edu | Dean of STEAM | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
William | Holloway | wholloway@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Robert | Holloway | rholloway@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
John | Holmes | jholmes@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Todd | Holmes | teholmes@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Edward | Holowicki | eholowicki@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Erik | Holtz | eholtz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Amy | Hontalas | acasselman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Monique | Hopkins | mhopkins@peralta.edu | Cashier | Laney College | Food Service Department |
Larry | Hopt | lhopt@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Daniel | Horan | dhoran@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Scott | Hoshida | shoshida@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Scott | Hoshida | shoshida@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Mohammed | Hossain | mhossain@peralta.edu | Science Lab Tech/Chemistry | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Sepi | Hosseini | shosseini@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Daniella | Hovsepian | dhovsepian@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Francis | Howard | fhoward@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Brandi | Howard | bhoward@peralta.edu | Cord Contract and Legal Affair | District Office | General Counsel |
Betsey | Hoyt | bhoyt@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Calvin | Hsieh | chsieh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Alisa | Huang | fhuang@peralta.edu | Sr. Staff Services Spec/CTE | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Shou | Huang | syhuang@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Specialis | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Jian | Huang | jjhuang@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Dingyao | Huang | dhuang@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/EOPS | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Matthew | Hubbard | mhubbard@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Javier | Huerta | jhuerta@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Darrol | Hughes | dhughes@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Kit | Hui | khui@peralta.edu | SR NETWORK & SYS ADMIN | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Julie | Hui | jhui@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Nancy | Hunt | nhunt@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Alyson | Hunter | ahunter@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Alyson | Hunter | merfinaid@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Angel | Hunter | achunter@peralta.edu | Video Production Specialist | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Judith | Hurtado-Ortiz | jhortiz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Randall | Husch | rhusch@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Shah | Hussein | shussein@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Berwyn | Hutcherson | bhutcherson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Benjamin | Hutchison | bphutchison@peralta.edu | Lead Custodian (B) | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Phuong | Huynh | phuynh@peralta.edu | Child Care Assistant II | Merritt College | Child Care |
Hue | Huynh | huehuynh@peralta.edu | Senior A & R Specialist | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Olufunmilayo O | Idowu | gidowu@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Olufunmilayo O | Idowu | gidowu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Michael | Ignont | mignont@peralta.edu | Asst Coach, Part-Time | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Alisi | Ika | aika@peralta.edu | Sr Clerical Assistant | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Ivanetta | Ikeda | iikeda@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Ivanetta | Ikeda | iikeda@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lisa | Ikeda | likeda@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Raufat | Ikharo-Umaru | RUMARU@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Tanya | Ilarde | tilarde@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Jennifer | Iljas | jiljas@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Jennifer | Iljas | jiljas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Nehanda | Imara | nimara@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Monique | Inciarte | minciarte@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Christopher | Ingram | cingram@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Meredith | Isaksen | mpaige@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
David | Isenberg | disenberg@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Susannah | Israel | sisrael@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Feather | Ives | fives@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Charles | Iyoho | ciyoho@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Leanna | Jack | ljack@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Jannett | Jackson | jjackson@peralta.edu | Chancellor | District Office | Chancellor's Office |
Laurence | Jackson | ljackson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Laurence | Jackson | ljackson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Fredrick | Jackson | fjackson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Fredrick | Jackson | fjackson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Wellington | Jackson | wjackson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Charles | Jackson | cjackson@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Candace | Jackson | CANDACEJACKSON@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Jameze | James | jhjames@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Dawn | James | dmjames@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Carolyn | Janssen | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Language Art | |
Annie | Javier | ajavier@peralta.edu | Facilities Project Coord | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Elissa | Jaw | ejaw@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Elissa | Jaw | ejaw@peralta.edu | Counselor/Coordinator | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Michael | Jay | mjay@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Eva | Jennings | ejennings@peralta.edu | Dean, Career Tech Ed | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Megan | Jensen | mjensen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Zhao | Jian | zjian@peralta.edu | District Accounting Tech | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Anna | Jiang | ajiang@peralta.edu | Sr Capital Projects Specialist | District Office | General Services |
Nimfa | Jianoran | njianora@peralta.edu | Sr Duplicating Services Techni | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Angela | Jimenez Velayos | ajvelayos@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Hoda | Jirde | HJIRDE@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Student Financ | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Walter | Johnson | wjohnson@peralta.edu | Instr Asst/Comput Assist Instr | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Todd | Johnson | tjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Todd | Johnson | tjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
David | Johnson | dmjohnson@peralta.edu | College President | Merritt College | President's Office |
Roslyn | Johnson | roslynjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Carolyn | Johnson | cjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Carolyn | Johnson | cjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Diane | Johnson | djohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Ronda | Johnson | rrjohnson@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Shemila | Johnson | srjohnson@peralta.edu | Consortium Director (NAAEC) | District Office | Workforce Development/Grants |
Daniel | Johnson | Coach, Part Time | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics | |
Brian | Johnson | brianjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Levern | Johnson | LEVERNJOHNSON@peralta.edu | Custodian | Merritt College | Business Office |
Carmen | Johnson | carmenjohnson@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Andrea | Johnson | ajohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Blake | Johnson | bsjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Blake | Johnson | bsjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
James | Johnson | jhjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Mary | Johnson | majohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Crystal | Johnson | crjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Matthew | Johnson | MATTHEWJOHNSON@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Kyle | Johnson | KJOHNSON@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Alexandra | Johnston | alexandrajohnston@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Linda | Jolivet | ljolivet@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Maurice | Jones | majones@peralta.edu | Vice President Of Instruction | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Donna | Jones | dajones@peralta.edu | Coordinator/CTE | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Damon | Jones | damonjones@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Denise | Jones | dgjones@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Denise | Jones | dgjones@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
William | Jones | wjones@peralta.edu | Network Suppt Svcs Specialist | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Palmis | Jones | psjones@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst IV/DSPS | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Palmis | Jones | psjones@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Dianne | Jones | dijones@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Derrick | Jones | derrickjones@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Rayanna | Jones | rayannajones@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Nathaniel | Jones | nathanieljones@peralta.edu | Vice Chanc Finance & Administr | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Rod | Jones | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Vocational Technology | |
Howard | Jordan | hjordan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Patricia | Jorgensen | pjorgensen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Midhun | Joseph | mjoseph@peralta.edu | Project Manager | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Judy | Juanita | jjuanita@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Rene | Juarez Vasquez | rjvasquez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Philip | Jucaban | PJUCABAN@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Astrid | Jules | Sr Admissions & Records Clerk | District Office | Admissions and Records |
Asadollah | Kabir | akabir@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Adam | Kadourhe | pkadourhe@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Richard | Kaeser | rkaeser@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Richard | Kaeser | rkaeser@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Si Yazid | Kahil | skahil@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Crystal | Kamoroff | ckamoroff@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Loretta | Kane | lkane@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Benjamin | Kane | bkane@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Hannah | Kanzell | hkanzell@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Tobey | Kaplan | tkaplan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Waaduda | Karim | wkarim@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Gina | Karunaratne | gkarunaratne@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst/Mathematics | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Gina | Karunaratne | gkarunaratne@peralta.edu | Intern (Instructor) | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Anne | Kastler | Coach, Part Time | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics | |
Shana | Katzman | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Osa | Kauffman | okauffman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Maryhelen | Kaufman | mkaufman@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Clerk | Merritt College | Admissions and Records |
Nailah | Keeles | nkeeles@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Business Svcs | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
Million | Kelati | mkelati@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Michael | Kelleher | mkelleher@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jay | Kendrix | jaykendrix@peralta.edu | Asst Warehouse Supervisor | District Office | Purchasing Division |
James | Kennedy | jkennedy@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Patrick | Kenney | pkenney@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Margaret | Kenrick | mkenrick@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Mona | Khabiri | mkhabiri@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Waseem | Khaja | wkhaja@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Waseem | Khaja | wkhaja@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Poupak | Khazaeli Parsa | PKPARSA@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Poupak | Khazaeli Parsa | pkparsa@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Angela | Khoo | akhoo@peralta.edu | Dean of Enrollment Services | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Yohannes | Kidane | ykidane@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Thomas | Kies | tkies@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Thomas | Kies | tkies@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Dru | Kim | dkim@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Richard | Kim | rkim@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Joy | Kim | jkim@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Pheng | Kim | pkim@peralta.edu | Custodian | Merritt College | Business Office |
Angela | Kimble | akimble@peralta.edu | Executive Assistant | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Linda | King | lking@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Kimberly | King | kking@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Kimberly | King | kking@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Dejeiner | King | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences | |
Kathleen | Kirkeby | kkirkeby@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Andrew | Kleindolph | akleindolph@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Patrick | Klobas | pklobas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Ayisha | Knight-Shaw | akshaw@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Samuel | Knox | skknox@peralta.edu | Utility Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Hoi | Ko | hko@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Hoi | Ko | hko@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Frank | Ko | fko@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Katherine | Koelle | kkoelle@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Michelle | Koerner | mkoerner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lev | Komraz | lkomraz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Vincent | Koo | vkoo@peralta.edu | Sr College Info Sys Analyst | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Constance | Koo | ckoo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Constance | Koo | ckoo@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Admin (Grants) | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Joseph | Koroma | jkoroma@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Officer | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Joseph | Koroma | jkoroma@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Eve | Korshak | ekorshak@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Christine | Kovach | ckovach@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Brian | Krans | bkrans@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Ari | Krupnick | akrupnick@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Ari | Krupnick | akrupnick@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Irina | Krylova | ikrylova@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Kelly | Krzyska | kkrzyska@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Helen | Ku | hku@peralta.edu | Sr Research & Planning Analyst | District Office | Institutional Dev and Research |
