In addition to completing the Pre-Travel Study Abroad Information Form, students will need to read, sign and submit the following documents to studyabroad@peralta.edu in order to be accepted to the program:
- Payment/Refund Terms and Conditions
- Assumption of Risks
- Waiver and Release Agreement
- Standards of Student Conduct
- Apply to the college and obtain a Student ID (if you do not have one already)
- Submit a completed and signed Add Card (It is okay to leave the course code blank if you do not know it)
- Submit a copy of your passport (Or ID if you do not have one)
Prior to departure, each student will need to also:
- Apply for a Passport (if you do not have one already) or Renew Passport (if not valid for at least 6 months from time of travel)
- Make program payments by deadlines
- Register and Pay for courses in Student Center
- Attend mandatory pre-departure orientations (Dates TBD)
- Register with the US Department of Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
- Obtain proper immunizations as listed on the CDC website and check with your physician