Vendors must be registered to do business with the District and to be notified of and view the District’s solicitations. (RFP/RFQ/IFB).To become a registered vendor, please visit Peralta's Supplier Portal and follow the guidelines on the SOP linked below. There is no fee to become a vendor.

Vendor FAQs

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What are the required documents for a PCCD vendor number?
A Vendor Application and a W-9. Without either of these documents completed, signed, and dated, a vendor number cannot be processed.
Do I have to fill out every section of the Vendor Application?

Yes, except Section 10 which is obsolete and will be removed on the next updated Vendor Application. Therefore, every section must have all questions answered.

Do I have to sign both documents?

Yes, with either a handheld pen or a stamped Adobe Sign signature of a “wet signature” which is an ink pen signature. Digital signatures are NOT accepted.

If the W-9 form is used on the web page, how can it be forwarded to the Purchasing Department?

The W-9 form can be completed on the Purchasing web page; however, you must download the completed W-9 form and forward it to

How long does it take to receive a vendor number?

Usually, two to three business days.

If I have any questions regarding either document, who can assist with answers?

You can email or call 510-466-7225 for assistance.

If I do not want my documents sent electronically, how may I send them for a vendor number?

You can mail them to: Peralta Community College District, Purchasing Department, Attention:  Purchasing, 333 East Eighth Street, Oakland, CA 94606, or fax them to 510-587-7873. 

I am a sole proprietor and I do not carry workers’ compensation insurance. Is this acceptable?

Yes, general partners or proprietors are not required to purchase workers’ compensation.  Submit a letter stating that you are the owner of the business or a general partner and exempt from the Labor Code’s Workers’ Compensation requirement.