Chelsea | Kubischta | ckubischta@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Alison | Kubo | akubo@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Jessica | Kumar | jkumar@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Jerry | Kung | JKUNG@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Fanching | Kuo | fckuo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Chieh | Kuo | CKUO@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Stephanie | Kurata | skurata@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Garth | Kwiecien | gkwiecien@peralta.edu | Vice President of Admin Servic | Merritt College | Business Office |
Grace | Kwon | gkwon@peralta.edu | STAFF ASST/PRESIDENT'S OFFICE | Laney College | President's Office |
Erika | Lachenmeier | elachenmeier@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Deborah | Lafferty | dlafferty@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Drucella | Laguda | dlaguda@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Pallavi | Lal | plal@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Ranjeeta | Lal | rlal@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Judy | Lam | jlam@peralta.edu | Principal Accounting Technicia | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Chad | Lama | clama@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Mary | Lambert | mlambert@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Prt Cert IC Or | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Quynh Nhu | Lamha | qnlamha@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Rodney | Lampkin | RLAMPKIN@peralta.edu | Stationary Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Stacy | Lancaster | slancaster@peralta.edu | Staff Services Specailist M&O | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Monica | Landeros | mlanderos@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Angela | Lane | alane@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Hope | Lane | hlane@peralta.edu | Executive Assistant | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Demareyeh | Lane | dlane@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Marcus | Langston | mlangston@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Aurora | Laniohan | alaniohan@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst IV/DSPS | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Ismael | Lara | ilara@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Irma | Lastra | ilastra@peralta.edu | Child Care Specialist | Merritt College | Child Care |
Carol | Lathuras | clathuras@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Ian | Latta | ilatta@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Ian | Latta | ilatta@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
John | Lau | Program Specialist/Outreach | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS | |
Jason | Lau | jclau@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Feke | Lauti | flauti@peralta.edu | Project Manager | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Fong | Lauw | lauwf@peralta.edu | Cook | Merritt College | Child Care |
Seth | Lavender | slavender@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Daniel | Lawson | dlawson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Daniel | Lawson | dlawson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Phu | Le | phule@peralta.edu | SR Ntwrk Spprt Srvc Specialist | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Phi | Le | phile@peralta.edu | SR Ntwrk Spprt Srvc Specialist | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Peter | Le | ple@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Stephanie | Le | sle@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
John | Leamy III | jleamy@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Mark | Leavitt | mjleavitt@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Alvin | Lebo-Planas | aleboplanas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lynn | Lebo-Planas | lleboplanas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Eli | Lebow | elebow@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Herman | Lee | hlee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Derek | Lee | dlee@peralta.edu | Sr. Academic Support Serv Spec | Laney College | Instructional-VP |
Michelle | Lee | mlee@peralta.edu | Program Specialist/PCTV | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Wanda | Lee | wandalee@peralta.edu | Custodian | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Lawrence | Lee | lelee@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Lawrence | Lee | lelee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Andrea | Lee | avlee@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Andrea | Lee | avlee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Amy | Lee | ahlee@peralta.edu | Dean of Enrollment Services | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Jordan | Lee | jordanlee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Minyoung | Lee | minyounglee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Charlotte | Lee | clee@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Charlotte | Lee | clee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Suely | Lee | hslee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
David | Lee | delee@peralta.edu | Director of AANAPISI | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Ava | Lee-Pang | alee@peralta.edu | Sr. Supervisor Admin & Bus Sup | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Marla | Leech | mleech@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Marla | Leech | mleech@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Karissa | Legleiter | klegleiter@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jay | Lehmann | jlehmann@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Jay | Lehmann | jlehmann@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Julianne | Leigh | jleigh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Cora | Leighton | cleighton@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Cora | Leighton | cleighton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
David | Leitner | dleitner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jenny | Lemper | jlemper@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Michelle | Lenh | mlenh@peralta.edu | Payroll Manager | District Office | Payroll Department |
Elisa | Leon | Student Services Specialist | Laney College | Education Success | |
Laura | Leon-Maurice | lmaurice@peralta.edu | Exec. Asst., Vice Chan. Office | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Derek | Leong | dleong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Noelle | Leong | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art | |
William | Lepowsky | wlepowsky@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Sabina | Letang | sletang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Lily | Leung | lleung@peralta.edu | Library Technician II | Laney College | Language Art |
Soledad | Leung | sleung@peralta.edu | Sr Clerical Assistant | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Eileen | Levin | elevin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Meg | Levine | mlevine@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Derrick | Levingston | DLEVINGSTON@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Cheryl | Lew | clew@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Cheryl | Lew | clew@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Mildred | Lewis | mildredlewis@peralta.edu | Vice President Of Student Serv | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Azul | Lewis | alewis@peralta.edu | Science Lab Tech/Chemistry | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Francine | Lewis | flewis@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Christopher | Lewis | clewis@peralta.edu | Dean of STEAM | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Kimberly | Lewis | Instructional Asst I/DSPS | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS | |
Lysha | Lewis | llewis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Olga | Lewis | olewis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lenice | Lewis | ldlewis@peralta.edu | Child Care Specialist | District Office | Child Care |
Myisha | Lewis-Reed | myishalewis@peralta.edu | Sr. Buyer/Cap Projects-Bonds | District Office | Purchasing Division |
Susan | Liang | sliang@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Weijian | Liang | wliang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Liesa | Lietzke | llietzke@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Kingman | Lim | klim@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
MoMo | Lim | mlim@peralta.edu | Internal Auditor | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Michael | Lin | mlin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Yangxi | Lin | YANGXILIN@peralta.edu | Custodian | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
David | Linares | dlinares@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Drennon | Lindsey | dlindsey@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
James | Linnehan | jlinnehan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Matthew | Linzner | mlinzner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Irene | Liou | iliou@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Cassie | Lipowitz | clipowitz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Albert | Lira | ALIRA@peralta.edu | Director of Financial Aid | District Office | Financial Aid |
Marc | Lispi | mlispi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Michelle | Little | mhansen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Victor | Littles | vlittles@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Victor | Littles | vlittles@peralta.edu | Project Manager | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Willis | Liu | wliu@peralta.edu | Network Suppt Svcs Specialist | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Annie | Liu | aliu@peralta.edu | Executive Assistant to the President | Berkeley City College | President's Office |
Marivic | Lizardo | mlizardo@peralta.edu | Executive Assistant | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Edward | Lloyd | elloyd@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Chi | Lo | CLO@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Jason | Lockhart | jlockhart@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Amy | Loewen | aloewen@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications |
Ronald | Lomax | rlomax@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Michelle | Lomeli | MLOMELI@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Arlene | Lontoc | alontoc@peralta.edu | Exec Asst/President's Office | Laney College | President's Office |
Javier | Lopez | jlopez@peralta.edu | Stationary Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Cynthia | Lopez | clopez@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Silvia | Lopez | slopez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Danitza | Lopez | dlopez@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Danitza | Lopez | dlopez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Maria | Lopez Ramirez | MLRAMIREZ@peralta.edu | Custodian | Laney College | Business Office |
Araceli | Lopez-Garibay | algaribay@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Evelyn | Lord | elord@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Evelyn | Lord | elord@peralta.edu | Librarian | Laney College | Language Art |
Bianca | Lorenz | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 | |
Eddie | Loretto | eloretto@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Eddie | Loretto | eloretto@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Gary | Lose Cheshire | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety | |
Milana | Lostica | MRLOSTICA@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Rosemary | Loughman | rloughman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Joanna | Louie | jlouie@peralta.edu | Sr. Supervisor Admin & Bus Sup | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
Michelle | Love | mlove@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Dominique | Love | dolove@peralta.edu | Payroll Specialist | District Office | Payroll Department |
Jennifer | Lowood | jlowood@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Jennifer | Lowood | jlowood@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Emma | Loyola Lopez | ELOYOLA@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Jiajun | Lu | jlu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Han | Lu | hlu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Aaron | Luckett | aluckett@peralta.edu | Intern (Instructor) | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jose | Lujan-Perez | jlperez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Munlok | Lum | mlum@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Kim | Ly | kimly@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Mai | Ly | mly@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EOPS | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Che | Ly | cly@peralta.edu | Human Resources Analyst (C) | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Kelle | Lynch-McMahon | klynchmcmahon@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Kelle | Lynch-McMahon | klynchmcmahon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Kathy | Ma | kma@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Kathy | Ma | kma@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Jennifer | Ma | jenniferma@peralta.edu | College Dir of Financial Aid | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Dustin | Mabry | dmabry@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Bianca | Mabute-Louie | blouie@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Victor | Maceda | Instructor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Atlas | |
John | Macey | jmacey@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Mayra | Macias | mmacias@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Sandra | Madison | smadison@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Alex | Madonik | amadonik@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Edwardo | Madril | emadril@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Denise | Maffett | dmaffett@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Program (Enabler) | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Maamaloa | Mafi | mmafi@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Jennifer | Maghsoudi Golden | jmgolden@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Cynthia | Mahabir | cmahabir@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Elizabeth | Maher | emaher@peralta.edu | Dean of Academic & Student Aff | Laney College | Communications |
Michelle | Mai | MMAI@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Student Services | Merritt College | Student Activity & Campus Life |
Julie | Mai | jmai@peralta.edu | Human Resources Generalist | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Henry | Mai | hmai@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Systems Tech Ana | District Office | Financial Aid |
Reza | Majlesi | rmajlesi@peralta.edu | Dean of STEAM | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Stefan | Maksimovic | Instructional Asst/Basic Skill | College of Alameda | Student Services Division | |
Michael | Maldonado | mmaldonado@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Cesar | Maldonado Diaz | cdiaz@peralta.edu | Utility Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Jasdeep | Malhi | jmalhi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Djenilin | Mallari | dmallari@peralta.edu | Exec Asst/President's Office | Berkeley City College | President's Office |
Galen | Manhard | GMANHARD@peralta.edu | Instructor/Assistant Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Albert | Maniaol | amaniaol@peralta.edu | Director - I | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Anna | Mantzaris | amantzaris@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Ingrida | Marciulionis | imarciulionis@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Ingrida | Marciulionis | imarciulionis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Ralph | Marinaro | rmarinaro@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Tara | Marrero | tmarrero@peralta.edu | Facilities Project Coord | Merritt College | Business Office |
Jacinda | Marshall | jmarshall@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Jacinda | Marshall | jmarshall@peralta.edu | DSPS Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Amy | Marshall | amarshall@peralta.edu | Dir of Facilities and Operatns | Laney College | Business Office |
James Ivan | Marteney | jmarteney@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Carolyn | Martin | cjmartin@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Carolyn | Martin | cjmartin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Patricia | Martin | pmartin@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Chantal | Martin | cmartin@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Chantal | Martin | cmartin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Ricardo | Martin | rmartin@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Kevin | Martin | kmartin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Shawnee | Martinez | sjmartinez@peralta.edu | Warehouse Supervisor | District Office | Purchasing Division |
