The Retirement Board was established on April 13, 2011. It is charged with the discretion, responsibility, and authority to oversee the management of the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust (“Trust”). Peralta Community College District’s objectives in establishing a Trust for the pre-funding of its OPEB liabilities are to comply with the requirements of GASB 75 and to create a retirement system that complies with the California Constitution and Government Code provisions. Specifically, the Retirement Board determines the investment policy and strategy for the Trust and is empowered to inquire and resolve any matter it considers appropriate to carry out its responsibilities.
Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 75 (GASB 75) is an accounting and financial reporting provision that requires government agencies to measure and quantify the liabilities associated with Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) and report these liabilities on the entities’ financial statements. OPEB expenditures and liabilities include post-retirement health and welfare benefits (medical, pharmacy, dental, and vision) that are not associated with typical pension plans.
GASB 75 was enacted by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board in 2004 because of concern surrounding the undocumented magnitude of government employer obligations for post-employment benefits negotiated within employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements.
The requirements under GASB 75 are as follows:
- Provide within the District’s financial statements a description of OPEB benefits provided, eligibility requirements, and the number of employees and retirees covered within the plan
- Provide an Actuarial Accrued Liability (AAL) as determined by a licensed actuarial firm based upon the benefits provided. An actuarial study is required no less than once every two years
- Report as an expense the annual liability incurred and, in addition, the cumulative unfunded liability of the actuarial accrued liability on the District’s balance sheet
Retirement Board
The Retirement Board was established on April 13, 2011. It is charged with the discretion, responsibility, and authority to oversee the management of the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust (“Trust”). Peralta Community College District’s objectives in establishing a Trust for the pre-funding of its OPEB liabilities are to comply with the requirements of GASB 75 and to create a retirement system that complies with the California Constitution and Government Code provisions. Specifically, the Retirement Board determines the investment policy and strategy for the Trust and is empowered to inquire and resolve any matter it considers appropriate to carry out its responsibilities.
There are five members of the Retirement Board who are appointed by Peralta’s Board of Trustees based solely on their title and/or classification. In addition, there are six advisory members. Three of the six advisory members are comprised of current retirees representing the entire retirement community. The remaining three advisory members are comprised of representatives from each of the three bargaining units within the Peralta Community College District. At present, the bargaining units include Local 39, Local 1021, and the Peralta Federation of Teachers.
The Retirement Board meets quarterly on the Thursday following the first Board of Trustees meeting of the month. Meetings will be held at the District Administrative Center Board Room located at 333 East 8th Street, Oakland, CA 94606.
Retirement Board Members
Names | Role |
Bill Withrow | Board Member – Chair |
Dr. William “Bill” Riley | Board Member |
Attorney Meredith Brown | Board Member |
Greg Nelson | Board Member |
Dr. Ronald McKinley | Board Member |
Advisory Members
Names | Role |
Timothy Hackett | PFT Representative |
Vacant (Accepting Membership) | Local 1021 Representative |
Vacant (Accepting Membership) | Local 39 Representative |
Jerry Herman | PRO Representative |
Michael Mills | PRO Representative |
Michael Wirth | PRO Representative |
Retirement Board Bylaws (2020 updates in progress)