construction work

Notice to Construction Contractors

The Peralta Community College District (“District”) adopted the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA.) This applies to public works projects that result in contracts awarded from $60,000 to $200,000. Projects estimated to be within the lower and upper value will be informally bid and qualified contractors from this list will be notified by email for an invitation to submit. Reference to the Act can be found here: Law section (

Public works projects estimated up to $60,000 may be performed either by the District’s employees (force account) or by negotiating a contract that is secured by a purchase order for payment.

Public works projects estimated at and over $200,000 require the District to use its formal bidding process.

How do I Become a CUPCCAA Vendor?

As of September 1, 2024, the Peralta Community College District has implemented a new qualification process for potential bidders on construction and construction-related projects, for both CUPCCAA and projects estimated over $200,000.  Upon submission of a bid on a District project, the District will evaluate the fitness of a bidder’s firm based on the documentation provided with their bid.  

For questions, email