Danae | Martinez | dlmartinez@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Danae | Martinez | dlmartinez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Carolina | Martinez | lmartinez@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | Berkeley City College | Campus Life |
Gabriel | Martinez | gmartinez@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Gabriel | Martinez | gmartinez@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Louie | Martirez | lmartirez@peralta.edu | Project Manager | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Catherine | Massey | cmassey@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/DSPS | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Anthony | Matchette | amatchette@peralta.edu | Clerical Assistant II | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Timothy | Mather | tmather@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
La Vora | Mathis Payne | lmathis@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Kim-Shree | Maufas | ksmaufas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Carrie | Maultsby | cmaultsby@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Allegra | Mautner | amautner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Linda | McAllister | lmcallister@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Linda | McAllister | lmcallister@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Kevin | McClintock | kmcclintock@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Joseph | McCormick | jmmccormick@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Language Art |
Anne | McCormick | amccormick@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Arja | McCray | amccray@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Arja | McCray | amccray@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Shawn | McDougal | smcdougal@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Shawn | McDougal | smcdougal@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Michael | McDowell | mmcdowell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Melissa | McElvane | mmcelvane@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Terri | MCFarland | tmcfarland@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jerel | McGiffert | jmcgiffert@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Martin | McGinn | mmcginn@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Aziza | McGlothen | AMCGLOTHEN@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Annlee | McGurk | amcgurk@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Jane | Mckenna | jmckenna@peralta.edu | Librarian | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Jane | Mckenna | jmckenna@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Robert | Mcknight | rmcknight@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Carlos | McLean | cmclean@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Matthew | McLean | mmclean@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Cole | McLean | cjmclean@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Heather | McMichael | hmcmichael@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Derrick | McMillen | dmcmillen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Ann | Mcmurdo | mmcmurdo@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Ann | Mcmurdo | mmcmurdo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Damion | McNeil | DMCNEIL@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Linda | Mcpheron | lmcpheron@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Dennis | McReynolds | Coordinator | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS | |
Quentin | McWhorter | qmcwhorter@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Kristopher | Means | kmeans@peralta.edu | Cashier | Laney College | Food Service Department |
Michael | Mears | mmears@peralta.edu | Custodian | Merritt College | Business Office |
Jamar | Mears | jmears@peralta.edu | Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Jamar | Mears | jmears@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Emmanuel | Medina | emedina@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Natasha | Medvedev | nmedvedev@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Tracy | Meggerson | tmeggerson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Antoine | Mehouelley | amehouelley@peralta.edu | Chief Adm Off, Tech & Info Sys | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Judy | Mei | jmei@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | Laney College | Language Art |
Gary | Mei | gmei@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Biology & Science | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Alexander | Mejia | amejia@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Michael | Mejia | mmejia@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Candido | Mejia | cmejia@peralta.edu | Warehouse Supervisor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Janet | Mekonnen | JMEKONNEN@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Gideon | Mekwunye | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications | |
Nancy | Melucci | nmelucci@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Brenda | Mendez Mora | bmora@peralta.edu | Coordinator - Fruitvale | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Ofelia | Mendoza | omendoza@peralta.edu | District Accounting Tech | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Herzie | Mendoza | hmendoza@peralta.edu | DISTRICT SENIOR ACCOUNTANT | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Christopher | Mercer | cmercer@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Sheila | Metcalf | smetcalftobin@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Sheila | Metcalf | smetcalftobin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Sakai | Metcalf | smetcalf@peralta.edu | Program Specialist/Unspecified | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Mickalyn | Metcalf | mmetcalf@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Annemarie | Meyer | ameyer@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Reid | Michael | rmichael@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Daniel | Michael | dmichael@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Valerie | Mih | vmih@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Alina | Miller | amiller@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst II/DSPS | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Courtney | Miller | cwmiller@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Patricia | Miller | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I | |
Franklin | Miller | fmiller@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Shanice | Millican | smillican@peralta.edu | Prog Specialist/Student Servic | Laney College | Education Success |
Candy | Mintz | cmintz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Ahsan | Mir | amir@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Juan | Miranda | jmiranda@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Sara | Mirza | smirza@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Trinayana | Mishra | Asst Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics | |
John | Mitchell | jmitchell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Tania | Mitchell | TMITCHELL@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Tania | Mitchell | TMITCHELL@peralta.edu | Program Specialist (CAT/Grant) | Laney College | Education Success |
Nora | Mitchell | hmitchell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Zeraka | Mitchell | zmitchell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Emie | Mitsuno Hernandez | emitsuno@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Emie | Mitsuno Hernandez | emitsuno@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Alexandra | Moazeni | amoazeni@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Aaron | Mobley | amobley@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Aaron | Mobley | amobley@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Afarin | Moezzi | amoezzi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Fereshteh | Mofidi | femofidi@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Fereshteh | Mofidi | femofidi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Frank | Mofidi | fkmofidi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Mitra | Mofidi | Mitramofidi@peralta.edu | DSPS Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Mitra | Mofidi | mitramofidi@peralta.edu | DSPS Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Mitra | Mofidi | Mitramofidi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Instructional-VP |
Mitra | Mofidi | mitramofidi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Instructional-VP |
Fathia | Mohamed | fmohamed@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Halima | Mohammed | hmohammed@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Mehrdad | Mohebi | mmohebi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Zahra | Mojtahedi | ZMOJTAHEDI@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Angelina | Moles | amoles@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Liliana | Moncada | lmoncada@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Liliana | Moncada | lmoncada@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Tomas | Moniz | tmoniz@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Tomas | Moniz | tmoniz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Calvin | Monroe | cmonroe@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Francisco | Monsalve Santa | fsanta@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Francisco | Monsalve Santa | fsanta@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
MD | Montague | mdmontague@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Chad-Eric | Montgomery | cemontgomery@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Selwyn | Montgomery | smontgomery@peralta.edu | Campus Warehouse Supervisor | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Michael | Montgomery | mmontgomery@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Leslie | Month | lamonth@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Saul | Montoya Gonzalez | smgonzalez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Maria | Montoya-Perez | mmontoya-perez@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Lisa | Moore | ljmoore@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Michael | Moore | mtmoore@peralta.edu | Sr Duplicating & Supp Svcs Tec | District Office | Purchasing Division |
Donald | Moore | donaldmoore@peralta.edu | Faculty/Academic Senate | District Office | Chancellor's Office |
Donald | Moore | donaldmoore@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Donald | Moore | donaldmoore@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Debra | Moore | debramoore@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Charlie L. | Morales | carlosmorales@peralta.edu | DSPS Counselor | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Rebeca | Moran | rmoran@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Evelyn | Moreno | emoreno@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Student Services | Laney College | Education Success |
Nancy | Moreno | nmoreno@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Arthur | Morgan | amorgan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Grace | Morrison | gmorrison@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Cheryl | Mortimer | cmortimer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Farshid | Moshrefi | fmoshrefi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Frances | Moy | fmoy@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Frances | Moy | fmoy@peralta.edu | DSPS Coordinator | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Michael | Moya | mmoya@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Andreas | Mueller | amueller@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Christoph | Muhlinghaus | cmuhlinghaus@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Alicia | Muhn | amuhn@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
David | Mullen | dmullen@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
David | Mullen | dmullen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Juan | Munoz-Arreola | jarreola@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Mayra | Murillo | mmurillo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Mayra | Murillo | mmurillo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Shirley | Murillo | smurillo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Kimberly | Murphy | kmurphy@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Foziya | Musse | fmusse@peralta.edu | District Accounting Tech | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Dale | Nabeta | dnabeta@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Dale | Nabeta | dnabeta@peralta.edu | Network Suppt Svcs Specialist | Merritt College | Business Office |
Nima | Najafi Kianfar | nnkianfar@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Nima | Najafi Kianfar | nnkianfar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Ruhina | Najem | rnajem@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Rohullah | Najibi | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I | |
Rima | Najm-Briscoe | rnbriscoe@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Trevor | Nakagawa | thnakagawa@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Marissa | Nakano | mnakano@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Marissa | Nakano | mnakano@peralta.edu | EOPS Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Yukiko | Nara | ynara@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Sean | Nash | slnash@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Shuntel | Nathaniel | snathaniel@peralta.edu | Facilities Services Specialist | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Gabriel | Navar | gnavar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Sia | Nazari | SNAZARI@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jill | Neely | jneely@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Jill | Neely | jneely@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Andrea | Negrete | anegrete@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Sheldon | Nelson | snelson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Patricia | Nelson | pnelson@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Patricia | Nelson | pnelson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Sabrina | Nelson | sanelson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Ronald | Nelson | ronelson@peralta.edu | DSPS Counselor | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Cate | Nelson | CNELSON@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Cate | Nelson | cnelson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Benjamin | Nelson | bnelson@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Benjamin | Nelson | bnelson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Norman | Nemzer | nnemzer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Juanita | Newland Ulloa | juanitaulloa@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Roger | Newman | rnewman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Natalie | Newman | nnewman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Gregory | Newton | gnewton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Melvin | Newton | mnewton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Brian | Ng | bng@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Eva | Ng-Chin | engchin@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Danny | Nguyen | dnguyen@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Danny | Nguyen | dnguyen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Kent | Nguyen | knguyen@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Tuan | Nguyen | tuannguyen@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Tuan | Nguyen | tuannguyen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Dave | Nguyen | danguyen@peralta.edu | College Dir of Financial Aid | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Phidien | Nguyen | phidiennguyen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Long | Nguyen | LongNguyen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Giao | Nguyen | gnguyen@peralta.edu | Custodian | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
Loan | Nguyen | lnguyen@peralta.edu | College Dir of Financial Aid | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Vu | Nguyen | vnguyen@peralta.edu | Sr System Analyst Pay/Std/Fin | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Anh | Nguyen | anhnguyen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Peter | Nguyen | pnguyen@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Anh | Nguyen | atnguyen@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | Laney College | Communications |
Vanson | Nguyen | vansonnguyen@peralta.edu | Faculty Diversity Officer | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Vanson | Nguyen | vansonnguyen@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Vanson | Nguyen | vansonnguyen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Thien | Nguyen | tnguyen@peralta.edu | Child Care Assistant II | District Office | Child Care |
Minh An | Nguyen | manguyen@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Minh An | Nguyen | manguyen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
John | Nguyen | johnnguyen@peralta.edu | Dean of Enrollment Services | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
THANH THAO | NGUYEN | Instructor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | STEM Division | |
Catherine | Nichols | cnichols@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Catherine | Nichols | cnichols@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
A. Evan | Nichols | anichols@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
A. Evan | Nichols | anichols@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Neil | Nicol | nanicol@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Neil | Nicol | nanicol@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Peter | Niloufari | pniloufari@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Janine | Nkosi | jnkosi@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Janine | Nkosi | jnkosi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Vitus | Nnanna | vnnanna@peralta.edu | Stationary Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Judith | Noddin | jnoddin@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Mahmood | Noii | mnoii@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Robert | Noonan | rnoonan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Rahim | Noorbakhsh | rnoorbakhsh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Jesse | Norman | jnorman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Keenan | Norris | knorris@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Denise | Norris | dnorris@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Ann | Northrup | anorthrup@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Blair | Norton | bnorton@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Blair | Norton | bnorton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Jason | Nou | JNOU@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Patricia | Nunley | pnunley@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Seraphine | Nzomo | snzomo@peralta.edu | Sr. Buyer/Cap Projects-Bonds | District Office | Purchasing Division |
Mackenzie | O'Brien | mobrien@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Richard | O'Connell | roconnell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
James | O'Connor | joconnor@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Anna | O'Neal | aoneal@peralta.edu | Coord/Learning Resource Center | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Cynthia | Obleton | cobleton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Solomon | Obolu | sobolu@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Solomon | Obolu | sobolu@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Peter | Oboyski | poboyski@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Edwin | Ochong | eochong@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Edwin | Ochong | eochong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Martha | Ockenfels-Martinez | momartinez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Wendy | Odath | wodath@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Student Services | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Sarah | Oddie | soddie@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Harizon | Odembo | hodembo@peralta.edu | Benefits Manager | District Office | Employee Relations |
Emily | Odza | eodza@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Laney College | Language Art |
Karen | Oeh | koeh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Shola | Ogunlana | sogunlana@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Kyla | Oh | koh@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Kyla | Oh | koh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Mika | Okimura | mokimura@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Uchechris | Okpalaugo | uokpalaugo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Kathleen | Olbekson | kolbekson@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/EOPS | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Peter | Olds | epolds@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Peter | Olds | epolds@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Alejandra | Olguin | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Language Art | |
Rochelle | Olive | rolive@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Rochelle | Olive | rolive@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Mildred | Oliver | moliver@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Adrienne | Oliver | aoliver@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Adrienne | Oliver | aoliver@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Jonathan | Olkowski | jolkowski@peralta.edu | SR NETWORK & SYS ADMIN | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Antonio | Olmedo | aolmedo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Ad·n | Olmedo | amolmedo@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Ad·n | Olmedo | amolmedo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Christian | Olmos | colmos@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Christine | Olsen | colsen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Carmen | Olson | colson@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Kirsten | Olson | kolson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Darcee | Olson | dolson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Matthew | Olson | MOLSON@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Siraj | Omar | somar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Sahra | Omar | saomar@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Amina | Omer | aomer@peralta.edu | Accounts Payable Specialist I | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Christina | Ong | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I | |
Rebecca | Opsata | ropsata@peralta.edu | Vice President Of Instruction | Laney College | Instructional-VP |
Luis | Orellana | lorellana@peralta.edu | Warehouse Worker-Driver (B) | District Office | Purchasing Division |
Michael | Orkin | morkin@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Michael | Orkin | morkin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jonathan | Orozco | jorozco@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Irfan | Ortak | iortak@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Irfan | Ortak | iortak@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Jennifer | Ortega | jenniferbarnett@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Yvette | Ortiz | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Vocational Technology | |
Alejandra | Oseguera | aoseguera@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Alejandra | Oseguera | aoseguera@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Warda | Osman | Accounts Payable Specialist I | District Office | Financial Services-Budget | |
Patricia | Otero | POTERO@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Clerk | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Jennifer | Ounjian | jounjian@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Jeffrey | Ow | jow@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Yusra | Oweis | yoweis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Jessica | Owyoung | jowyoung@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Jessica | Oya | joya@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
P, Q
Glenn | Pace | gpace@peralta.edu | Principal Clerk | Laney College | Business Office |
Tressa | Pack | tpack@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Robert | Paiz | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications | |
Elizabeth | Palafox | epalafox@peralta.edu | Human Resources Analyst (C) | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Gerald | Palma | gpalma@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Shirley | Pan | span@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Diego | Panasiti | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 | |
Pauline | Pang-Sagara | psagara@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Karyn | Panitch | kpanitch@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Steven | Pantell | spantell@peralta.edu | Counselor | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Steven | Pantell | spantell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Peter | Pappas | pjpappas@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Peter | Pappas | pjpappas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Daniel | Park | dpark@peralta.edu | District Telecom Systms Admin | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Andrew | Park | bpark@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Andrew | Park | bpark@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Cynthia | Park | cynthiapark@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Daynelle | Parker | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS | |
Anjana | Parker | aparker@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Sara | Parker | sparker@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Rosa | Parra | rparra@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Laney College | Language Art |
Michael | Parra | mparra@peralta.edu | Stationary Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
George Robinson | Parry | grparry@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Padmini | Parthasarathy | pparthasarathy@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Taliha | Pasaoglu | tpasaoglu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Jae | Pasari | jpasari@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Hemil | Patel | hpatel@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Nidhi | Patel | npatel@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Jeremy | Patrich | jpatrich@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Maria Biancca | Patterson | mparazo@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Abhijeet | Paul | apaul@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Laney College | Language Art |
Abhijeet | Paul | apaul@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Michael | Payne | mpayne@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Jonathan | Payne | jpayne@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications |
Whitney Joanne | Payne Humphreys | WPHUMPHREYS@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Nathan | Peabody | npeabody@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Glen | Pearson | gpearson@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Glen | Pearson | gpearson@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Kamela | Peart | kpeart@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Ralph | Peet | rpeetjr@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst/Accompanist | Laney College | Communications |
Lee | Peevy | lpeevy@peralta.edu | Alternate Media Technology Spe | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Kenneth | Pefkaros | kpefkaros@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Carla | Pegues | cpegues@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Carla | Pegues | cpegues@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Nathan | Pellegrin | npellegrin@peralta.edu | Dir of College Research & Plan | Merritt College | President's Office |
Angelica | Pena | ANGELICAPENA@peralta.edu | Intern (Instructor) | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Gail | Pendleton | gpendleton@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Lu | Peng | lpeng@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Emily | Peng | epeng@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Shannon | Penn | shannonpenn@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Shannon | Penn | shannonpenn@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Patricia | Perbetsky | pperbetsky@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Ron | Perez | rperez@peralta.edu | Staff Svcs Spec/Fiscal | Merritt College | Business Office |
Minerva | Perez | mperez@peralta.edu | Program Specialist/Outreach | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Maria | Perez | mariaperez@peralta.edu | Bursar | Merritt College | Business Office |
Salvador | Perez | sperez@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Communication Svcs | Merritt College | Business Office |
Leticia | Perez | lperez@peralta.edu | CalWORKS Counselor/Hourly | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Rosa | Perez Flores | rperezflores@peralta.edu | Counselor | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Rosa | Perez Flores | rperezflores@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Gary | Perkins | gperkins@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Kelly | Pernell | kpernell@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Kelly | Pernell | kpernell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Tammie | Perry | tperry@peralta.edu | Clerical Assistant II | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Angela | Perry | aperry@peralta.edu | Human Resources Generalist | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Michael | Peters | mpeters@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
David | Peterson | dpeterson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
John | Peterson | jpeterson@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
John | Peterson | jpeterson@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
George | Peterson | gpeterson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Stephen | Peterson | stephenpeterson@peralta.edu | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Sarah | Peterson-Guada | speterson@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Sarah | Peterson-Guada | speterson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Robert | Pettyjohn | rpettyjohn@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Robert | Pettyjohn | rpettyjohn@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Aleksandr | Pevzner | apevzner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Tu | Pham | tpham@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Vu | Phan | vphan@peralta.edu | Network Suppt Svcs Specialist | Laney College | Information Technology |
Vinh | Phan | vinhphan@peralta.edu | Articulation Officer | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Vinh | Phan | vinhphan@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Phasasha | Pharr | ppharr@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Officer | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Vanessa | Phillip | vphillip@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/ASL & English | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Daniel | Phillips | danielphillips@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Judy | Phuong | jphuong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Derek | Piazza | dpiazza@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Derek | Piazza | dpiazza@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Satoko | Piett | spiett@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Elena | Pingree | epingree@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Margarita | Pinilla Meneses | mpinilla@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Technicia | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Eileen | Pippins | epippins@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Lilian | Pires | lpires@peralta.edu | Principal Financial Analyst | Merritt College | Business Office |
Christopher | Platz | cplatz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Mary | Poeck | mpoeck@peralta.edu | Librarian/Substitute | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Meghan | Pohlod | MPOHLOD@peralta.edu | Coordinator | Laney College | Communications |
Meghan | Pohlod | MPOHLOD@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Boris | Polishchuk | bpolishchuk@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Joshua | Polston | jpolston@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Lauren | Poluha | lpoluha@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Gregory | Ponomareff | gponomareff@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Bobby | Pope | bpope@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Roger | Porter | rporter@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Roger | Porter | rporter@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Roxana | Post | rpost@peralta.edu | Information Tech Supp Spec I | Laney College | Information Technology |
Tara | Potterveld | tpotterveld@peralta.edu | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
David | Pounds | dpounds@peralta.edu | Sr Storesworker | Merritt College | Business Office |
Anthony | Powell | apowell@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Anthony | Powell | apowell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Erez | Powell | EPOWELL@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Erez | Powell | epowell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
David | Powell | dpowell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Floria | Poydras-Spencer | fpoydras-spencer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Scott | Pratt | spratt@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Darby | Price | dprice@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Division Dean 2 |
Amanda | Price | aprice@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Drew | Prober | aprober@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Mark | Prudowsky | mprudowsky@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Reagan | Pruitt | rpruitt@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/DSPS | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Saurav | Pudasaini | spudasaini@peralta.edu | Network Suppt Svcs Specialist | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Holly | Pugliese | hpugliese@peralta.edu | Intern (Instructor) | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Dulcelena | Pureco | DPURECO@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Made | Putrayasa | mputrayasa@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst./Culinary A | Laney College | Food Service Department |
Nathaniel | Pyle | npyle@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Nathaniel | Pyle | npyle@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Fred | Quach | Sr Library Technician | Laney College | Language Art | |
Emily | Quach | equach@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Emily | Quach | equach@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Sharon | Quach | SQUACH@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Araceli | Quezada | aquezada@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Lorriann | Raji | lraji@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Lorriann | Raji | lraji@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
David | Ramadanoff | ddramadanoff@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Melissa | Ramirez | mbennett@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Juan | Ramirez | juanramirez@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Neil | Ramirez | NRAMIREZ@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Laura | Ramos | leramos@peralta.edu | Prog Specialist/Transfer Cente | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Rufino | Ramos | rramos@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Rufino | Ramos | rramos@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Ramon | Ramos | ramonramos@peralta.edu | Campus Warehouse Supervisor | Laney College | Business Office |
Joshua | Ramos | jramos@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Joshua | Ramos | jramos@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
William | Ramos Ochoa | wrochoa@peralta.edu | Director, Gateway To College P | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Gerry | Ramsey | gramsey@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Patrice | Rankin | prankin@peralta.edu | Temporary Staff Assistant | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Atiya | Rashada-Flenoid | arashada@peralta.edu | Dir of Studt Activit Campus Li | Laney College | Student Activities/Campus Life |
Joanne | Ratkovich | jratkovich@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Nancy | Rauch | nrauch@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Nancy | Rauch | nrauch@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Mark | Rauzon | mrauzon@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Mark | Rauzon | mrauzon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Ina | Ray | iray@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Hannah | Ray | hray@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
John | Reager | jreager@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Ashley | Reaver | areaver@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Cameron | Redd | Instructional Asst/Art | Laney College | Communications | |
Jaimie | Redmon | jredmon@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Specialist | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Ana Belen | Redondo Campillos | abcampillos@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Julian | Rees | jrees@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Adriana | Regalado | aregalado@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | Special Projects Manager |
Adriana | Regalado | aregalado@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Taslima | Rehman | trehman@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Taslima | Rehman | trehman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Leslie | Reiman | lreiman@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Leslie | Reiman | lreiman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Thomas | Renbarger | trenbarger@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Thomas | Renbarger | trenbarger@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Efrem | Rensi | erensi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Blake | Respini | brespini@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Lynn | Rex | lrex@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Lynn | Rex | lrex@peralta.edu | Learning Disabilities Speciali | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Abraham | Reyes | areyes@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Abraham | Reyes | areyes@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Francis | Reyes | freyes@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Chloe | Reynolds | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications | |
Sadie | Reynolds | sreynolds@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Farzan | Riazati | friazati@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Farzan | Riazati | friazati@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Lemar | Rice | lrice@peralta.edu | Custodian | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Cynthia | Richardson | drichardson@peralta.edu | College President | Berkeley City College | President's Office |
Joan | Richardson Johnson | jrjohnson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Rosa | Rico | rrico@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Kevin | Ridgway | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I | |
Charles | Riggs | cjriggs@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Blake | Riggs | briggs@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Adrienne | Riley | ariley@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Mark | Rinker | mrinker@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Mark | Rinker | mrinker@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Bonnie | Rippberger | brippberger@peralta.edu | Instruct Asst./Child Developme | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Bonnie | Rippberger | brippberger@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Isidoro | Rivas | irivas@peralta.edu | Lead Groundsworker-Gardener | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Adolfo | Rivas | amrivas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Sandi | Rivera-Cordova | sriveracordova@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Technicia | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Irina | Rivkin | irivkin@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Irina | Rivkin | irivkin@peralta.edu | EOPS Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Thomas | Rizza | TRIZZA@peralta.edu | Public Information Officer | Berkeley City College | President's Office |
Louisa | Roberts | lroberts@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Ronnie | Roberts-McCain | rroberts@peralta.edu | Benefits Specialist (C) | District Office | Employee Relations |
Victoria | Robertson | vrobertson@peralta.edu | PT Instructor/Substitute | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Richard | Robinson | rrobinson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Velma | Robinson | vrobinson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Adam | Robinson | arobinson@peralta.edu | Asst Coach, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
LaCretia | Robinson | LCROBINSON@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Alaric | Robinson | alaricrobinson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Mark | Robinson | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS | |
Rayyon | Robinson | rayyonrobinson@peralta.edu | Librarian, Part-Time | Laney College | Language Art |
Danielle | Robledo | drobledo@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Danielle | Robledo | drobledo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Sonia | Robles | srobles@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Anna | Rodas | arodas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jonathan | Rodas | JRODAS@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Shiela | Rodolfo | srodolfo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Agustin | Rodriguez | arodriguez@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst/LRC | Laney College | Language Art |
Natalie | Rodriguez | nrodriguez@peralta.edu | Dir of Studt Activit Campus Li | College of Alameda | Director of Student Life |
Allie | Rodriguez | alejandrarodriguez@peralta.edu | Human Resources Analyst (C) | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Eusebio | Rodriguez | erodriguez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Nora | Rodriguez | norarodriguez@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
John | Rodriguez | jerodriguez@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
John | Rodriguez | jerodriguez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Christian | Rodriguez | crodriguez@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Julie | Rodriguez | Instructor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Atlas | |
Genesis | Rodriguez Hernandez | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Paul | Roge | proge@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Carole | Rogers | crogers@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Chalon | Rogers | cagreen@peralta.edu | Dir Facilities Plan & Dev | District Office | General Services |
Denise | Rogers | drogers@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Maria | Rojas De Flores | mflores@peralta.edu | Custodian | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Kawanna | Rollins | krollins@peralta.edu | Project Manager | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Patricia | Rom | prom@peralta.edu | Sr College Info Sys Analyst | Merritt College | Business Office |
Annette | Roman | aroman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Division Dean I |
Leigh Ann | Romano Rogers | ldidomenico@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Carlos | Romero | caromero@peralta.edu | Grounds Supervisor | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Carol | Rooker | crooker@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Beatrice | Roost | broost@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Angel | Roque | aroque@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Tim | Rose | trose@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Tim | Rose | trose@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Aubrey | Rose | abrose@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Joshua | Rose | JROSE@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Joshua | Rose | JROSE@peralta.edu | Librarian | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Sarah | Rosenkrantz | srosenkrantz@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Adan | Rosillo | arosillo@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Adan | Rosillo | arosillo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Merry | Ross | mross@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Etna Laura | Ross | eross@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
David | Ross | dross@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Derrick | Ross | dlross@peralta.edu | Counselor | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Derrick | Ross | dlross@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Lakesha | Ross | lross@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst IV/DSPS | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Orgetorix | Roundtree | ojroundtree@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Orgetorix | Roundtree | ojroundtree@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Calvin | Rouse | crouse@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Jean | Rowland | jrowland@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Amy June | Rowley | ajrowley@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Brian | Rowning | browning@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
CANDICE | ROWSER | crowser@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Christopher | Rozeville | crozeville@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Laura | Ruberto | lruberto@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Laura | Ruberto | lruberto@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jay | Rubin | jrubin@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Jay | Rubin | jrubin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Christopher | Rubin | crubin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Margie | Rubio | mrubio@peralta.edu | Project Manager | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Joann | Ruckman | jruckman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Beth | Rudolf | brudolf@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Monta Que | Ruffin | mqruffin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Eugene | Russakovskii | yrussakovskii@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Thomas | Russell | thomasrussell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Vanessa | Russell | vrussell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Alque | Ryans | aryans@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Wanda | Sabir | wsabir@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Bruno | Sablan | bsablan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Amir | Sabzevary | asabzevary@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
John | Saenz | jsaenz@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Learning Resources | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Andrea | Safir | asafir@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Maya | Salabasheva | msalabasheva@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
John | Salangsang | jsalangsang@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Jose | Salceda | jsalceda@peralta.edu | Counselor | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Jose | Salceda | jsalceda@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Jamila | Saleh | jsaleh@peralta.edu | Executive Assistant | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Leon | Salvatierra | lsalvatierra@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Bala | Sampathraj | bsampathraj@peralta.edu | Dir of College IT Services | Laney College | Business Office |
Richard | Samuelson | rsamuelson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Jeffery | Sanceri | jsanceri@peralta.edu | Faculty Release/Negotiator | District Office | Chancellor's Office |
Jeffery | Sanceri | jsanceri@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Jeffery | Sanceri | jsanceri@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Kwi | Sanchez | ksanchez@peralta.edu | Lead Custodian (B) | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
Norma | Sanchez | nsanchez@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Kimberly | Sanchez Pagni | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety | |
Gaston | Sanchez Trujillo | gsancheztrujillo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Adam | Sandel | asandel@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Sabeen | Sandhu | ssandhu@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Sabeen | Sandhu | ssandhu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Malkiat | Sandhu | msandhu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Timothy | Sano | tsano@peralta.edu | Science Lab Tech/Chemistry | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jennifer | Sanoh | jsanoh@peralta.edu | Coordinator (Faculty) | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Jennifer | Sanoh | jsanoh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
David | Santamaria | dsantamaria@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Laney College | Language Art |
David | Santamaria | dsantamaria@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Richard | Santana | RSANTANA@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Patricia | Santiago | pquiroz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Katrina | Santos | ksantos@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Grants & Spec Pgms | Laney College | Student Activities/Campus Life |
Maria | Santos | msantos@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Renu | Sarin | Coordinator/Biology & Science | College of Alameda | STEM Division | |
Renu | Sarin | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Suzanne | Sattergren | ssattergren@peralta.edu | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Lisa | Sawadogo | lisasawadogo@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Lisa | Sawadogo | lisasawadogo@peralta.edu | Health Services Coordinator | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Alyssa | Sayavedra | asayavedra@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Phoumy | Sayavong | psayavong@peralta.edu | Sr Research & Planning Analyst | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Kaly | Scheller-Barrett | kbarrett@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | Laney College | Communications |
Tyrone | Schieszler | tschieszler@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jacob | Schlegel | jschlegel@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Douglas | Schmidt | dschmidt@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Petra | Schontges | pschontges@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Lisa | Schwappach | lschwappach@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Gregory | Schwartz | gschwartz@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Gregory | Schwartz | gschwartz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Anthony | Scoggins | ascoggins@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Bishop | Scott | btscott@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
James | Scott | jscott@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Steven | Scott | sscott@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Steven | Scott | sscott@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Donna | Scott | DONNASCOTT@peralta.edu | Librarian, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Kourtnee | Scott-Wilson | kscottwilson@peralta.edu | Payroll Specialist | District Office | Payroll Department |
Lesley | Scurry | lscurry@peralta.edu | Counselor | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Lesley | Scurry | lscurry@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Jason | Seals | jeseals@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Jason | Seals | jeseals@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Bobby | Seals | bseals@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Maura | Sealund | msealund@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Landscape-Horticul | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Karl | Seelbach | kseelbach@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Karl | Seelbach | kseelbach@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
James | Seger | jaseger@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Emmanuel | Segmen | esegmen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Michael | Seidel | mseidel@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Stephen | Self | stephenself@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Karen | Seneferu | kseneferu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Instructional-VP |
Anita | Seralathan | aseralathan@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Rhea | Settles | rsettles@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Malik | Shabazz | MSHABAZZ@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Sarah | Shaffer | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications | |
Fatima | Shah | fshah@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Fatima | Shah | fshah@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Shahbaz | Shahbazi | sshahbazi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
April | Shandor | ashandor@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jennifer | Shanoski | jshanoski@peralta.edu | Faculty Release/Negotiator | District Office | Chancellor's Office |
Jennifer | Shanoski | jshanoski@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Robert | Shantz | rshantz@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Saadi | Shapiro | spshapiro@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst/Art | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Nick | Shaposhnikov | nshaposhnikov@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Nick | Shaposhnikov | nshaposhnikov@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Niku | Sharei | nsharei@peralta.edu | Intern, Part-Time FDIP | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Neeta | Sharma | nsharma@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Anu | Sharma | asharma@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Mary | Shaughnessy | mshaughnessy@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Mary | Shaughnessy | mshaughnessy@peralta.edu | EOPS Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Pamela | Shaw | pamelashaw@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Rebecca | Shea | rebeccashea@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Stacey | Shears | sshears@peralta.edu | Vice President Of Student Serv | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Pamela | Sheehan | psheehan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
PJ | Shelton | pshelton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Nicholas | Shere | nshere@peralta.edu | Accounts Payable Specialist II | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Julie | Shieh | jshieh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Karen | Shields | kshields@peralta.edu | Sr Duplicating & Supp Svcs Tec | Berkeley City College | Business Office |
Ronald | Shigeta | rshigeta@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Todd | Shima | tshima@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | District Office | International Educ. Program |
Steve | Shlisky | sshlisky@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
mandy | Shlugleit | mshlugleit@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Peter | Shoemaker | pshoemaker@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Pati | Shojaee | pshojaee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Haneefah | Shuaibe | hshuaibe@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Brian | Shulse | bshulse@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Scott | Shultz | sshultz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Wai | Shum | wshum@peralta.edu | Library Network Coordinator | Laney College | Language Art |
John | Shurtz | jshurtz@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Kinga | Sidzinska | ksidzinska@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Biology & Science | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Kinga | Sidzinska | ksidzinska@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Meryl | Siegal | msiegal@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Meryl | Siegal | msiegal@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Jonathan | Siekmann | JSIEKMANN@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Jonathan | Siekmann | jsiekmann@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Seth | Silberman | ssilberman@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Biology & Science | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Javier | Silva | jsilva@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Marisol | Silva | msilva@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Maryanis | Silveira-Guerra | msilveira@peralta.edu | Payroll Specialist | District Office | Payroll Department |
Matthew | Silverberg | msilverberg@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Demond | Simmons | dsimmons@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Dean | Simmons | desimmons@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jeremy | Simmons | JSIMMONS@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | College of Alameda | Director of Student Life |
Sydney | Simmons-Windham | sthomas@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Sydney | Simmons-Windham | sthomas@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
David | Simon | dsimon@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
David | Simon | dsimon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Krystle | Simon | ksimon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Mark | Simons | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications | |
Rachel | Simpson | rsimpson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Rachel | Simpson | rsimpson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Gurnam | Singh | gsingh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Amit | Singh | asingh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Sharon | Siskin | ssiskin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Heather | Sisneros | hsisneros@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Heather | Sisneros | hsisneros@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Victor | Siu | vsiu@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Victor | Siu | vsiu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Neal | Skapura | nskapura@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Andrew | Skinner-Demps | askinner@peralta.edu | Principal Library Tech | Laney College | Language Art |
Andrea | Slater | aslater@peralta.edu | Intern (Instructor) | Laney College | Language Art |
Annmarie | Smith | annsmith@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Derrick | Smith | dsmith@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Derrick | Smith | dsmith@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Charlotte | Smith | csmith@peralta.edu | District Admissions Officer | District Office | Admissions and Records |
Kenneth | Smith | ksmith@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Eugene | Smith | edsmith@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Atheria | Smith | atheriasmith@peralta.edu | Vice Chanc For General Svcs | District Office | General Services |
Felix | Smith | felixsmith@peralta.edu | Asst Chief Stationary Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Juliana | Smith | jjsmith@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Preston | Smith | psmith@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Arielle | Smith | ajsmith@peralta.edu | Instructor/Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Jackie | Smith | jackiesmith@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Jackie | Smith | jackiesmith@peralta.edu | Learning Disabilities Speciali | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Nathaniel | Smith | nsmith@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Zachary | Smith | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation | |
Jayne | Smithson | jsmithson@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Jayne | Smithson | jsmithson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Laura | Smyrl | lsmyrl@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Michael | Snead | mshead@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Iolani | Sodhy-Gereben | isodhygereben@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Academic Supt Svcs | Laney College | Instructional-VP |
Iolani | Sodhy-Gereben | isodhygereben@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Sooji | Sohr | ssohr@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Rosalinda | Solis | rsolis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Maria | Somma | msomma@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Russell | Southall | rsouthall@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Russell | Southall | rsouthall@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Donna | Southard | dsouthard@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Mohamed | Sovula | msovula@peralta.edu | Financial Aids & Placemt Asst | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Corey | Spainhower | cspainhower@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Maria | Spencer | merfinaid@peralta.edu | Student Personnel Services Spe | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Maria | Spencer | mspencer@peralta.edu | Student Personnel Services Spe | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Danielle | Spencer | dspencer@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Admin (General) | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Dennis | Spencer | dennisspencer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Laura | Spencer Vacca | lspencervacca@peralta.edu | Student Personnel Services Spe | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Natasha | Spivey | nspivey@peralta.edu | Human Resources Analyst (C) | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Jenny | Spurlock | jspurlock@peralta.edu | CalWorks Counselor/Full-time | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Rashmita | Sriram | Librarian, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP | |
Michelle | St Germaine | mgermaine@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Michelle | St Germaine | mgermaine@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Pauline | Stahl | pstahl@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Benjamin | Stahl | bstahl@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Pamela | Stalker | pstalker@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Gwendolyn | Stallings | gstallings@peralta.edu | Financial Aids & Placemt Asst | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Jeannine | Stamatakis | jstamatakis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Margaret | Stanley | mstanley@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Inger | Stark | istark@peralta.edu | Faculty/Staff Development | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Inger | Stark | istark@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Artem | Stepanov | ASTEPANOV@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Steve | Sterns | ssterns@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Paul | Steward | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Language Art | |
Gregory | Stewart | gstewart@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Tamas | Stewart | tstewart@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Amy | Stewart-Deaker | asdeaker@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Amy | Stewart-Deaker | asdeaker@peralta.edu | Librarian | Merritt College | Instructional-VP |
Andrea | Stokes | astokes@peralta.edu | Senior Financial Analyst - CO | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Martha | Storm | mstorm@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Meredith | Story | mstory@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Scott | Strain | sastrain@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Sarah | Stretch | skstretch@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Melanie | Strickland | mstrickland@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
JoAnne | Strickland | jstrickland@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Louis | Stroffolino | lstroffolino@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Elizabeth | Strother | estrother@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
James | Stucker | jstucker@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Sappho | Su | ssu@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Sappho | Su | ssu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Huizhen | Su | hsu@peralta.edu | Staff Asst,Vice President's Of | Laney College | Instructional-VP |
Huizhen | Su | hsu@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Admin (Grants) | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Esther | Suarez | esuarez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Maria | Suarez Rodriguez | msrodriguez@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Maria | Suarez Rodriguez | msrodriguez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Claire | Sue | clairesue@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Satoshi | Suga | ssuga@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Maria | Sujo | msujo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Joseph | Sullivan | jsullivan@peralta.edu | TV Broadcast Coordinator | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Autumn | Sullivan | asullivan@peralta.edu | Librarian | Laney College | Instructional-VP |
Autumn | Sullivan | asullivan@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Laney College | Language Art |
Jasmine | Sumandal | jsumandal@peralta.edu | Executive Assistant | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Elliott | Surber | esurber@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
David | Sweet | dsweet@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Mark | Swiencicki | mswiencicki@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Mark | Swiencicki | mswiencicki@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Greggmar | Swift | gswift@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Dawn | Sykes | dswilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Dawn | Sykes | dswilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Beverly | Symmank | bsymmank@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Dangthu | Ta | dta@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Cynthia | Taing | ctaing@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Cynthia | Taing | ctaing@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Christina | Taing-Rivera | cltaing@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Christina | Taing-Rivera | cltaing@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Seijiro | Takahashi | stakahashi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Rachel | Talasko | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Language Art | |
Megan | Talbot | mstalbot@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Allen | Tam | atam@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Christina | Tam | ctam@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Nathaniel | Tan | ntan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Bee | Tan | btan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Hannah | Tandeta | htandeta@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Candida | Tapia | ctapia@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Phyllis | Tappe | ptappe@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Taivale | Tautalatasi | ttautalatasi@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Dennis | Tavares | dtavares@peralta.edu | Groundsworker-Gardener | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Lili | Tavassoli | ltavassoli@peralta.edu | Librarian/Substitute | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Socorro | Taylor | staylor@peralta.edu | Exec Asst/Employee Relatio (C) | District Office | Employee Relations |
John | Taylor | jtaylor@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Atlas |
John | Taylor | jtaylor@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Dominique | Taylor | dtaylor@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Admissions&Records | District Office | Admissions and Records |
Tami | Taylor | tamitaylor@peralta.edu | DISTRICT SENIOR ACCOUNTANT | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Soriya | Te | STE@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications |
Yehdega | Teclemariam | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation | |
Jamille | Teer | jteer@peralta.edu | Facilities Project Coord | District Office | General Services |
Winston | Teitler | wteitler@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Nigus | Teklehaymanot | nteklehaymanot@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Karen | Tellegen | ktellegen@peralta.edu | Executive Assistant | Laney College | Instructional-VP |
Beth | Teper | bteper@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Sara | Tesfai | stesfai@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Nghiem | Thai | nthai@peralta.edu | Dean Academic Pathw & Stdt Suc | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Paramsothy | Thananjeyan | pthananjeyan@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Paramsothy | Thananjeyan | pthananjeyan@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Mariella | Thaning | mthaning@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Mariella | Thaning | mthaning@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Krista | Thigpen | kthigpen@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Richard | Thoele | rthoele@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Clerk | District Office | Admissions and Records |
George | Thomas | gathomas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Carolyn | Thomas | cthomas@peralta.edu | Custodian | Merritt College | Business Office |
Pamela | Thomas | pthomas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Sheila | Thomas | srthomas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Brandon | Thomas | bthomas@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Timothy | Thomas | TTHOMAS@peralta.edu | Director of Public Safety | District Office | General Services |
Jayi | Thompson | jthompson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Jayi | Thompson | jthompson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Audrey | Thompson | apthompson@peralta.edu | Capital Projects Specialist | District Office | General Services |
Reeshemah | Thornton | rthornton@peralta.edu | Dean of Enrollment Services | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Lewis | Thrower | lthrower@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst/LRC | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Suzan | Tiemroth-Zavala | stzavala@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Suzan | Tiemroth-Zavala | stzavala@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Julie | Tieng | jtieng@peralta.edu | Child Care Assistant II | Merritt College | Child Care |
Senait | Tiku | syehualashet@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/Student Services | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Janelle | Tillotson | jtillotson@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Janelle | Tillotson | jtillotson@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Robert | Tindall | rdtindall@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Jessica | Tinoco | jtinoco@peralta.edu | Intr For The Hear Imp III | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Kimberly | Titus | KTITUS@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Tina | Tobor | ttobor@peralta.edu | Senior A & R Specialist | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Curtis | Tod | ctod@peralta.edu | Asst Chief Stationary Engineer | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Imani | Todd | Child Care Assistant II | District Office | Child Care | |
Mary | Tohidi | mtohidi@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Geneva | Toliver | gtoliver@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst IV/DSPS | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Geneva | Toliver | gtoliver@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst IV/DSPS | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Derek | Tom | dtom@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Alejandria | Tomas | atomas@peralta.edu | Dean of Academic & Student Aff | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Siliveinusi | Tomasi | STOMASI@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Khoi | Tong | ktong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Michael | Torres | mtorres@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Thomas | Torres-Gil | ttorresgil@peralta.edu | Dir, Intn'l Svcs & Studt Supt | District Office | International Educ. Program |
Phillip | Tou | ktou@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Anika | Toussant-Jackson | atoussant-jackson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Edwin | Towle | etowle@peralta.edu | Counselor | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Edwin | Towle | etowle@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
James | Tracy | JTRACY@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Language Art |
Kinh | Tran | ktran@peralta.edu | Bursar | Laney College | Business Office |
James | Tran | ttran@peralta.edu | Department Network Coordinator | Laney College | Language Art |
James | Tran | ttran@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Van | Tran | vtran@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Thao | Tran | thaotran@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Kevin | Tran | kqtran@peralta.edu | Principal Financial Analyst | Laney College | Business Office |
Tony | Tran | tonytran@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Vy | Tran | vttran@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst III/DSPS | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Van | Tran | vantran@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst I/DSPS | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Connie | Tran | ctran@peralta.edu | Intern, Part-Time FDIP | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Jamie | Treacy | jtreacy@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Elizabeth | Treadwell | etreadwell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
William | Trego | wtrego@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
William | Trego | wtrego@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Brian | Tremper | btremper@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Judit | Trinidad Lopez | jtlopez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Jacqueline | Trotter | jtrotter@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst./Culinary A | Laney College | Food Service Department |
Christine | Trowbridge | CHRISTINETROWBRIDGE@peralta.edu | Program Specialist/Outreach | Berkeley City College | Special Projects Manager |
Amanda | Truitt | Instructor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | STEM Division | |
Sean | Trunk | strunk@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Nina | Truong | ntruong@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Nina | Truong | ntruong@peralta.edu | EOPS Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Susan | Truong | struong@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Susan | Truong | struong@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Mei | Tsai | mtsai@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Dale | Tsang | dtsanghall@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Leonora | Tucker | ltucker@peralta.edu | Sr Clerical Assist, Typing (Co | District Office | Human Resources-Personnel |
Alain | Tumba-Longo | atumbalongo@peralta.edu | Duplicating Svcs Tech II | Laney College | Business Office |
Eileen | Tumlin | etumlin@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Srujana | Tumu | stumu@peralta.edu | Senior Web Technology Analyst | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Winita | Tumzgi | wtumzgi@peralta.edu | Student Employment Specialist | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Sirpa | Tuomainen | stuomainen@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Cindy | Turner | cturner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Catherine | Turner | ceturner@peralta.edu | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Joel | Tuttle | jtuttle@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Staci | Tye | stye@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Benea | Tyson | btyson@peralta.edu | Staff Asst/EOPS | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
U – Z
Lorenzo | Ubungen | lubungen@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Akemi | Uchima-Decena | auchima-decena@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Rebecca | Uhlman | ruhlman@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Rebecca | Uhlman | ruhlman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Stefanie | Ulrey | sulrey@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Stefanie | Ulrey | sulrey@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Art and Letters |
Nnenna | Umelloh | numelloh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Denise | Urdang | durdang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Austin | Uwakwe | auwakwe@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Michael | Valdez | mvaldez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Anna | Valdez | annavaldez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Juan | Valdez | jvaldez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Javier | Valencia | jvalencia@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Javier | Valencia | jvalencia@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Maria | Valencia | mvalencia@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Clerk | Merritt College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Lisa | Valkenier | lvalkenier@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Division Dean I |
Pedro | Valladares | pvalladares@peralta.edu | Groundsworker-Gardener | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Avy | Valladares | lvalladares@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Sergio | Valle | svalle@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Alvaro | Valle | avalle@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Charles | Van Meurs | CVMEURS@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Glenn | Van Straatum | gvstraatum@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
John | VanArsdale | jvanarsdale@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Belinda | VanBuhler | bvanbuhler@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst IV/DSPS | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Luvy | Vanegas-Grimaud | lvanegas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Lawrence | VanHook | lvanhook@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Rachel | Varaiya | rvaraiya@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Marilyn | Varnado | mvarnado@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Tina | Vasconcellos | tvasconcellos@peralta.edu | Assoc Vice Chanc Ed Services | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Ilianna | Vasquez | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications | |
Anna | Vaughan | anvaughan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Sandra | Vaughn | svaughn@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Ramaundo | Vaughn | rvaughn@peralta.edu | Instructor/Head Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Cecilia | Vazquez | cvazquez@peralta.edu | Television Production Technici | District Office | Marketing/PCTV |
Liliana | Velazquez | lvelazquez@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Prasanna | Vengadam | pvengadam@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Camille | Verbera | CVERBERA@peralta.edu | Coord/Learning Resource Center | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Holly | Vezina | hvezina@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Salvador | Victoria | svictoria@peralta.edu | Counselor | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Salvador | Victoria | svictoria@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Charlotte | Victorian | cvictorian@peralta.edu | Coord/Learning Resource Center | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Jeremiah | Vierra | jvierra@peralta.edu | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Dave | Vigo | davevigo@peralta.edu | Budget Director | District Office | Financial Services-Budget |
Jeadi | Vilchis | jvilchis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Leticia | Vilchis-Lent | lvilchislent@peralta.edu | Accounting Technician | Laney College | Business Office |
Izzie | Villanueva | Coordinator/EnrollmentServices | Berkeley City College | Campus Life | |
Marisa | Villegas | mvillegas@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Anthony | VillegasJr. | avillegas@peralta.edu | Instructor | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Pablo | Villicana | pvillicana@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Vivian | VirkkilaFelsch | vvirkkila@peralta.edu | Counselor | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Vivian | VirkkilaFelsch | vvirkkila@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services-VP |
Tam | Vo | tvo@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Technicia | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Counsl and Std Eq |
Jackie | Vo | lvo@peralta.edu | Financial Aid Officer | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Peter | Vorachit | pvorachit@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst IV/DSPS | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Gregory | Vose | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Chloe | Vreeland | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling | |
Loc | Vu | lvu@peralta.edu | CalWorks Counselor/Full-time | District Office | Institutional Dev and Research |
Marta | Vuckovic | mvuckovic@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Elizabeth | Wadell | ewadell@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Elizabeth | Wadell | ewadell@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Jorge | Wahner II | jwahner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Indika | Walimuni | iwalimuni@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Anthony | Walker | awalker@peralta.edu | Head Custodian | Merritt College | Business Office |
Hillary | Walker | hwalker@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Elaine | Wallace | ewallace@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Elaine | Wallace | ewallace@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Patrick | Wallace | PATRICKWALLACE@peralta.edu | Librarian, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Patrick | Wallace | patrickwallace@peralta.edu | Librarian, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Patrick | Wallace | PATRICKWALLACE@peralta.edu | Principal Library Tech | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Patrick | Wallace | patrickwallace@peralta.edu | Principal Library Tech | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Kehjih | Wang | kdwang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Yufong | Wang | ywang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Lin | Wang | lwang@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Lin | Wang | lwang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Sophia | Wang | yipingwang@peralta.edu | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Laney College | Language Art |
Sophia | Wang | yipingwang@peralta.edu | Librarian | Laney College | Language Art |
Raquel | Wanzo | rwanzo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Benjamin | Wanzo | bwanzo@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Robin | Ward | rward@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Kevin | Ward | kward@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Fan | Warren | fwarren@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Diana | Wash | DWASH@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Randle | Wasson | rwasson@peralta.edu | Sr Library Technician | Laney College | Language Art |
Kenn | Waters | kwaters@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Antonio | Watkins | awatkins@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Antonio | Watkins | awatkins@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Verlisa | Watson | vwatson@peralta.edu | Clerical Assistant II | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Terry | Watson | twatson@peralta.edu | Help Desk Spt Tech I (Trainee) | District Office | Information Technology(DP) |
Caitlin | Watt | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology | |
Lisa | Webb | lisawebb@peralta.edu | Dean of Counseling | Merritt College | Dean of Counselling |
Jeremy | Weed | JWEED@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Christopher | Weidenbach | cweidenbach@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Christopher | Weidenbach | cweidenbach@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Eric | Weidner | eweidner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Allie | Weill | aweill@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Shari | Weiss | sweiss@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
David | Weiss | dweiss@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Cynthia | Weiss | cweiss@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Patti | Weissman | pweissman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Anna | Werner | awerner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Lynn | Wethers-Coles | lwethers@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Constanze | Weyhenmeyer | cweyhenmeyer@peralta.edu | Coordinator/Biology & Science | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Constanze | Weyhenmeyer | cweyhenmeyer@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Kelly | Whalen | Extra Service, FT Faculty | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 | |
Kelly | Whalen | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 | |
Donald | White | dwhite@peralta.edu | Coach, Part Time | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Jennifer | White | jwhite@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Danielle | Widemann | dwidemann@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Barbara | Widhalm | bwidhalm@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Maija | Wigoda-Mikkila | MWMIKKILA@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Devan | Wiitala | dwiitala@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Curley | Wikkeling-Miller | cwikkeling@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Asha | Wilkerson | awilkerson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Broderick | Wilks | BWILKS@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Christine | Will | cwill@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Christine | Will | cwill@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Teresa | Williams | twilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Teresa | Williams | twilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Chandra | Williams | chwillia@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Lynne | Williams | lwilliams@peralta.edu | Coordinator/EOPS/CARE | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Andrea | Williams | amwilliams@peralta.edu | Coord/Career & Transfer Center | Berkeley City College | Student Services-VP |
Shane | Williams | shanewilliams@peralta.edu | Web Content Developer | College of Alameda | President's Office |
Angelita | Williams | angelitawilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Johnnie | Williams | jwilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Johnnie | Williams | jwilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Gerald | Williams | gwilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Michelle | Williams | mwilliams19@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Adoria | Williams | arwilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Adoria | Williams | arwilliams@peralta.edu | Librarian | Merritt College | Instructional-VP |
Erica | Williams | ewilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Erica | Williams | ewilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Jermetrius | Williams | wjermetrius@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Mona | Williams | monawilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Joseph | Williams | josephwilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Calvin | Williams III | calvinwilliams@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
Marla | Williams-Powell | mwpowell@peralta.edu | Director of Purchasing Svcs | District Office | Purchasing Division |
Katherine | Williamson | kwilliamson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Katherine | Williamson | kwilliamson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Linnea | Willis | lwillis@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Linnea | Willis | lwillis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Lori | Willis | llwillis@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Ronnie | Wilson | rwilson@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst./Culinary A | Laney College | Food Service Department |
Bany | Wilson | bsilva@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Erica | Wilson | ericawilson@peralta.edu | Asst Coach | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Kwesi | Wilson | kwilson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Felipe | Wilson | felipewilson@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Felipe | Wilson | felipewilson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Nicole | Wilson | nwilson@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Stewart | Winchester | swinchester@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Garfield | Windross | gwindross@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Gabriel | Winer | gwiner@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Gabriel | Winer | gwiner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Rick | Wing | rwing@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Rick | Wing | rwing@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Birdie | Winrow | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences | |
Paul | Winsberg | pwinsberg@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Melina | Winterton | mwinterton@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Nicole | Wise | nwise@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Matthew | Witemyre | mwitemyre@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Kathleen | Witt | kwitt@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Alejandro | Wolbert | wwolbert@peralta.edu | Faculty Diversity Officer | District Office | Academic Affairs Ed Svcs |
Alejandro | Wolbert | wwolbert@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Alejandro | Wolbert | wwolbert@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Mengistu | Woldu | mwoldu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Kathryn | Wolff | kwolff@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Rebecca | Wolff | rwolff@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Alexander | Wolpe | awolpe@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Matthew | Wolpe | mwolpe@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Matthew | Wolpe | mwolpe@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Laura | Woltag | lawoltag@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Judy | Wong | jwong@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Judy | Wong | jwong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Michael | Wong | mwong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Sidney | Wong | sswong@peralta.edu | DSPS Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Moria | Wong | MORIAWONG@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst/Mathematics | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Samantha | Wong | samanthawong@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Lianna | Wong | LIANNAWONG@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Lianna | Wong | liannawong@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Samera | Woodford | swoodford@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Allied Health Public Safety |
Donald | Woodrow | dwoodrow@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Denise | Woodward | dwoodward@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Charis | Woodward | cwoodward@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Margaret | Wooliever | mwooliever@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Alan | Woontner | awoontner@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Sonya | Wozniak | swozniak@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Sonya | Wozniak | swozniak@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Wanda | Wright | wwright@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst IV/DSPS | College of Alameda | Student Services - EOPS |
Michael | Wright | mwright@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Michael | Wright | mwright@peralta.edu | Principal Library Tech | Laney College | Language Art |
Connie | Wu | cwu@peralta.edu | Admissions & Records Technicia | College of Alameda | Student Services Division |
Min | Wu | mwu@peralta.edu | Sr. Academic Support Serv Spec | College of Alameda | Instructional-VP |
Bangjun | Wu | bwu@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Language Art |
Bangjun | Wu | bwu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Christopher | Wu | christopherwu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Mitchel | Wu | mitchelwu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Timothy | Wutke | twutke@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Albert | Yamanoha | ayamanoha@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Bao | Yang | byang@peralta.edu | Research Data Specialist | District Office | Institutional Dev and Research |
Randy | Yang | kryang@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Randy | Yang | kryang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Christina | Yanuaria | cyanuaria@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Jenny | Yap | jyap@peralta.edu | Librarian | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Jenny | Yap | jyap@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Guy | Yardeni | gyardeni@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Bijan | Yashar | byashar@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Barbara | Yasue | byasue@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Barbara | Yasue | byasue@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Susan | Yee | syee@peralta.edu | Counselor | Laney College | Education Success |
Susan | Yee | syee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
John | Yee | jyee@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Jordan | Yee | jgyee@peralta.edu | Librarian/Hourly | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Erika | Yeh | eyeh@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Erika | Yeh | eyeh@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Marissa | Yenpasook | myenpasook@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Student Services-VP |
Bendi | Yilmaz | byilmaz@peralta.edu | Instructional Asst III/DSPS | Berkeley City College | BCC Dean of Enrollment Servics |
Haengku | Yoon | hyoon@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Atlas |
James | Young | jyoung@peralta.edu | Food Services Worker | Laney College | Food Service Department |
Yolanda | Young | yyoung@peralta.edu | Bursar | College of Alameda | Business Office |
Chelsey | Young | CYOUNG@peralta.edu | Assessment Specialist (CAT/Gr) | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Zoe | Young | zyoung@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Barry | Yu | byu@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Annie | Yu | ANNIEYU@peralta.edu | International Student Support | District Office | International Educ. Program |
Jennifer | Yu | jenniferyu@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
SuQiong | Yu | syu@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Christina | Yun | Instructor, Part-Time | Laney College | Communications | |
Sulekha | Yussuf | syussuf@peralta.edu | District Student Support Servi | District Office | Admissions and Records |
Maricela | Zambrano | mzambrano@peralta.edu | EOPS Counselor | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Maricela | Zambrano | mzambrano@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Student Services-EOPS and DSPS |
Miriam | Zamora-Kantor | mzamorakantor@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Miriam | Zamora-Kantor | mzamorakantor@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Francisco | Zapata | fzapata@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Intercollegiate Athletics |
Francisco | Zapata | fzapata@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Student Services-VP |
Kevin | Zaragoza | kzaragoza@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | College of Alameda | Applied Arts |
Brian | Zaugg | bzaugg@peralta.edu | Instructor/Substitute | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Dante | Zedd | dzedd@peralta.edu | Head Custodian | District Office | Facilities Operations Dept |
Noemi | Zeigler | nzeigler@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Communications |
Anthony | Zelaya Umanzor | AZUMANZOR@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Anthony | Zelaya Umanzor | azumanzor@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Laney College | Student Services-Matriculation |
Vida | Zendehnam | vzendehnam@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Moe | Zendehnam | mzendehnam@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jennifer | Zenovich | jzenovich@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Joe | Zermeno | jzermeno@peralta.edu | Instructor | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Joe | Zermeno | jzermeno@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Bernadette | Zermeno | BZERMENO@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Steven | Zetlan | szetlan@peralta.edu | Instructor | Laney College | Communications |
Steven | Zetlan | szetlan@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Chunfang | Zhang | czhang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
LiFan | Zhang | lzhang@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Mei Chan | Zhao | Child Care Assistant II | District Office | Child Care | |
Qiman | Zheng | Financial Aids & Placemt Asst | College of Alameda | Student Services Division | |
Dmitriy | Zhiv | dzhiv@peralta.edu | Instructor | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Dmitriy | Zhiv | dzhiv@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Wenwen | Zhou | wzhou@peralta.edu | Staff Assistant/Instruction | Laney College | Applied Tech |
Yue Ying | Zhu | yzhu@peralta.edu | Intern (Instructor) | College of Alameda | STEM Division |
Xiaoyan | Zhu | Child Care Assistant II | Laney College | Child Care | |
Marta | Zielke | mzielke@peralta.edu | Counselor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |
Georgie | Ziff | gziff@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Lauren | Zimmerman | lzimmerman@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Language Art |
Amy | Zink | azink@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean 2 |
Laura | Zink | lzink@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Instructional Services-VP |
Raya | Zion | rzion@peralta.edu | Project Manager | Laney College | Vocational Technology |
Christian | Ziruk Medina Pina | Instructor/Temporary | Laney College | Vocational Technology | |
David | Zuckermann | dzuckermann@peralta.edu | Instructor, Part-Time | Merritt College | Math, Science, and Technology |
Jeremias | Zunguze | jzunguze@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Berkeley City College | Division Dean I |
Julieta | Zuniga | jzuniga@peralta.edu | Instructor/Temporary | Merritt College | Liberal Arts Social Sciences |